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GH: Week of June, 30th

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I agree. I have not once "bought" the Jason & Carly friendship with Laura in the role. I have not once "bought" the Bobbie/Carly relationship with Laura in the role. And I certainly have not once "bought" the Sonny & Carly unbreakable bond with Laura in the role. Worst of all, I don't think she's ever had a shining moment with Dylan Cash. And that's pretty central to the Carly character.

Laura's Carly reminds me of a female bully, nothing more. And there's no underlying reason for the outside front. No hurt woman deep down. Even with this "cheating" SL. I don't even feel bad for Carly that Jax kissed Kate. And it has nothing to do with Carson limo sex. Carly's just not a likeable character from Laura's portrayal and I can't even see her pain at all. She's flat.

I will say this, I was a Carly fan even through JB. Can't deal with Laura Wright.

<3 ya too, Noel!

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I disagree. I think the ONE time they gave LW something to play and really get into with some heart was the scens around mciahel shooting, not the scenes where craly was a craself selfish uber bitch, but the scenes whee she found out, was by his bedside, and when she brought him home and i think she did amazing.

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I actually do think Lulu is a very rootable character that people can still care about. I think that she is very likeable and she is one of the characters that has huge potential especially since she has a major tie to the show. Leslie Lu Spencer has more potential and the ability to become a huge show favorite. She isn't a bad character at all. Her storyline with Dillon/Georgie/Deigo, the abortion, her love story with Logan and her love story with Johnny are easily great storylines for her character. The only thing that really harms Lulu is Bergman's horriable portrayal of her character. She makes the most annoying and aggrevating acting choices and a LARGE part of that has to due with her mentor/shadowing/emulating/fangurl crush with Laura Wrights HORRID rendition of Carly.


She doesn't know AT ALL how to portray the emotive levels of Carly. I won't say she is a bad actress because I totally buy the character that she puts forth on our screens. I will say she is HORRIABLE at layering, varying, emoting and diversifying her performances. It's really all the same. She makes the most hateful, aggrevating, condescending and just plain wrong acting choices ALL OF THE TIME. I don't even see Laura Wright's Carly as a version of Carly. She doesn't work well at all with her co-stars. She isn't believable as a wife, a friend, a daughter, a mother or in the domestic setting. She isn't believable as a professional business associate. When I see Laura I don't see a cheerleader. I invision this huge she-beast in the form of a praying mantis about to rip her opposite co-star's head off. She transcends bitch mode for me and has created a new-level of female anger. She is so much more then a bully she is a beast.

In order for people to like Carly people need to remember she is human in order to connect with her problems, her trials, her horrors and her plights. All of the other three were able to connect that theme to Carly.

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I do think Lulu *could* be a very rootable char, however for that they need to exit her from mob proping bitch and give her her spunk, fire, and spencer back. The storyline with D/G/D and the abortion were by far two of the better storylines GH has done in a decade. The start of the Logan romance was good however then they went at warp speed, brought Johnny on, made lulu annoying and a twit, then JMB lost direction or something and her aqcting sufferd, then she just stopped acting and read lines. For me the mix of writing/acting/char all need to mesh well, and in this case all three are more than lacking.

I still dont see how people can blame LW because JMB is a lazy actress who doesnt do her job correctly.

I actually do not even so much mind the writing for Lulu, because i can simi understand where she is coming from and the choices she makes. However JMB doesnt sell it, so i cant buy it. Lulu says she loves johnny, but i dont see it.

My thing is Carly has NO layers, no depth, nothing real and human inside of her anymore. She hasnt since the Carly/Lorenzo romance the first time around.

Carly hasnt been Carly since she died when SBr left. The char has chnaged many time, with each actress. Comparing the four carlys - the hurt girl out fpor revenge SBr played. The emotionally broken hurt woman trying to deal with her life TB had. Even the crazed losing it lonn JB played - give LW some of that and i do think she will shine because in the past they had. Right when she came opn she was fantastic, The Jax romance was great, the scenes around michel where he was shot where LW got to actually play emotion and had layers and was complex she was fantastic.

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Not at all, its the writers.

Actors can only do so much. They cant take pure crap and sell it as greatness. Not even the best can do it.

I am in now ay saying LW is an amazing epic actress who is the ebst to hit soaps ever, however i do love her. i do think shes awesome, and i do think she does the ebst she can with whats given - and that does say a lot more than over half the cast on that show.

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I actually think her storyline with Johnny is the best thing that has happended to her charater in a while, perhaps since her abortion. Especially since Logan was so abusive towards her. Johnny is probably the best boyfriend she has ever had considering. However I do like that they had Lulu question, fight and stress over becoming involved with him because it was a nice nod to her history.

That's the difference a good actress can sell various degree's of emotions in their character. Sarah Brown even shows that there is a vulnerable, hurt and lovable side to Claudia. We see that she is as tough as nails but when it comes to Johnny she is desperate to keep him safe. Sarah can act and show multiple sides of her character at once. Laura Wright can only do shrill and angry that doesn't have much varation.

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See I have to agree with this because I did not like Lulu until Johnny came into the picture. I think she is a great character and currently my favorite female character on the show. I am able to see the not so good versus the bad in the character. I think he was the best thing to happen to the character in a very long time. I like that she is scared to love because of her parents but she is willing to take a risk. I say is only going to get better with the Logan murder, mental state as well as Johnny doing everything possable to protect her from anything or anyone hurting her. Its going to be Jolu versus the Zaccharas which will be interesting and well everyone else.

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Laura Wright is an actress in desperate need some guidance from a strong director. I don't think the writing on GH does her any kind of favors. More often than not, I find Carly to be unbearable but during the Michael ordeal(especially the beginning), Wright was knocking her scenes out of the park. I think she can be good but more than not, she's let down by EVERYBODY around her. I mean, let's be honest, the Steve Burton and Maurice Benard that were acting during Sarah Brown's run are gone. Dead. Benard is the worst actor on GH right now because it's so obvious that he's clocked out. Almost the same with Burton. It also does her no service that she is continually in scenes with Sonny and Jason as if Carly has no other purpose in life but to antagonize them. So instead of actors that Wright can aspire too or bounce off, she's running around like a banshee. Both Wright and Berman need strong actors to feed from. Besides the Divine Kirsten Storms and Sarah Brown, there aren't many on GH.

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I think the material for her has most definetly improved. There are several things that I dislike about the character of Leslie Lu but that is mostly due to Bergmans' aggressive acting choices. I dislike her attitude towards Claudia and Logan but that is because Lulu is so smug and insufferable around them, she holds no respect and she has no signs of reservation, understanding or sympathy. She is so smug all of the time. It works when she is up against a co-rival such as Maxie or when she is trying to help Johnny see that his sister is destructive, it goes over well with her peers and her family but her disrespectful attitude does bother me when she is in the Z centeric storylines. Toning done that condscending bitchy quality would do a world of good and making her a little softer would win me over more. LL has no reason to be so shriekish and aggressive. Her material is great. The parrellism between her mother/father and herself/Johnny is a great nod to history and maps out her motivations, reasonings, fears and thought about her relationships. (Even though it wasn't the adventure that caused Laura to become catatonic it was the belief that she killed her step father, not the fact that she couldn't handle the pressure). We will see how they handle the Logan storyline.

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