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OLTL: Discussion for the week June 9-13

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I think they did a great job with having Marcie struggle with leaving Tommy with Starr and Cole, we say her hesitiation and we saw how hard it was for her to walk away. The last segment was really great with Marty and Tina both coming in at the end.

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Can I just say that I HATED the beginning scene with Starr, Cole, and that rude woman. I get that we're suppose to see Starr question her ability to be a true mother to her child and having regrets about her pregnancy. However, could they have done it in a MORE OBVOIOUS WAY? Damn, I felt like I was being hit on the head with that message. A little subtlety goes a long way...

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As much as I loved it, I felt so bad for my poor Charlie. Sniff..sniff....but Rex needed to get all of that out.

Loved the Rex/Charlie and Roxy scenes.

Along with Adriana/Marcie, and I didn't think I would.

Could care less of the three stooges in the van, was more interested in Ramsey and Marty.


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Gigi would be at the hospital to check on Charlie. They did know each other, obviously. Although I agree it's ridiculous that Gigi just happens to be wherever Rex is. And we all know the same Shane chat will happen and then nothing comes of it ... ugh.

I've had the flu so I ended up sleeping through most of OLTL, lol. I did catch the last 10 minutes. Sounds like, in all honesty, I didn't miss much (except the Rex/Charlie/Roxy scenes. What little I saw of them, Ilene Kristen ROCKED it. I'm sure of course that JPL did also, but I missed most of his stuff). It was so wonderful and old school seeing Tina and Marty again!

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I have to say - after catching up on yesterday and today - it's been so long since I've seen scenes like yesterday's Blair/Addie scenes, and today's Marcie/Adriana scenes. Oh my God, scenes that delve into characters' pasts, insights into their current motivation, and don't necessarily further plot! It's a miracle!

ETA: Naturally, I'm excited about Tina and Marty - but let's not forget KEVIN SPIRTAS! Welcome to Llanview, buddy!!!!!!!!!

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