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ATWT: June 2-6 Discussion

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For whoever wanted this...forget who the poster was

As for Jake....he is a bad actor ...plain and simple. Van's acting goes down with Jake. Van need more capabale actors around him. Thats why i loved his pairing with Kevin. Karl could act. And it showed on screen between Van and Karl. I wish they would split up Nuke for good and give Van another guy or something else to do. Nuke should be Nuked.

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See I am pissed about it. Goutman is just pairing characters out thin air...or should I say out of his [!@#$%^&*]. That's why the show sucks. There are no longer term plans for the show. It's like who do we have on the canvas to pair with? Instead of planning out a realistic storyline. Goutman [!@#$%^&*]!! <_<

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That's what gets me too. You know we will never see the fallout from the Holden/Carly fling that we should. And even the actors aren't trying to sell it as the next great couple and know it's not going to be long term, This should destroy the Snyder family but I doubt the show is ready to go there. Holden and Jack who have been like brothers shouldn't even tolerate each other after this. And what about Luke? He was so mad at Lily last fall. Will he now turn on Holden as he should for doing the same thing he was mad at Lily for? I doubt it. And it's obvious they are just trying to keep Jack and Carly in separate orbits since if they are in scenes together it shows how they have so much more chemistry than Holden/Carly could ever dream of. And I can't help but wonder what the next trauma will be to strike Jack and Carly this time. Will something happen to Sage? Just like last year when they came up with Carly is dying in order to get them back in the same orbit because they realized it was a mistake to have them so far a part, you know that will be happening again when they realize they went too far again. This is all to make us forget Martha is gone, or perhaps they wanted to do it all along and that is why Martha is gone, but in the end it is just a bigger reminder because you know they would never have gone there with Martha still around.

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It is wrong as hell, but Holden and Carly are sweet together and they have chemistry. Jack and Carly are tired and OLD as hell now. I want them to stop having scenes together, period. Enough. Let them move on to other loves. I'm all the way with Goutman and JP if they ignore the CarJacker fanbase and go full steam ahead with Holden and Carly. However, TPTB can't do this thing half way. Holden and Carly have to fall in love and destroy their relationships with their families as well as shake up their kids's lives. There must be serious fall out and then Holden and Carly chose each other, they live together, have obstacles and adventures and maybe eventually a kid together. I don't believe for a second that Goutman has the courage to do this story. He is just stalling for time until he thinks he has the fans rooting for Holden to reunite with NuLily. Eh.

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Oh please no more kids for Carly. Enough already. I wish they'd give her a life. A real honest to goodness, I don't need a man to light my bbq, I'm not looking at my best friends husband because I'm needy, I'm gonna run my bar and watch me shine, life.

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In case anyone had any doubts.....Colleen Zenk Pinter is a Goddess! She is the only reason to watch the Paul/Sophie dreck, going after that little twit like a Lioness. Seriously, does anyone think Sophie needed another change of undies after that confrontation?

Note to the set designers...could you at least try and make the NY hotel rooms different from the Oakdale ones? Other than a peach couch? I got confused...it's not like we haven't seen anyone go to either coast in a commercial break.

Carjack....well, it was nice to see Jack and Carly converse without so much as a snippy comment. The rest? Pfft....can't sell it with a free tank of gas.

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