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Suggestions For Y&R's Next EP, For Barbara Bloom

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Don't bring back Jack Ass Smith. He's the idiot who killed off Cassie for 5 minutes of Emmy material. This show should look for someone outside of soaps. This re-hiring of the same hacks is the reason why soaps are in the ratings toilet they are in today.

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Except, if Y&R didn't have such inconsistent writers, it would work.

I don't trust Maria Arena Bell and Hogan Sheffer enough to have them writing the show without the watch of a strong EP. Should the EP be rewriting their work without their consent? No! But the EP should serve as a balance for the HW's weakest tendencies, IMO.

Y&R needs a solid all-around EP.

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Also, I wonder who the hell will serve as EP tomorrow. The actors and production crew are going to be so lost. They fired Griffith without finding a replacement first, how stupid.

And it better not be Anthony Morina, that's all I have to say. They better not promote one of their already existing crappy producers.

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See, I have a hard time believing that Y&R has concerns about "financial and legal ramifications".

If there is an implied thread that says "Because you are hiring Scott, we are going to turn up the heat on our Griffith investigation", that is blackmail and illegal. I doubt the WGA would want to jeopardize itself in this way.

Because of Scott's history right now, and because of his mutinous nature (evinced on Y&R in the past, too), I believe Scott would not be approached. At the same time, Scott lasted longer than almost anyone else at LML's Y&R. But whether Scott is rehired or not, I do not believe the WGA thing matters one whit...one microscopic bit. But maybe the WGA has powers that I am not aware of....

Respectfully, I could not disagree more strongly with the bolded part.

The Cassie story, IMO, remains one of the greatest things of beauty ever done on this show. The actual death and immediate fallout was as beautifully written and produced as anything I have seen. The story it generated mid-term (Daniel and Lily on the run; the trial) was compelling, and involved half the cast as a huge umbrella. The subsequent story (the dissolution of Nick and Sharon's marriage, Nicks' affair) has basically driven half of the Y&R we see today. As long as Nick and Sharon are apart, Cassie's death continues to have repercussions.

I even believe that nu-Noah is going to echo shades of Cassie's story.

When a historical event like this shapes story forever, that is what it should be. Compare the ongoing fallout of Cassie's death to the blip of Georgie's death on GH. Both were legacy members of core families...but only one counts.

Let me also say that in 2005 or even early 2006, if you had told me "someone outside of soaps" should run Y&R, I would have said "yes", and I'd have nominated some trainee of Alan Ball's.

Now, having seen what happened to Y&R and its fandom in the LML era (she was kind of out of soaps, not counting PC), I strongly believe that (at least for this strong show) the show runners should have been from within the Bell power structure, with 'freshness' introduced by external consultants.

The BELLS will push for Rauch?

SONY will push for Rauch? Or Barbara Bloom will push for Rauch?

If the Bells push for Rauch, then I utterly fail to understand the Bell family today.

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Side note, did everyone know David Shuaghnesy also does voice-over work for cartoons and videos game as well?

This is a pic of the cast of a 2006 cartoon he did voice-over work for called "Super John Doe Junior." I think it was a web cartoon.

David Shaughnessy is the third one down from the far left.


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That's what I think. I recall Barbara Bloom saying she leaves Bradley alone on B&B...but I don't recall her saying she was happy about it :-). I think they have had a live and let live arrangement at B&B, but if the numbers keep falling, I also don't believe that will continue.

Shaughnessy is still in the Bell fold, no? (At B&B, some directing). But the big question for me is...even if the Bells wanted DS 100%...who is in charge now? That has been the big question for some time.

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