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Barack Obama Elected President!


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I don't give a [!@#$%^&*] about someone's personal life. It is the business of the people involved.

With that said......

Even though he was a damn fine president, he really should, IMO, stop with the "Moral American Compass" he likes to sometimes spread around.

Because no matter what great things he did while making law, he fell short in that area, and he, more than anyone else, needs to remember that when speaking about Barack's american pride (Or lack thereof).

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I agree with this. The problem is we did not have enough votes for impeachment in both the House and Senate at the time....even though we control both chambers, we cannot get a conviction in the Senate since there are not 2/3 or more Democrat Senators...and some Democrat Senators will vote nay on impeachment. Why I have no clue

Let's just be grateful that Scarecrow and Tin Man do not have many more days in The White House

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I also want to add...it looks like the final decision for the Democrat nominee is going to come down to a negotiated agreement between both camps. Neither one will make it to the delegate count necessary to be the nominee. If it does reach a negotiation, do not expect Obama to win it. Bonnie and Clyde Clinton are pros and masters at negotiations. Nobody on this planet can defeat either one over a negotiation

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