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Y&R: Week of April 28, 2008

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Well yeah, but I was speaking of Y&R's MIA children (Kyle, Scott, Kate...)

Look at OLTL, that's how its done.

I'm not disputing that.

I agree that Jess Walton needs a lead storyline, but something trivial as an ancient feud just ain't it. Walton is a formidable actress and deserves something better. I want to see Jill in an original storyline, that doesn't involve alcoholism, or plain old bitchery. That is played out now.

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And look at OLTL's ratings. Bottom of the barrel.

Regardless of how well that sort of propping is done...it's still propping and it appears that daytime viewers aren't interested in the 'new generation'...audiences appear to hunger for the characters they love, not new characters like Kyle Jenkins, Scott Granger or Kate Valentine, they're children or teens...I will never believe that displaying 'young' characters is the answer to daytime's woes. Y&R and B&B have remained as stable as they have because they've maintained their veteran casts. To tamper with this formula would be disastrous. Take a look at ABC.

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You need to establish history between the young and older generation because that's the only way things are going to work out down the road. That's kind of why I like Amber and Kay on Y&R, cross-generation relationships.

As for OLTL ratings, it means nothing. Y&R was the number one rated soap in 2007, but the same could not be said for its "quality."

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I agree that they need to fit the younger generation in with the old. But the younger generation to me is weak. Why are the older generation are playing supporting roles to the weaker young generation. They should give the talent older generation storyline & weave in the younger generation into it. I think that's why people liked Amber because she became part of Katherine storyline. That's why people paid attention to Vikki & nick because they weave into the older people storyline.

Why Jill & Katherine are playing supporting roles to a weak CKLily.

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The problem is not that young characters in and of themselves are weak and unable to draw viewers...the problem is that WEAKLY WRITTEN young characters whom neither younger or older viewers can identify with coupled with casting poor actors to play the roles turns viewers off. Historically, the most successful daytime drama in terms of both quality and popularity are those that make good use of multigenerational storytelling....because that is something that the audience can identify with. Teens and for the most part twenty somethings don't identify with teenagers who have already been married multiple times, are longing to have children and/or hae already suffered multiple miscarriages, are already running million-dollar companies, and/or are battling the mob, etc.

AMC and Y&R in the early days were such smash hits BECAUSE of the facts that the young and the more mature got equal screen time, and in stories that intersected and intertwined. This is what daytime needs to get back to...and eventually if you have characters that have been on the canvas for ten or twenty years or more, often times there comes a time where they will not be the absolute most prominent position storywise, but they should not be seen as material to prop others, yet anchoring young and/or new characters is essential to the basic daytime soap formula.

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To me they weakly writing these young characters because that's all these actors can handle. they cast these poor actors because They don't want to put brain power behind a good storyline for them. I really believe these writers are out of touch.

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ITA and have said so myself in the past.

Again, the really good Y&R was when Colleen (Lyndsy Fonseca) dated JT, Mac/Billy hated then loved each other (although the recasts were weak and Ashley Bashioum was marginally better than Christel), and Lily/Daniel (up until the marriage). Although the Cassie storyline was riveting and played out incredibly, if she remained on the canvas, there would be an opportunity to write these quality teen storylines, especially with Camryn in the center.

But Y&R's so broken down that building a strong teen base again is the least of their worries. They need to strengthen what they got at this point. I guess the main problem with these writers is that they're writing apathetically. Otherwise, they'd use each character with vigor and a sense of direction.

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AshBash had that tough homeless street girl thing down - but the char changed and i dont thinka shbash ever did. and idk if thats good or not. it can go both ways.

KK had mac in love and the im a pretty pretty princess thing down.

ashbash's return was rather lackluster, IMHO.

rachel kimsey has the ebst of them all. they never gave her anything to act out that was anything like when mac first came on - but i could picture her playing tough if it was ever needed. i bought her falling in love. and she had the rich bitch thing down when it needed to be pulled.

i would love ashback, rachel, or someone new as mac. mac is needed... esp with colleen being lame and victoria gone. this show has no oung heroine.

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I could do without Mac, personally. I didn't mind AshBash so much, mainly because she didn't matter as much. She was featured alongside stories like Phyllis vs. Diane and the return of Matt and Tricia's descent into madness. There was so much stuff going on! Right now, though, Lily's story feels like a main event alongside three others featuring the same gang, and that's why its weaknesses stand out. Personally, I cannot WAIT for Chloe to come back.

Does anybody remember, back in the dark days of LML, Cane making a phone call right around the time he first joined CI? "I'm in. They bought it hook, line and sinker." I just do not understand why Y&R haven't followed through on this. A potentially great SL for JC, JW and DG.

P.S.: JP, what is R.O.W.N.?

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This is also right up CKLily ally too. She always getting hurt by the guys she loves. & Cane shouldn't be no different. The problem with how they write CKLily is she always in the mode woe is me. She never stands up for herself. & this miscarriage is just going to be another woe is me that I'm going to self destruct to have another woe is me. Why I am the victim?

Personally I'm know I'm tired of that.

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