Members dragonflies Posted March 4, 2008 Members Share Posted March 4, 2008 They're already becoming overhyped thanks to all the press, yep that's one sure way to make people get sick of them Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Southofnowhere Posted March 4, 2008 Members Share Posted March 4, 2008 TMZ has picked up the story and read on other baord that it's also news in Canada. ATWT's and soaps are being made to look very backwards and beyond the times in this whole deal. With the 200 plus characters in all of daytime for there to be only 2 LGBT characters is ISANE and really tells the story of why soaps are dying. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members P.J. Posted March 4, 2008 Members Share Posted March 4, 2008 Luke and Noah have gotten tons of publicity since the minute Jake was hired. It hasn't made a difference ratings wise. Unless only a 2% drop in viewers impresses you. That being said, I wish TIIC would just let them kiss and jump each other's bones so it could STOP being a distraction to the rest of us who just. don't. care. one way or the other. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members bakedghoti Posted March 4, 2008 Members Share Posted March 4, 2008 luke/noah leaving forever would be the best move storyline-wise! as i wrote in marlenadelacroix's message board, the vocal gays behind luke/noah have shown their true colors. luke/noah are the face of an agenda plain and simple. to hell with good acting and character development. the vocal gays behind them don't give a flying fig that js's noah and vh's luke are terrible actors. they just want these 2 onscreen playing tonsil hockey to further an agenda. it's a soap opera not a political statement. and these strong-arming tactics are just pathetic and a major tunr off. it's too bad that cnn had to lose its integrity to report on crap like this! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members bakedghoti Posted March 4, 2008 Members Share Posted March 4, 2008 Soaps have been backward for eons. if you didn't know that, then you have been watching soaps only now just for luke/noah. luke/noah's so-called lack of screentime and kissing is not a representation of soaps being backwards. with more than 200 character sin daytime, there are zero: japanese, chinese, filipino, thai, malaysian, indonesian, 1 ex-korean that became white, brazilian, jamaican, etc. and the racial minorities on soaps are not represented enough and relegated to the background. it's so blatantly biased for people to think luke/noah's lack of kissing is criminal, yet not care for the rampant racism in daytime. tsk tsk. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Southofnowhere Posted March 4, 2008 Members Share Posted March 4, 2008 The Nuke stuff was on CNN's Showbiz Tonight. Perez Hilton has also picked up the story along with Dutch and Belgium papers. It's also all over the radio , which is where i heard about this:A soap in Cuba as a gay storyline. Of Course the rightwing wacko's who dodn't even watch soaps are coming out of the freaking woodwork. Just like some peeps said they would. They had some guy on Showbiz Tonight who had no clue what he's was talking about. All he heard was gay and kiss and he was ready to blow a gasket. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted March 4, 2008 Members Share Posted March 4, 2008 you dont want them to be connected, yet you want those who care about nuke to care about wht you care about? this is much bigger than a kiss. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members bakedghoti Posted March 4, 2008 Members Share Posted March 4, 2008 i think you are putting words into my mouth. i never mentioned that people who are boycotting luke/noah should do the same for the rampant racism in daytime. i don't think it's worth anyone's time to make boycotts over fictional characters. what i am saying is if you're going to boycott soaps for perceived "homophobia", then why haven't you boycotted soaps for the years of racism? luke/noah are getting vocal support because they're gay (and majority of the male viewers of daytime are white males). i find it laughable that all the luke/noah fans are in a tizzy, yet they could care less about the rampant racism in daytime that has been going on for centuries. heck even gay-themed soap operas are completely racist yet there are no boycott campaigns from glaad. for ex. queer as folk's first season was extremely racist. the only asian gay character was a japanese prostitute that emmet did not even understand (thus playing on 2 horrible asian stereotypes: not good in english and hookers). the character brian hooked up with one male after the next. yet the one time he hooked up with a black gay character, they didn't show them kiss onscreen. the camera angles panned away (like atwt did) whenever brian (white) would kiss his black paramour (black). where was the public outcry then? i guess glaad, vocal gay groups supporting luke/noah thought these camera angles in qaf were "artistic flourishes" but with luke/noah it's homophobic. can you say double standard? and yes this is bigger than 2 lame, underdeveloped, horribly acted characters kissing. it is about pushing an agenda. afa and the people that support luke/noah are merely 2 sides of the same coin. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted March 4, 2008 Members Share Posted March 4, 2008 no, they are not getting vocal support because they are gay. they are getting viocal support because of the obvious biasis against them because they are gay. they are getting support because it is wrong to do so. and since now it sppears it is okay to compare the two, altho it wasnt when i did it in the first place, if a couple was not allowed to kiss because of the color of there skin do you not think there would not be this same thing going on? because it would. is there a fair amount of mized races in daytime? no, however thats not as huge as two characters not being allowed to kiss because they are male, or if it was because of the color of the skin, or for whatever stupid reason. face is Nuke are being treated diff. they are not allowed to kiss. nuke is being pushed further than a lot of thigns have in the past because of the fanbase, however this does go beyond the fanbase. people who do not even like the couple see whats going on and do not agree with it. i personally pretty much loath nuke together, but it doesnt mean that they shouldnt be allowed to kiss as every other couple does. is it about pushing an agenda? yes. what isnt in this world? however it is also about the unfair treatment of gay people. both in the media and in real life. thats why this has become so big. however this is not about race vs gay on daytime soaps, and i dont understand you pushing that agenda. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members bakedghoti Posted March 4, 2008 Members Share Posted March 4, 2008 I'm pushing an agenda? LOL! I'm not the one beginning a boycott/letter writing campaign because 2 lying, beard-using characters played by 2 horrible actors are not kissing onscreen. I'm merely expressing my opinion. I'm merely showing how glaad is behind luke/noah, yet did nothing when queer as folk did the same thing atwt did. main point is: luke/noah are getting support because they are gay and white. that's it. these characters are gay, but they are white, therefore white characters are being discriminated against. white characters who are gay. i am comparing the 2 (race and homosexuality) since that is the basic premise of your argument, so it's the only way to reason with you. however, i find it interesting that you did not respond to the rampant racism in a queer soap opera like queer as folk usa. what they did to white brian and his black hookup (panning away when they kiss) is exactly what atwt did with luke/noah. so why is luke/noah considered "homophobic" but what qaf did is not considered racist? where was glaad, other vocal gay groups when this happened? nowhere to be found. yet luke/noah (who previously kissed many times) stop kissing, and the world has to stop turning and everyone screams "homophobia". do you actually see the bias and double standard there? and lastly: not everything is about pushing an agenda! writing a good storyline and hiring good actors to play characters is not pushing an agenda! like i mentioned earlier, afa/whatever groups against luke/noah is exactly the same as glaad, any group for luke/noah. both are pushing their own agenda without even caring about the quality of the writing and the inability of terrible actors like hansis and silbermann. both groups are 2 sides of the same despicable, agenda-motivated coin! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted March 4, 2008 Members Share Posted March 4, 2008 right, because if they were black and the exact same thing happend there would be nothing going on please, dont reason with me. reasoning is what little kids do. discussing is what adults do. but with a discussion comes respect. it isnt that they panned away from a kiss. that happens all the time.. to black, white, gay, stirght, whatever couples... on tv shows. it is the fact they have not showen them kiss in months. a ccouple in a commited relationship on a soap opera has not kissed in months. not days, not weeks, but months. ona show full of affairs and maoeut scenes, they have not kissed? i am sorry, but it didnt just happen to play out like that. and it isnt homophobia, its playing it safe. i am sorry, every singl thing you ahve posted is about pushing an agenda, so to call out a company, and by the way, do you know what GLAAD stands for? The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. The entire reason for GLAAD is issues like this. and just so you know, if a storyline is good or not, and if an actor is good or not, is all up to each person. just because you do not like the actors or storyline does not mean that others do not love it and them. i personally think right now they suck, but guess what, at times luke & laura, bo & hope, jack & carly, insert whatever damn couple you please have sucked. it happens. I dont think JS can act at all, but i do think VH is a great young actor. none of that is the point. the point is they are being trated diff byt he show because they are gay. thats why the gay community is behind this pushing this into main stream. but is much more than the gay comm. i have said for months now Nuke suck and need a better storyline, but again, sooo not the point. couples dont stop kissing because they are in a bad storyline. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members bakedghoti Posted March 4, 2008 Members Share Posted March 4, 2008 it's great that black couples can kiss. it sucks for some vocal gay people that luke/noah have not kissed in months but kissed repeatedly before. cry me a river that luke/noah have not kissed in months while completely racist daytime has yet to have a core family that is japanese, chinese, indian, indian american, filipino, malaysian, indonesian, turkish, papuan, burmese, etc. but you completely avoided answering any of my comments and segued to the same thing you've been comparing. where's your reaction and feeling of indignation against what queer as folk did by not showing white brian kiss his black lover? it's the same thing atwt is doing to luke/noah right? the only difference is: luke/noah are white. where was glaad's reaction during that incident on the very racist gay soap queer as folk? they didn't care because one character was a person of color. they only care about luke/noah because both are white. and of course i know what glaad means. duh! clearly glaad only cares if 2 white gay men are not allowed to kiss. but when queer as folk did not show a white gay male (brian) and black gay male (hookup number 3456) kiss by letting the camera pan away (like atwt does), where was glaad's decree that it was racist and defaming interracial queer couples? nonexistent. glaad only cares about luke/noah because they are white, and they didn't care about the qaf scene because it involved a black character. and you can accuse me for pushing an "agenda" all you want. but the real people that are pushing the agenda for luke/noah are glaad, rabid gay fans, nelson branco and his ilk. they are no different from afa in that respect, but how pathetic is glaad to get behind 2 horribly acted characters? but what makes glaad WORSE is this: it screams bloody murder against a perceived homophobia against 2 white characters, but could care less when the same thing was done to a black character on queer as folk! there you go, bias on a silver platter. again MAIN POINT is: luke/noah are getting support because they are white. that's it. when the same thing was done to a black character on qaf, glaad did not mount the same support. is the bias clear enough for you? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted March 4, 2008 Members Share Posted March 4, 2008 there is NO point in trying to even discuss this. because it is clear that for you this all about hate of nuke, nelson branco, glaad, the color of the sun, hoe every day ends with the word day, etc... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members bakedghoti Posted March 4, 2008 Members Share Posted March 4, 2008 you just proved how you cannot answer my comments. there is no arguing around the bias towards luke/noah (white gay characters). queer as folk did the same thing to a black and white character kissing that atwt did to luke/noah. is there a public outcry for nuke? yes. was there a public outcry for the black gay character not shown kissing the white gay character? no. is the bias clear as snow? yes! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DeeeDee Posted March 4, 2008 Members Share Posted March 4, 2008 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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