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OLTL: Discussion for the week June 2-6

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Yeah, I think she'll miscarry as well, especially if Tess comes back and gets even more self-destructive.

And for her life to truly mirror Viki's, years later the child will be alive and Jessica will have totally forgotten about he/she when he/she makes his/her return. :lol:

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It was accident somewhat, yes, but not 100%. If you go after someone you have the intent to hurt them, did Jared intent to throw him through the skylight and him die? No. However he did attack him. He did throw him. Yes Nash was angry and upset and taking it out on Natalie, maybe I'm alone here but i dont think he was going to hurt her, nor do i think jared thought so. Its like when Todd pushed Starr down the stairs.

Had Jared & Natalie not told lies and kept secrets none of this would have happened. It is there fault, and Jessica should go after them. I personally would love it if Tess came out and she was hateful and vengeful and made it her mission to destroy there lives for the pain they have caused her and her family.

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I also think the actress (Justice ?) who plays Sarah is pretty decent.

Yes, John Brotherton is kind of ... lacking. I gave him a pass for a long time because he's so hot, but seriously ... this show has attractive men who can act (Trevor St. John, John-Paul Lavoisier), so the pass has been withdrawn.

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I don't think he's THAT bad, either. I just don't think he has a wide range.

There are actors (and this show has them in spades) who can portray a wide range of emotions, and then there are actors (like Melissa Archer) who are really, really good at certain things, but sometimes fall short when it comes to crying and that sort of dramatic acting. I would put John Brotherton in the latter category.

But yes, compared to some of the men who have been on this show, he's Charlton Heston.

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Nash started it. He came in the room and started punching Jared. He then moved onto Natalie, pointing his finger in her face and yelling at her. Jared's only intention was to stop him from attacking her. Nash was losing it and going off here and unfortunetly thigns got out of hand and he ended up paying with his life

IDA. The catalyst which led to Nash's fall in that scene was Nash going after Jared and Natalie for losing his vineyard to that shareholder. That is NOT their fault. Nash made a deal with the wrong person and as Jessica said, he was in over his head. What Jared did was offer to help him out by buying those shares, which he legally didnt have authority to do bc of his fraud. With Jared's offer of help he lost the vineyward, but without it he STILL would have lost the vineyard. Jared and Natalie gave him a scapegoat to unleash his own frustrations and anger at himself for failing but they were not at fault for what he lost.

lol...another thing we'll disagree on. I think he was one of the best finds of last year. OLTL was lucky for picking him up and Jared rocks

I find the current Sarah to be mediocore at best. I have yet to see anything special about her. Probably bc she hasnt been given much to do so maybe she'll shine when Tina comes on. As of now, I cant say Im too impressed with her and I have a list of other actresses I would have preferred

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I agree with Cheap21 that Jared didn't mean for Nash to fall through a skylight and die.

However, I think the entire family has every right to be angry with Jared and Natalie. There is no excuse for what they did as far as Jared PRETENDING to be a Buchanan and Natalie going right along with him. They are despicable. And I think Jessica has every right to be livid.

I didn't mind her going off on Natalie, because I think she was directing her rage at everything, from the duplicity regarding Jared's impersonation to the fallout with Nash's death.

Nash dying was an accident, but certainly it was precipitated by the selfish, horrible actions of Dorian, Jared, Natalie, etc. None of them would have been in this situation if Dorian hadn't exposed B.E., which in turn wouldn't have happened if Jared had been honest.

My main problem with Natalie is that she is one of the most self-centered characters ever, but it's always blind devotion to a man that causes her selfishness. I mean, can't she see what her sister is going through, yet she tries to prattle on and on about being in love. I've never been so happy as when Jessica laid that EXCELLENT slap across her whiny, pouty face.

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Nobody told Nash that because Jared wronged him, he *had* to go and solicit a violent confrontation. He made that decision all on his own. He could have and should have opted to keep the whole confrontation verbal only. He's the one who started the hitting and throwing around, and in the end, it came back to him and bit him in the ass.

Nothing that Natalie or Jared (or Dorian) did forced him to go and punch Jared. That was completely his choice. There were a million options he could have taken to vent his anger, and punching Jared out, in public, near a balcony-type thing...was probably the dumbest option on the table.

I agree completely. JB's been considered one of the best finds in all of daytime for the last year by several columnists and he slipped right into the show's canvas rather quickly. I only watched occasionally during his first couple of months, but I don't recall ever thinking "this guy sucks, they need to get rid of him," like I thought when I tuned into GL yesterday and got a load of Cyrus's brother. Or nuColleen over at Y&R. I said it already, but I'll say it again, this was his first time playing something like this...the character of Jared in a down, broken state. All of his lies have come out, he's hurt so many people, and any young actor, I think, would have trouble playing that for the very first time. It has to be awfully draining.

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Oh the family most definetly has a right to be mad at Jared and Natalie. It is her fault that they lost control of the company. What Jared did was wrong with the fraud, but the Buchs didnt know about it. The only reason why they were able to lose their shares was bc Dorian proved that a Buch did know about the fraud and was a involved in the conspiracy and that was all bc of Nat. For that, she deserves their anger and disapointment, not to mention she let them continue to care for this man and welcome him into their inner circle. That however is where I feel it should end. She's to blame for what went down with BE, not Nash. Right now, the only person who will most likely be hating on her for that is Jessica and as a grieving widow, its her right, but in time I hope she can see things better. I wont fault her for her grief right now bc its fresh and her emotions are all over the place.

lol..this isnt AMC
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