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AMC: Week of January 14th

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I loved erica today, I was half sleep through the show until she mentioned shoulder pads and then I was laughing. Zendall was hot today, but still not a big fan of theres. Couldn't they find erica a better looking date? He so was not erica's type. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: I could of did without ailee and kwak/tad, but todays show was decent.

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Do not forget to set your VCR today! This is the most important day in the world! I am not talking about the current president becoming smart! I am not referring to Liz Taylor staying in a monogamous relationship! And no I am not talking about world peace, especially in the Middle East. And sorry but I am not discussing communism being defeated.

Nope I am talking about...THE REAL GREENLEE IS BACK ON AMC!!! Be sure to tape today's show and watch it about 100 times this week because it is the second coming of Christ. Set your VCRs and get it drilled into your minds people!!!


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Wow, we actually got, like, 17 contract stars appearing in one episode. It seems so uncharacteristic for this show lately... it's always around 10 or so. This is probably just a temporary thing, right? Probably for Budig's return.

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*gags* Kenlee probably more toxic than Rendall, and that's saying ALOT. Greenlee was Kendall's abuser and Kendall was Greenlee's doormat

RB Greenlee talking about the bomb shelter just falls flat as did Sabine Lee talking about Leo yesterday....

Today was BORING, the only good thing was Kendall's phone call to Zach

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The Gambler Ryan

Wow Ryan was like some Kenny Rogers there with his good ole little guitar! Since when did he know how to play the guitar? Last I checked, he just ran around Pine Valley barking orders at everyone as if he is HIGH H0 of the VALLEY so that leaves very little time for him to do anything else, such as learn how to play a musical instrument. What is the point of showing him now that he can play such an instrument? Oh right because he just has to have all these little talents to therefore impress people and make sure that they all goo goo gaa gaa over him and his little cowboy-ish tune of guitaring. Yep I want to learn now how to play the guitar because Super Ryan learned it just like that! I guess he needs no lessons in how to play something since he knows it all so it would be him saving money. We all know how cheap Ryan is since he is about as useful as a candy bar in a strip club. I just wonder the highest amount he has ever paid for a date...maybe $10? Since he only cares about himself and his own money, do not expect him to go out of his way to spend a whole lot of oodles of money on to you. But back to today's show...gosh Ryan just felt like rocking out with that guitar. I have a good idea. How about Ryan shove that guitar straight up his a$$ and then it will give him another thing to moan about? We all know he just loves to tell us his woe is me stories so that would give him an opportunity to make more people feel sorry for him. Then to top everything off, the Green Butterfly today proclaims he is the Prince Charming of Pine Valley. Hey everybody is going to listen to a prince, eh? Well certainly not me because I would hope that shove would go all the way into his lungs, prevent him from breathing, and he dies over lack of oxygen. Heck anyone going to shed a tear? I thought not.

Ava what is your point?

The woman should be the last one to talk about not telling the truth to the cops about someone not having anything to do with a crime. She comes down on Amanda for holding on to the tape that proves JR was with her that night and not joyriding and hitting people with his car. Geez, Ava, who was the one who set up Sean to have drugs in his pocket and took a couple of weeks to maybe a month to finally come clean to the police about how he is innocent? You know that saying about people in glass houses......

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