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I just watched the fantastic "Buona sera, Mr. Campbell Part 2" episode, that largely takes place all in one night as Amanda tries to get away from her kidnapper and Coop has taken Lexi out on a boat with the intent of killing her. It's almost Season 3 thrilling stuff. Just as Peter "saves the day" and Taylor goes into labor (Rinna doing some fantastic comedy work), there's the great twist that Megan has hidden in the boat. Coop convinces her that he's only trying to scare Lexi, but Megan realizes Coop means business and teams up with Lexi to calm him down. And thus, stunningly, the two enemies' dynamic changes and they start to be more friendly with each other. It's also really fascinating what they did with Coop: He isn't a psycho but the show recognizes him as a leading man who is damaged -- too damaged to stay on the show. Taylor decides she wants to hold on to her baby, deliciously breaking Jane's heart.
The show writes out Billy, Jennifer, Taylor, Coop and Samantha in one episode. That's 5 characters all at once! How obnoxious, how very MELROSE. It's very exciting, especially since Jennifer and Samantha will not be missed, Coop and Taylor I could take or leave, and Shue hasn't bothered to not be annoying in ages. Billy (who's arguing with Michael the past couple of episodes has been fun) is a 7-year veteran on the show who barely gets a goodbye scene but it's at the airport, which screams 90s and screams MELROSE. And I was happy when, as Amanda returned to the apartment complex, she asked about Billy and said, "It'll be weird without him around." It really has been 7 years!
Now, question: With all these people gone, who are they going to put into, you know, stories? I can't wait to find out!
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I was meh on Buena Sera Mr Campbell as they wrote out five characters and not one Melrosian death!

I get not killing off Billy or Jennifer or Taylor - but to spare Sam, Jeff and Coop? Come on, no one would mourn them. Send Jeff and Sam off a cliff or something! I also would've had Billy gone to Atlanta to shack up with Alison - I'm sure they could've gotten Courtney Thorne-Smith for a blink-and-you'll miss it cameo. Since this *was* technically the season six finale (last episode produced for s6) it's kind of disappointing.

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Yes, it did cross my mind how surprising it was that there were no deaths! I guess the storylines were positioned in a way that their exits would make sense without a death. Still, Sam being burned to a crisp or something would have been fun LOL


Absolutely! I would have loved the last we see of Jennifer to be her crying in the shower, dumped and lonely (or dead), while we see Billy and Alison one last time.


I wonder if they re-arranged some stuff because now the episode functioned as part of Season 7...

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I'll need to re-watch the so-called "Summer of Love", but from what I recall there's definitively a re-positioning with them quickly wrapping up the Rory storyline and then the sudden return of Jane. Due to falling ratings they actually did shut down production of the show briefly to retool and then took a hiatus with MP Confidental / The Nasty Minded Professor acting like a two hour season finale in March. I can't help to wonder if the Rory storyline was originally intended to last longer than it did to be honest, then of course them writing out five of the main characters, plus essentially turning Lexi into Peyton Richards (like she always should've been).


Either way, season seven is a much welcome improvement - even if they totally slip up on continuity at times...

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Gosh, this thread made me watch the first six episodes of season two and one thing I noticed is that they had A LOT of outdoor scenes, which went missing in later seasons.

Outdoor shoots are really underrated in these type of shows...


And gee, Jane, no wonder you're alone with that ugly pink couch! If I was Michael I would've bolted too.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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It definitely enhanced the show during the first two seasons. Something as simple as Jo/Jake or Jane/Alison etc. walking down Melrose as they talked adds so much to the scene. Additionally, during those early years, when someone would have their window open, you could hear the feint sound of traffic, horns honking, etc. to add to the idea of them living in a heavily populated area vs. inside a soundstage. 

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IIRC I found the back end of the disastrous Season 6 - the "Summer of Love" episodes - much stronger than the rest of the year. They dramatically reconceived the Lexi character practically overnight and Jamie Luner shone in the new role. The one thing I really didn't care for was the introduction of the Alison thread - establishing she was a struggling alcoholic off the wagon in Atlanta - only to drop it altogether. That was unconscionable. Billy should've gone back to Alison, but I did like him with Jennifer at least.


If they did actually take time off to retool the show, as it seemed at the time, I'm impressed. I do think Season 7 was a major improvement and much stronger than 90210 at that point. It wasn't perfect, but the returned, stronger, smarter Jane had great chemistry and interplay with Michael. I actually loved them together and while I loved him with Lexi too I wish they hadn't ended things with Jane so soon.

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Beverly Hills, 90210 were a trainwreck between seasons 8 thru 10. A shame they couldn't have a second wind like Melrose and Dynasty had in their final seasons.


Also, they basically turned Lexi into Peyton Richards from Savannah. There were rumours that they were going to transplant the character onto Melrose Place when Jamie Luner was cast anyways.

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Yeah, Melrose and 90210 rated similarly... I guess this was a push from Papa Aaron. 90210 really sucked in season 9 and deserved to be cancelled... and it got worse in season 10. Melrose had a good season and was building through the season.


I blame Tori!

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There have been some seriously great moments recently, like that brilliantly written Peter/Kyle drinking scene or the fun stuff with Ryan and the spy at Amanda's agency. I'm not sure how I feel about Rena Sofer on the show but the twist of Amanda and Eve not only knowing each other but having a big secret, and that the journal page is not actually about Peter after all, was fantastic! It genuinely surprised me. Jane and Michael are incredibly fun together and the show is actually doing a central plotline (Matt's journal and the missing page). Also, Ryan and Megan are sweet, and I love Lexi and Amanda's weekly spats. Lexi is really great now and the idea to have her start an advertising agency to rival Amanda's was brilliant. How long before a catfight? Man, this season is going to make me miss MP so much...


The only things I would change is less Peter and I would add a couple more characters. 7/8 people main characters seems a little low for a soap, especially a fast-paced one.

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Ryan and Megan is essentially a re-do of Alison/Billy...


And yeah, the reason why season 7 is good is because it actually has a focused over-arching plot, just like how Dynasty season 9.


This is essentially was missing from the final season(s) of Beverly Hills 90210 -  a coherent plot. Though, both of Melrose and Dynasty's plots were a bit lacking in continuity.

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