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Hollyoaks: Discussion Thread


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OMG, this week was GREAT! Thursday and Friday's episodes are can't miss. Niall is a really sick bastard, but I couldn't help but feel sorry for him when he was in the church with all the McQueen's telling them about how lonely his childhood was and how he didn't feel anything growing up and how being left in the church as a baby scarred him for life.

And it ties nicely into the Jack storyline, as Jack was responsible for sending Niall's father to jail, where he later died. It was nice that Jack risked prison by exposing his identity in public in order to save the McQueen's.

The bomb explosion was very well-done as well. It created lots climaxes and revelations. Mercedes finally admitted to Jacqui that she has a one night stand with Tony a year ago, and John Paul's being held captive was a surprise.

Then there's Tina dying in Dominic's arms and telling him to tell her baby when he grows up that she loved him. :(

I like how Tina and Dom resolved some things in that moment...

And then there's the Friday cliffhanger where it looks like Niall survived when we see his reflection at the end. I have a feeling there's lots more to come from this story. :)

Oh and, when Niall told Myra to choose which children to kill, it had to hurt that she technically chose Jacqui and Carmel, even if she was under pressure. That's sure to create more tension.

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Niall asked Myra 6 questions (the number of children she has, exclusing himself). She answered 4 wrong. For every question she got wrong, one of the McQueen children would die.

John Paul and Mercedes volunteered to go first.

Niall then forced Myra to pick two others, and she picked Jacqui and Carmel.

I guess she didn't pick Michaela because she's the youngest one and didn't pick Tina because she's a new mother.

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OMG!!! Thursday's and Friday's episodes were the best!!!

But let start back with last Friday's episode when it was revealed Niall took the girls, and those notes were fake! :o Shocker #1

When Niall had all the McQueen women hostage, I kept on thinking, "It would've been perfect if he got John Paul too." And then Niall brings him in!! :o Shocker #2

Myra actually choosing Jacqui and Carmel! :o Shocker #3

Niall blowing up the church!!!! :o Shocker #4 Man that blast was spectacular!

Tina is dead????!!!! :o Shocker #5 When she died in Dom's arms and Dom carrying her out out church, and then Myra saying, "we all made it .....we all made it," those scenes were so good and sad!!! :(

I love the McQueen family. I didn't want anyone to die. :( But I'm glad Jacqui didn't die. She's my favorite McQueen sister. I loved her acting like the older sister, being the tough one, threatning Niall. And then not helping her own mom - awesomeness. Jacqui :wub:

Niall's not dead! :o Shocker #6 That was an awesome ending with his reflection.

I loved the the scenes when Niall and Myra when Myra was stuck. Barry Sloane is such a phenomenal actor. He was so good in Thurs/Fri's eps.

Man, what a week!!! I hope HO gets a bunch of awards, or at least nominations, for these two episodes.

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Did anyone find some things unintentionally funny (or maybe the writers wanted us to laugh in some serious moments).

Like when Tony and Dom were trying to get into the church and couldn't and Dom says, "Oh God, Please let us in!" His delivery made me laugh. :lol:

And then when John Paul, Myra, and Niall were trapped together, and John Paul only wanted to save Myra, but she insisted he save Niall as well. John Paul tells Myra, "But he killed Kieron!" Myra then tells John Paul, "And he'll go to prison for that!" A few seconds after saying how she doesn't want one of her sons killing the other mind you and her delivery also made me laugh. :lol:

Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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Barry Sloane is leaving too? Damn! :(

I guess I'll have to hope for his return someday, like Gemma Bissix.

Who's going to be the baddie now?

So they took six days to shoot Thurs and Friday's eps? That's pretty interesting. Hollyoaks' shooting style is like film right? And that's why they have like the same director for 5 straight episodes.

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I believe he's supposed to be in the limited late night spin-off. I think that spin-off takes place in another universe though, kind of like what Night Shift Season One was to GH. I'm not sure though.

Everything lately has me wondering if they're planning Clare's return. She's the only one besides Louise and Calvin that knows Warren killed Sean (Louise's ex-husband). She also has a lot to settle with Warren and Justin, and she could still kill Tom if she wants. LOL!

Also, Hollyoaks tends to introduce their villians in the final months of the year. Clare left in September 2007, and Niall popped up not long after that.

Yes, they shoot like film, but they shoot their stuff like 2-3 months in advance before it airs.

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When is that airing again?

I hope she returns. Like you mentioned, Clare can mix it up with a lot of people.

What about their writing. I notice that they have like 20 script writers - each writer writing about 1 episode a month. What's the writing team structure like?

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Somewhere next month, I'll post exact dates when I know exactly when.

The producers and storliners generally come up with the storylines, the characters they want used, and what characters they want introduced. The producer, Bryan Kirkwood in Hollyoaks case (sigh, he'll be missed), comes up with storylines with his storyliners, and they plot them, and come up with something resembling an outline (very different from breakdowns from US soaps). Anyway, the scriptwriters meet with the producers and storyliners and they have to execute the outline they have. The scriptwriters write everything from the dialogue to the scenes themselves. UK soaps are more of a collaborative process as well. Anyone can pitch a story idea, the scriptwriters are always welcomed to contribute. There's no "Head Writer," it's more of a group effort.

There's a script editor as well, who checks for errors in continuity and all the usual stuff script editors do.

Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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