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Barack Obama Elected President!


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I think he is going to pay off her debt. I don't think she will get VP. I think it would be a good ticket, but if Hillary can't keep Bill on a leash during the campaign, she is not going to be able to do it when she is VP either.

As far as people pressuring Hillary to get out, I think more people were criticizing her for the way she conducted the final weeks of the campaign. Had the shoe been on the other foot, there is no doubt that Hillary and her supporters would have done exactly the same thing as Obama's supporters. Nobody did a thing unreasonable.

I think the reason that Democrats were bothered by the way her campaign was conducted has been clearly demonstrated on this thread. When people say they will write her name in on the ballot, they are proving what her critics have argued: she would rather the democrats lose and the country have four more years just like the last eight rather than see another Democrat win the White House. Democrats have long demonstrated that it is all or nothing and that is what we are seeing right now with a small segment of the Clinton contingent.

I agree with this. I do think that she will step aside and show a lot of grace. I think that Obama has shown a lot of grace. He said he would meet her anywhere, anyplace. He did not expect her to come meet with him. He gave her dignity and she deserves that. She is a Democrat and I think she knows if the Democrats lose in the fall, she will in small part contributed to that defeat. Personally, I think come September a lot of these wounds will heal. I hope so anyway.

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For me, personally, writing in Hillary Clinton's name on the ballot is not so that the Democrats will lose (if people are that spiteful over her loss, they can simply vote for McCain), but because she is the person I want to see as President of the United States. Why cast my vote for Obama, a man I do not want to see running my country, just because he is a Democrat? I don't believe in him, I don't like the way he has sailed to a (narrow) victory with one-sided media bias, and I don't feel he is a qualified candidate. So why would I vote for him?

There have been times in the past when friends of mine have voted for people from the Green party or other parties that didn't have a shot at winning, and they stood by their decision because they believed strongly in that candidate and/or that party. Now a lot of those same people cannot BELIEVE that supporters of Hillary intend to support her until the end. I have seen a lot of hypocrisy among people I know and love, but that doesn't change my opinion or love of them. But the blind devotion I have witnessed in Obama supporters I know personally reminds me of the blind worship that people bestowed on George W. Bush in the wake of 9-11. It's like they can't possibly conceive of anyone having an opinion different from theirs.

An older woman (70-ish) came into my work the other day and was saying that she is sick of people assuming that "all of us older women are going to vote for Clinton." I kindly told her that I understand where she is coming from, because I am sick of people assuming that I am voting for Obama because I'm young and college-educated.

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Well, I guess we're just goingto have to see this differently. Because I don't trust HRC one bit. So, if having McCain as your president and having fur more years of the same BS is what you would like......I can't tell you that you're wrong.

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I don't see a her landing the VP role, but I can totally see her in cabinet. She is definitely going to get something..... the party knows, Obama knows, and Clinton knows there are just too many of her supporters willing not to show up in November or vote for McCain to just pass on her.

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I don't really understand blind devotion to any of the candidates period but some people feel very strongly about whoever they support to the point where they are defensive of their choices. It's fine if you happen to support their choice and not if you don't. ITA with you on voting your conscience.

For me it's always been a case of the lesser of either two evils or the better of two not so good choices.

The flip side of your experience is being around people who are so blindly devoted to Hilary Clinton that no matter what she says they minimize it and fiercely believe that sexism kept her from clinching the nomination.

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IA on a potential cabinet role. The thing that I don't get with the supporters of any candidate is this whole bit about any of them having to offer something up in order for his/her supporters to show up or not vote for the candidate in the other party. If I were inclined to vote for either Obama or Clinton and my first choice didn't make it then fine I'd go with my second choice. If I were inclined to support only Obama or only Clinton then no matter what was offered to my candidate who didn't gain the nomination, I would have to go back and look at the candidates that are left and make the best choice from them and if they are so awful that they make me abstain from voting then so be it.

I don't believe in shake downs period so under no circumstances would I ever feel that the candidate I favored is owed anything if that candidate lost. People should consider what team will work effectively together over the my candidate didn't make it give him/her the VP slot or whatever else he/she wants.

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(CNN) -- In a reminder that he can outperform rival Sen. Hillary Clinton in some states made up largely of white voters, Sen. Barack Obama appeared to be on track for a strong showing in Montana on Tuesday.

In exit polling of 873 voters, Obama appeared to be the choice of white voters who made up the overwhelming majority of respondents. Whites made up 91 percent in the polling, and those voters said they favored Obama 54 percent to 40 percent.

The key differences between Montana and mostly white states, like Kentucky and West Virginia, where Clinton handily defeated Obama may be education and income.

People making more than $50,000 a year, a reliably strong demographic for Obama, made up nearly half -- 46 percent -- of the voters responding to the polls. Those voters favored Obama by a solid 62 percent to 36 percent majority.

And 76 percent of respondents said they had at least some college education, another crowd that's leaned solidly toward the Illinois senator in this year's contests. He took 57 percent of those voters in Montana, compared with 37 percent for Clinton.

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In predominantly white states, Obama won primaries in Oregon, Utah, Vermont and Wisconsin while Clinton won in Arizona, Kentucky, Oklahoma and West Virginia. Exit polls showed her performing well Tuesday in South Dakota.

Obama also won caucuses in Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota and Washington.

In many contests in states with higher black populations, Obama needed only to poll close to Clinton among white voters, because he could often rely on more than 90 percent of the black vote coming in for him.

Clinton consistently polled well with Hispanic voters, helping lead to wins in states like Arizona, California and Florida.

And as Obama closes in on the nomination, Montanans were split fairly evenly on whether he should choose Clinton as his running mate. Forty-nine percent of voters said Obama should select Clinton, but 45 percent said he should not.

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Well today Hillary said she is content with taking the VP position so something tells me that will be the ticket (Obama/Hillary) and I am perfectly fine with it..combine this with Obama saying he and Hillary are going to work together to win in November leads me to believe they have a deal worked out.

I am getting my Hillarack ticket! :)

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