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Y&R: Week of April 28, 2008

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I just want to say I had two laugh out loud moments today:

the scene where Noah asked Sabrina "are you the minister"... and then she says "no" and then he replies "well who are you"...LOL

and then a few scenes later when david and nikki are talking and Nikki says "i liked Victor better when he was cutting out paper snowflakes" !!!... too funny

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She's ok. SHe used to be this solid the first time around. She simply sucked during her return so far, we had a more suitable replacement and the writing for Lily didn't fit CK until very recent.

That said; I find her and Cane so tiresome. Two boring lifeless actors working in a non-thrilling story. You don't need any sleeping pills after that...

I also don't get why Jill isn't meddling to her toes in Cane's life by now. This would be her first grandchild. *dear god in heaven* Both Jill and Kay should already plan the future Chancellor heir... *shakes head*

This would be a perfect time to re-ignite Jill & Kay and just use Cane & Lilly as a plot-serving by-product. They don't deliver more anyway.

Add those little b*tching inuendos between Jill & Nikki these days and I'd be a happy camper. Y&R lacks sparks these daAys. Who better to serve for this than JILL FOSTER ABBOTT!?

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I actually would like to see the Jill/Kay feud not re-visited, that ship has sailed, and both actors deserve more. I wish Y&R has went ahead with the Jill/Fred/Anita triangle a couple years back, cause Mitzi Kapture was once fierce lady in the role, and it would have been awesome.

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So was there ever a baby or al lthe stress CKLily was under cause the pregnance test to go positive. CK will never impress me. She's always will be somebody victim. She just doesn't come off like she was raise by Dru. Once the writers get in their heads she isn't the future of Y&R the faster she get backburned.

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To me she doesn't! it one thing to be snotty & it's another thing to be snotty with an edge. Like how Dru pulled it off. Ever since CKLily came on she always somebody victim.

don't get me wrong if CK came on as somebody else child & not Dru. I'll wouldn't have a problem with her.

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Jill needs a storyline, but just not any storyline, one that is truly worthy of Jess Walton's talent. And IMHO that does not include re-igniting the Jill/Kay feud, Walton and Cooper are capable of much better in 2008! The writers need to sit down and truly surprise us with an ORIGINAL storyline for this pioneer character. This isn't a case of "anything will do" anymore. Plus, ever since her JiMin rampage, I think it would do Jill right to be much more subdued at the moment.

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With respect, I disagree. In fact, I think Jill should have been an even bigger bitch during the Ji Min fiasco...her fiance gets murdered and we only get a few 'angry Jill' scenes. The Jill Foster Abbott of the Bill Bell + Kay Alden era would have torn into everyone for at least 6 months.

I also think The Feud is an essential storyline, it's the only storyline that has been with Y&R pretty much from the first season onwards and it's one that the majority of viewers have always enjoyed. I don't think Jess or Jeanne would turn down another shot at it, The Feud was some of their best work!

If The Feud doesn't suit you...how about turning the tables with Jill and Kay with Jill becoming a drunk...it seemed in 2000 that Kay Alden was going to go there but then Jack Smith swooped it (sobs)...I think that's a storyline that would be amazing.

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I don't know, I think most viewers got tired of Jill and Kay bickering. Especially with all that's said and done, bringing back the feud now would reek of laziness and un-originality IMO. The feud was essential to the show, but the thing is Y&R needs to start developing its next generation now, and the veteran characters should be helping to anchor them. I found Jill highly overbearing during the Ji-Min fiasco, her tirades quickly became off-putting. I know Jeanne would love to open up the feud again, but Walton has said many times that it's time to move on and I agree with her. With so much untapped potential plots out there, Y&R should move forward and not backwards.

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