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Y&R: Week of April 28, 2008

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DaytimeFan, that storyline about Jill becoming a drunk doesn't sound half bad.... Jill and Kay need to start fighting again--and quite possibly learn they're not mother and daughter. Katherine could have lied to Jill from the time they took the paternity test (fearing that Jill would be too crushed to find out that she isn't her daughter). What could also be a good idea is if Cane turned out to be a fraud and Kay keeps it a secret, wanting to deal with it herself. Cane manages to get control of Jabot (manipulating Jill and others) just in time for Jill to find out the truth. All hell breaks loose, of course, and Jill can't help but accuse Kay for what has happened. Or whatever.

Whatever the way, we need the feud back. That's why having them be mother and daughter started destroying the show... they neutred the heart and soul.

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Jill's ratings during the Ji Min storyline didn't work because they were directed at Jack. Prior to LML Jack and Jill were on good terms, even dating again after he divorced Phyllis. Jill is smart enough to know Jack didn't kill Ji Min and wouldn't act like that against her. It doesn't help that they were writing scenes with her supportive of Gloria when she already knew Gloria was drugging her.

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Again, with respect, that's something I totally disagree with. Of all the daytime shows Y&R DOES have a next generation by the names of Sharon, Phyllis, Nick, Adam, Victoria and JT that can actually ACT and already have established story histories on the show. Y&R does not need any more 20somethings or teens, Y&R and B&B have proven time and time again that younger audiences don't give a sh*t about having 20somethings running around half naked without a brain between the three of them.

Additionally, veteran characters 'anchor'ing the 'next generation' sounds an awful lot like "propping the model/actor/whatevers" as has been done at all the ABC soaps (Susan Lucci's Erica is known more for being Kendall's mother than anything else! Erica Kane dammit!! Is Nothing Sacred?!)

As far as I'm concerned the only reason why Y&R survived LML's reign of terror is the cast. That's it. Had it been any other case the ratings would have bottomed out faster than Star Jones's marriage. It's a multi generational cast in which all characters of all ages get a few good episodes a month. And Thank God! I have had it with the ageism in this industry, it's sickening.

Jess Walton needs a lead storyline, she DESERVES a lead storyline, the show needs to give her one...Jess and Jeanne have always been ratings grabbers. Be it The Feud, Jill Becoming a Drunk, Kay and Jill Discovering That They Aren't Mother & Daughter, Cane Fleecing Kay and Jill....whatever....it's simply time for MAB to step up to the plate, admit that Jack Smith's refusal to write for Jess Walton was wrong and give her the kind of storyline she deserves. Case Closed!

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I don't think a *feud* is needed.

It was delicious a few weeks ago when, upon learning Kay was doing memoirs, Jill started yelling and dishing out words like "foolish". And Kay fought right back.

A mother and daughter who love each other, but fight like cats and dogs. That's where the show needs to go.

I'm thinking CC and Mason Capwell....

That puts spice in the relationship, has more verisimilitude with their history.... And then, I agree, Jill and Kay need real stories (hopefully multigenerational ones).

I thought Jill's near front-burner status last week, offering support in Cane's story AND starting her drift toward Jeff was great. We saw many of Jill's colors, and she was on a number of days. That satisfies me.

I think they need to explore the relationship with Cane more. Let these two BECOME mother and daughter.

As a tangent, "Drew Phillip" is a MUCH better name than "Drucilla Jill". I'm still retching over the latter one :-)

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OK, was anybody else laughing when Nikki gave Victoria "her" bible as a christening present? :lol: You know, the one she used to read to Victoria and Nicholas ALL THE TIME? :blink:

I'm assuming she forgot to read them the Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery part and instead focused on this little-known verse:

And the Lord sayeth, "Lo, O upturned-nose one.

Go to the joint of the stripping time,

And removeth thy garments

In time to the funkyeth music.

And giveth to the shepherd Paul

A bitchin' case of VD.

And taketh the dollar bills

That the other shepherds stuffeth in thy garter belt.

And marryeth that rich old goat...

uh, goat-herder,

He of ambiguous accent and furry of face,

And never lifteth a finger in hard labour again

(Except in your wifely duties)."



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To Nikki's defense: She might be a horrible person - condescending, self-righteous -, not the smartest girl alive, a former multimarrying pill-popping alcoholic stripperalla but she always used to have a nack for religion. Her behaviour is often far from Christian *googles for some catfights with Diane* but I'm sure she's devout. :;):

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Are you kidding? I love Nikki and Melody Thomas Scott! It's her vulnerability AND her raging snootiness and hypocrisy that I love.

And yes, I have noticed Nikki's spotty inclination for religion -- usually when she needs something and Victor's not available. :lol: Or when somebody wakes up from a coma. "It's a miracle! A Newman miracle!" etc.

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I quite enjoyed today's episode. Lovely to see Jill have all those scenes and it was great that they remembered her own miscarriage back in 1985 (?). I really enjoyed the talk between Neil and Cane--Cane wasn't half bad today. Amber was also fun and heartbreaking at the same time as she lay into Daniel. That Lily breakdown, though, was a little too hard to take, though.

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****POSSIBLE SPOILER FOLLOWING***********************************

Some woman was listed as "Dru's Double" in the credits today :lol: Either this is really happening, or Y&R is REALLY trying to mess us up and keep Dru's return a secret!

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:huh: I just don't see where this miscarriage will bring Lily's character. Is she supposed to grow from this and become an adult? Is she supposed to delve deeper into the model world and into drugs and debauchery, leaving her goody-two-shoes behavior in the dust? Is she supposed to fall into a deep depression from this? This storyline doesn't seem well-thought out at all. Where the heck will it lead and why give it to this character? At least if she had the baby, the ramifications would've been clearer, as would the tension necessary for this soap. Now that there's no baby, there's veritably no tension, which I hope someone will correct over the next few months.

Now that I've read YRBB's post, I was hoping something like that would occur. But if the double does show up, Lily's miscarriage still doesn't work as well as an abortion or a delivery would.

F'ing writers.

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I just don't see how CKLily is going to grow from this. She didn't grow from getting std, drugged, almost raped, being on the run, went to jail, went to boarding school, Finding out your father isn't your father, married, seeing her mother go over the cliff, & divorce. When she fell for Cane so fast after getting a divorce I just can't see her ever maturing after the miscarriage. I can see her hooking up with Adam.

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