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Barack Obama Elected President!


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I used to respect McCain too. You know back in 2003/2004 when American sentiments against Bush were running so high, I always considered him a Republican that I could sympathize with and he seemed to really care about changing things. Well no more because its quite clear he lacks both the judgement, and the change necessary to govern the USA in these trying times.

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You know, there were people in this very thread who defended Palin when she was first named. Many of us knew this woman was a cook, but some decided that they would jump on whatever sentiment was going on at the time and either say that pick would win McCain the election, or that both of them were better for this country than "that black man".

She just didn't turn into this type of person. She's been this way. And McCain has been this way as well. It's about damn time people woke up to this bullshit and stop reacting to what is happening at the moment.

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I originally thought that she was a better vp choice, but admitted my mistake a week or two ago. When I hear her speak and try to answer questions in interviews I cringe everytime. I still feel like the reason the debate wasn't a loss for her is because most of it was scripted on her part.

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Erica, with all due respect......

When I ask someone a question, and they refuse to answer, and then give me a line they have said time and time again, they did not make their point. They just sounded like they didn't know what they were talking about.

But, I see your point. :)

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I honestly can't remember the last time a POTUS campaign went this far over the damn edge. They seem to not give a damn anymore. They are reduced to saying.....


My problem with that is that neither one is taking any responsibility for any or their actions. None. At all.

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Honestly, I don't remember who launched the first shot. I just wish that it would stop and people would be held accountable for it.

Adam, I see you in this thread and this is a little OT. Can you do something about the McCain/Palin ad here? It's one thing to discuss it in a thread, another to have an ad about it. Hell, I even saw an Elizabeth Hasslebeck one in the rotation today

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Cronyisms? I think McCain made up a new word. Cronyisms, what the hell is that?

I am very impressed that Obama looks like he is actively listening to McCain. McCain, not so much.

I have to say this early on in the debate that if McCain never uttered the name Sarah Palin, I could seriously look at him. He is very good in this type of debate

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