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Hollyoaks: Discussion Thread

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Reading some stuff on DS about Hollyoaks Later. Some are saying that Jaq Croft, who played Carrie Owen, will be an extra. I guess that's my punishment for knocking points off her in the HO game over and over. I could never stand her, the actress just seemed bad and the character was insufferable, only there to disapprove and wring her hands. I guess she's not coming back as the character though.

It also looks like they might be

I don't know if this is in Later but I also read that

Edited by CarlD2
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Supposedly this story would have originally gone to Michaela.

This is a combination of stories in Indecent Behavior -- Beth Morgan was raped by a footballer. Another woman, Geri, to try to show her footballer boyfriend she was in control, had sex with him and with one of his friends. Then another man came in after they left her alone and that man tried to rape her, but she got away.

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I have little faith in the show to figure out what to do with him but I think if they go back to what he was early on he might work. He had a lot of charisma and sexual energy in that first year, before they put him with Louise, before the siblings showed up, and the life was drained out of him and they started wanting us to pity him. I wonder if they are doing with him what they did with Scott Anderson years ago -- I've never seen any of that but read about it.

Given the chemistry he had with Justin, if Marquess is that desperate for stories I would bring Justin back too and have some sort of psycho and sexual quad between Justin/Brendan/Ste/Warren.

Clare works as a character if they get the camp right, which Lucy Allan did a terrible job with.

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No i totally agree its a ratings stunt. There is so much PM can do with the character. There are still characters on the show that hold a grudge on Warren including The McQueens. Maybe he can be Sinead`s secret older boyfriend. If Sasha was still on the show , Warren could use her to get The Loft back.

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