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ATWT: June 2-6 Discussion

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Monday's eppy...some good, some bad.

I kind of felt bad for Mike...the rest of the players (Paul, Meg, Sophie) have kind of made their own beds. Paul has a long history of using women and being surprised that they're pissed when he dumps them, Meg is one heck of a piece of work (Honey, dry humpin' one guy while wearing a dress another one bought you is a faux pas, any way you slice it..) and Sophie's stupidity is almost funny in a way (a creepy, obsessive way, but I digress.) But Mike is only trying to do the right thing here. Yeah, he's probably a little more likely overlooking some inconsistancies in Soph's story out of jealousy, but don't forget he's been around through some heinous sh*t of Paul's (dumping Rose, the babyswitch).

Carly/Holden...boy, talk about manufactured plot. Holden and Carly are running around acting 1000 times guiltier than if they'd just jumped each other. Showing us the "damning proof" twice in flashback only pointed out how stupid and lackluster the "moment" was. BUT, I liked the Carly/Henry scene today.

Henry/V/Bonnie...plot stupid, airtime for the three good.

And it was good seeing Babs today.

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I knew they were gonna make Mike dumb as all hell...and for what? For Paul and Meg once again being 'together' for the moment....I am so happy that Sophie's role is coming to an end soon....the sooner she's off the screen, the happier I'll be....


The whole Holden/Carly stuff would be believable if they actually wrote out something worth enjoying.....How do you go from Holden hating Carly's guts to the point where he was advising his own cousin to move on or telling his wife to steer clear of Carly's schemes, to suddenly getting doe eyed over her...Isn't Holden the same Snyder man that told Lily last week that he doesn't appreciate her scheming to get him back? If that's the case then he's the biggest hypocrite because half the time he's saying Carly is the biggest schemer in Oakdale..... the only thing that would kind of make me smirk is to see Jack get all huffy, thumping his chest to claim Carly again. :lol::lol:

I think the only thing that I am going to like is seeing Babs getting the urge to want to pop Sophie's head off like a dandelion.

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Well I started to watch ATWT but it didnt last. :lol: First scene Meg and Paul...blah.....then Sophie...I was raped!.....10 minutes into the show and I fell asleep and missed the rest only to wake up to the previews. :lol: That's how much ATWT is boring me lately. <_<

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This will be easy, I loved the ending with Sofie, very classic soap like, so I liked that. Holden/Carly/Lily, what in the hell are JP and CG smoking? Stupid and Boring to boot. And if I forget about the Meg and Paul angle of all the scenes today, I actually enjoyed that storyline today, which has not happened in, umm ages.


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'cause I didn't see one. Me bad.

I forgot to mention the ridiculousness of Holden and Lily being all concerned over whether or not Holden is in town and a stone's throw away from the girls, when Luke is MIA. I don't suppose Nuke realize they're all alone in a hotel room, do you?

I wonder if any of Roger's fans stroked out getting a drive by shot of him fumbling with his belt in that flashback of Sophester's? Hell, I don't even like him and it made me think twice...:)

The Holden/Carly stuff just lacks. I could have bought a scenario where something Lily said suddenly clued Carly in...but Holden being unable to look her in the eye? Oy vey.

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Interesting how Lily and Holden have been given Lucinda's pool house as the home they share. Yet, Katie gets a freakin new home. :rolleyes: And I am sick of them calling their house instead of it being Lucinda's pool house. Does Goutman think we are stupid enough to believe that is NOT the pool house. The sets for ATWT are getting less and less.

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But honestly, I like this set better than that peach/white monstrosity. Oy, when Les set that baby on fire, I actually cheered. Disappointment set in when the "new" house was exactly the same. :rolleyes:

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ok, I don't know what the writers for this show is thinking when they are trying to make us believe that Carly and Holden can make a couple, he is just like Jack when it comes to being a judgemental jerk who will never accept Carly for who she is and love her for it, this is a joke.

Then the whole rape story, omg, okay Paul would never hurt a woman in that way, he is mean and ruthless for sure but the only person to get him so blindly anger is Craig, so give me a break oh Mike Almighty.

I want to slap this show across the face.

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