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ATWT: June 2-6 Discussion

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I think everyone's just cranky that the show isn't better. No reason to take it out on each other, but that's probably it. When the natives are starving, they start to eat their own. :P

I agree, dp. I hate opening threads, only to find nastiness. We all love soaps. No reason to take things personally, or to the next level. It's just a message board, and we're all here to have fun. I worry when people admit they say things just to mess with other post-ers. It turns people off, and there's lots of post-ers (like oakdalelover from above) that I'd love to see post again, and hear their thoughts, both positive and negative.

Ah well...

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Well, I had to find the problems in this thread on my own when I decided to check out what the ATWT fans were talking about. Nobody bothered to report anything?

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Hmmmn....someone who's name starts with a "K" and ends with "atie" comes to mind. :lol: I'd mention the other biggie I'd want gone, but I might get the [!@#$%^&*] kicked out of me in a dark, dark alley. :lol:

Heck, I'd test her with everyone. Mike, Holden and Chris. I'd even try her with Henry, even though I like Henry and V. I'm not adverse to new couples, I'd just like to see it spread around to couples besides Carjack. Do you realize that with the "happiest" couple of Oakdale (that gets airtime) is Katie and Brad? Everyone else is broken up.

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I tuned in now and then during OLTL's commercials, and I've come to the conclusion that while the storylines suck beyond belief and are ridiculously repetitive, individual scenes are actually enjoyable. IMO, at least. Aaron and Alison always do something for me whenever they have scenes together. I may be the one and only person who has completely accepted Marnie S. in the role, too. It was nice to see Bob and Susan as well.

Parker is starting to remind me SO MUCH of the way Will Roberts used to be on DAYS. Atrocious haircut, squeaky voice, total awkwardness. That Liberty chick reminds me of Maddie, but she's 10 times more annoying.

Luke and Noah are visually an attractive couple and for nothing but shallow reasons, they work. But all of that really means nothing to me if I still, after months and months, STILL don't get why they're together. Their storyline is so dumb, too. Honestly, could those two folks they were messing with have been any more shady? The vibes they were giving off were incredible. Also, when did Luke become such a snippy, icy little bitch?

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That's what drives me nuts about the show. The actors put everything they have into selling defective long-term stories.

I'm surprised she didn't throw her hips out as she wagged her tail away at the end. My Parker needs a sweet, girl, not a piranha.

I ain't touching that with a ten-foot pole. :lol:

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Is As The World Turns testing the waters for location shoots to go the GL root or are they just money happy with the NYC incentives for productions? They are having an upcoming outside episode(s) and it is really hard to see what's happening when you see a studio picture next to outdoors stuff.

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