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AMC: More on a possible new head writer

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I disagree. I think Lorraine Broderick could easily save AMC, as could someone like Kay Alden who was trained by one of the master headwriters. Unfortunately, I doubt anyone talented would be interested in salvaging this show until Frons is gone.

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One would also expect much, much better writing from someone who was trained by Bill Bel since 1974 (!) and who passed through all of the writing positions: from scriptwriter to head writer. It just seems like all those years with Bill served to - nothing.

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Sylph, have to disagree there. Wisner could be wonderful while Agnes was largely involved (appr. 1977-1984; 1990-1992), but left on his own, he is a mixed bag. The years he wrote the show solo (1984-1986) while Agnes was nurturing and concentrating on Loving were not AMC's best years. Lots of short-term pointless silly plots that went nowhere, isolated characters, disregard for the vets, lack of multigenerational stories, teen overload. Sound familiar? Of course, looking back, this stuff was miles ahead of the dreck we have on screen today. I'm not sure how much of that was his doing, or how much EP Jackie Babbin was responsible for that (she tried to DAYS-ify the show a bit, with more action-adventure plots and quicker scenes, as DAYS was regaining popularity with that style of writing at the time). I have to say the show improved tons in the fall of 1986 when Babbin left and was replaced by former EP Jorn Winther, which is around the same time that Broderick joined Washam as headwriter. So I'd say, Washam is a good writer, even better paired with Broderick, and superior when overseen by Nixon. I think a Washam/Broderick team with Agnes as consultant would ideal. But alas!

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