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GH: Week of June, 30th

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This whole Logan thing makes me think more and more he was suppose to be the TMK but it was changed during the strike. I know he has always had a hard time with this break up, but never been this extreme or showed tendencies towards Maxie or Lulu about it. Had this been going on during the TMK stuff, I think it would have made more sense.

Although I was finding myself yelling at Lulu to call the police while she watched all of it.

I think Dr. Hunter has something to do with this whole fake drug storyline. I don't think he is the one providing them to the hospital. I have to wonder if we find out he is working undercover to finding out how the drugs are getting there. He seems to know a lot about the fake drug market and the conversation on the docks with Logan seemed so random. We have never heard Logan working with others to provide fake drugs so to all of a sudden have him offering make a deal with Dr. Hunter. Just a thought.

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You know what nothing I had such a smart ass remark for you but going to let it go what i meant is people freeze because they dont know what to do period, theyt blank out forget the next step, you know stuff like that. It happens to the best of us I hate to say, sorry that it is happening to your girl Maxie but I have to wander if it was Lulu getting attacked and Maxie froze would you be this bent out of shape, probably not because Lulu is the devil in your mind and Maxie can do no wrong.

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Hince my point she froze and looked at the window to see what was truely going on but like I said we dont know what she will do come Monday but it would not matter if Lulu had run to the phone people would still find something wrong that Lulu did.

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Lulu is going to get hate just because of her immense airtime. So of course everyone is going to dissect her actions and make judgements about what she should have done. I have not been happy with Bergman's performance on Thursday. She just sounds so shrill and condesending ALL of the time. She doesn't even try to through variation into the role and it breaks my heart because you just KNOW that Laura Wright is influencing her now. I really thought that Logan was going to rape Maxie, was that his intention? did he go there to kill her or rape her? I am really at a loss. I will say that Josh did a good job with his performance I really felt that he did a great job with his smug look to Maxie when he cornered her. Strangely I think he exuded more sexual chemistry with Maxie in that scene then he ever did with Lulu.

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If lulu was an intersting, complex, layerd char and JMB still actually actes instead of reading lines instead of lulu being aq hypocritical smug annoying little bitch i would *love* if lulu was on all the time. Thats why she egts hat. She is a HORRID char who people now HATE instead of loving like they did once upon a time.

I hate that people blame Laura Wright because JMB doesnt care to do her job anymore.

IDK if he was going to rape her, kill her, or just scare her.

JD & KS have mega sexual chem. When LoMax had sex it was so hot, esp with the ice cube.

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IMO Laura Wright AND JMB both don't do their jobs. They're over the top screaming banshees with no vulnerabilty for their characters whatsoever. Just self-righteousness.

Kill Claudia and bring SBr back as Carly!

ITA about LoMax. I even joined their message board I thought they were so hot. LOL.

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To me, it was vulnerability that made me love Carly as a character. Sarah and Tams gave that to me, Laura on the other hand, plays a character I just hate and laugh whenever something truly bad happens to her. Laura just doesn't know how to portray the nuances of the Carly character very effectively.

At her core, Carly is a very vulnerable character, that's why she always makes these stupid mistakes. However, when I see Laura Wright act, I see nothing but the popular cheerleader in high school who wants everyone to feel sorry for her and for everyone to be her bitch.

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IMO, I don't think it's the case of the writing (though it certainly doesn't help her). I watched Laura Wright for years on GL, and she was just as annoyingly screechy as good girl Cassie. In fact, she was even over the top in that boring and mundane role. She just has a tendency to make these bizarre and bad acting choices.

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