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ATWT week of June 23

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I had trouble warming up to Austin to. I finally did when he became Carly's confidant during the lesion story, but his slow and somewhat predictable slide to jerkdom while enamored with Katie has killed it for me again.

LOL...I was thinking, that Janet is just the kind of woman Holden could truly use in his life. I think we all know Carly is way too much woman (and schemer) for Holden to handle. She's unconventional enough to be "fun" without the ton of baggage Carly has. And probably most importantly for any Snyder, she's been with one of them. Sort of like a family seal of approval. Besides, I have this nagging feeling TIIC will make Beck the scapegoat for this lousy story and dump her and Lily at their earliest convenience.

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Yeah, I think I can see Holden and Janet together. At least for a while. but ultimately Holden has become such a boring character, it's hard for me to root for him. Maybe Janet can just torture him for awhile. It seems like after a year or two of Janet, any of Lily's wrongdoings will pale in comparison. I don't want Holden off the show, but I would be fine if he spent some time on the back burner after this story with Carly.

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ITA...I think this story is a desperate attempt to revitalize Holden. A similar strategy worked for Hal when they hooked him up with Carly years ago. But they've made Holden into such a pig, that any finality with Lilden (if that's TIIC's endgame) is completely overshadowed by his complete callousness and hypocrisy. Three months ago, I was completely on Holden's side in regards to anything he would have wanted to do about his marriage. NOW??? Not so much. And I'll really be steamed when Carly's life blows up in her face (as it always does) thanks to him.

And I sure don't see TIIC planning on a long-term hook for Holden/Carly. They may care about each other, but they don't support each other in making healthy decisions. Not like Em and Casey do (which seems mind-boggling to me.).

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ONE...that Dynasty banner is bitchin'! Sigh...I had such a crush on John James.

Two...*giggles wildly over chubby Holden.* There's a shot not to be used in a banner, huh? Yes, I'm completely out of line. And I don't really care! :D

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Natch...I'm a spoiler 'ho.

Y'know....even Larry the Cable Guy did nutri-system for men. :D But the angle of that shot was not flattering. And I'll admit I was shocked.

Eeeeewwwww....time for the show. Should I upchuck now and get it over with? Decisions, decisions. :blink:

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*snort* How wrong is it that I have channeled my Colden hate into hoping Katie hooks up with Mike? :D And I'm kind of glad the idea of Carly and Henry being partners hasn't been totally shelved.

Pissy must have a Ph.D. in torture, grossing me out with Colden, then giving me a mini-morsel of Carjack hope at the end of the eppy with Jack's concern about Carly.

Colden....eeeeewwwww.... No matter how many spoilers you read, it never prepares you for the level of suckititude. My skin started to crawl when I realized Holden opened the door to Faith.

I liked Brad and Jack's talks with Janet. I think I even liked Liberty today.

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ATWT has gotten so bad for me that I nap during the show. :lol: So as I lay semi awake I see CarHo going at it....I close eyes and try to sleep. :lol: I notice a knock at the door...me hoping it is Lily with a surprise visit. Nope, it is Faith. Talk about Holden being the scum of the earth. I've lost all respect for Holden. At least Carly knew it was wrong at the end. Another one of her mistakes in life. She even admitted it to Parker.

It was nice seeing Mike. I like the actor playing him. I loved the line Henry gave after he left. What has the world come to with a man like that going home alone.....LOL..or something like. Sure sounded like Henry wanted to go home with him. :lol:

The rest of the show was just blah. I didnt really pay attention to anything Jack, Janet and Brad stuff.

The previews for next week look interesting. Now

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Re Mike - it really is too bad he's stuck in the void of suck that is Maul. B/C he's pretty....and yeah, he may not be the most exciting character in the world but he's way too pretty to be without a love interest.

Come to think of it, I'm so desperate to get MyEm hooked up with someone NOT so closely related to her son....I'd be willing to let her have a shot at Mike LOL! There aren't any Hughes/Kasnoff family ties are there?

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CBS has its latest poll up for ATWT. The questions are much better now. It asks which charcter you want with who. For example it says who should Carly be with...and then lists the choices.....and the last question asks which story keeps you watching. Here is the link

ATWT Poll Link

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Y'know...I could almost see the "fascination" for Holden disappear from Carly's face post-boink. They have a bunch of "that was great" talk, and Carly immediately launches in to a "baby, I'm not going to complicate your life, I don't expect anything from you..." speech. :D That's the equivalent of an "it's not you, it's me" exit line. Carly's not interested in anything long term. She got the satisfaction of knowing some guy thinks she's hot, and I got the feeling it's a "what happened in Vegas stays in Vegas" moment for her.

Holden, OTOH, cuddled up in the wet spot, and had himself a flashback. Holden just doesn't want to be alone.

No, Kel...there are absolutely no Hughes/Kasnoff ties. The only thing I can think of is Mike's sister Sarah used to date Paul.

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I may have fallen in love with Janet today. She is vulnerable, tough, ridiculous and adorable all wrapped up in one. I have to agree now that Brad is not good enough for Janet. It doesn't help that AP can't act. I know that Brad meant it in that moment when he rejected Janet, but I can't help feeling that his feelings for her are more complication and that he will be jealous as hell when she gets involved with Jack.

I still like Carly and Holden together. The situation is so crazy and complicated with those kids. It is never going to work. I'll just be happy if Jack stays away from Carly for awhile.

NuMike is hot. Someone free him from Maul hell to start dating the other women in Oakdale. Emily is the way to go to free Casey.

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Yes he is. He is just being wasted. Why isnt he being used? I thought he and Henry had a lot of chemistry. They should have made him Henry's brother. I dont remember if Henry has a brother. I think it is just his sisters.

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