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Suggestions For Y&R's Next EP, For Barbara Bloom

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Linda Gottlieb is NOT the answer. She's out of the Bell circle and is all about pushing a social agenda. Y&R, aside from B&B, has been the soap that didn't bother with social issues, a few storylines notwithstanding. Preachy storytelling was LML's style, it failed. Also, modern music is another LML-ism that failed.

Shaughnessy is what Y&R needs. His run was excellent. Felicia Minei Behr is a great EP, but I don't think she'd move to LA, nor do I think she's necessarily suited to the Y&R style. JFP has the strength, but I'm afraid not the patience or style to make it work.

Sally Sussman Morina might make a great EP, I like her even with all her uneveness.

Y&R NEEDS the old crew. It doesn't need a new crew, the ratings are lower than the Kay/Jack/Ed/Charles era...it's pathetic!

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Why do you like this woman so much? She doesn't have any producing experience at all, she had an EP credit at Generations, but that was only becuase she creadited that show. She sucks and I don't think Y&R needs her in any position that's not script writing or writing breakdowns.

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Yeah I'm not really sure of FMB is suited to Y&R (though she is more thna Gottlieb I agree)

I thought in the 70s Y&R was known for social storytelling/taboos? Either way I agree that, while they still can, they should really get more people who did work with Bell, etc, on the team instead of going elsewhere. A huge reason the show stayed high rated for so long is because of its consistancy in style and storytelling and so to try to take stylistically talent from other soaps seems counterproductive. Y&R hasn't been steered too far awy from that even with the recent misfires that it's too late to go back

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To me, her first season as HW of DAYS (97-98) was my favorite season of DAYS. I LOVED it. Nicole marrying Lucas for $5 million thanks to Kate, Nurse Ali's mental spiraling towards Mike and Carrie and other fabulous stories were very Y&R-esque. They could have worked sooo wonderfully well on Y&R. Whenever I've seen an interview with Sally I've always found her forthright, no bullsh*t. I appreciate that. I think she's someone with a clear vision. She's been in the business for more than 20 years. She might be an effective EP. I just have an appreciation for her. She's by no means faultless but I enjoy her work.

I sincerely hope Babs is fired. I sincerely hope Griffith is fired. I sincerely hope Shaugnessy is hired!

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A wise man once told me: don't bother rationalizing with someone who is intent on going against the consensus.

The FACT is that CBS Daytime has declined majorly in the last few years and that the unifying factor is Babs. She has to be fired. She thinks her days at ABC were glory years when the fact is they weren't. She was the VP of Daytime, West Coast, for ABC in the 90s. The fact is that the only thing daytime, West Coast, was GH and that was run by Wendy Riche, Claire Labine and Bob Guza. Those 3, independent of each other, all bring something to the table. In their various couplings they were great. Of COURSE GH was a success in the 90s, it was great, all Babs had to do was smile and nod the whole decade!

So after Lucy Johnson was canned, the reason for which eludes me, the wise folks at CBS said "well look at Babs, steering ABC Daytime West Coast so admirably, sure PC was a disaster but in the great Hollywood tradition Babs should fail upwards!"

So here we are with an executive who doesn't care about what's best for the shows and the network. She cares about keeping her friends employed regardless of the sh*tty job they did. It's pathetic. Les Moonves, baby, it's time to swing the axe. Ask Julie Chen, she'll tell you the truth, she'll tell you Y&R sucks, she'll tell you CBS Daytime is the can, ask your wife, trust your wife....then fire Babs.

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Why not? The EP of each show is responsible for its own success or failure. Bloom is not to blame. She is being used as a scapegoat.

And let's say, hypothetically, Bloom is the problem. If they fire her, how do you know they won't hire someone worse to replace her?

Well that is BS. I am not intent on going against "the concensus" - I simply do not always agree with "the concensus".

Do you actually KNOW who Bloom's personal friends are? :rolleyes:

Y&R is No.1 in the US and B&B is No.1 internationally - I'd hardly call that "in the can".

That was totally un-called for.

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