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GL/ATWT: First look at new Springfield/Oakdale

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I haven't watched ATWT yet, but at the end of GL today they showed a preview of what the new Springfield will look like. We got to see the entire city on location, including cemetaries, Dinah in a car, houses and even the legendary lighthouse. I must give them proips, it actually looked good! The premiere date given was February 28th or 29th, I'm not 100% on that.

For those who watched ATWT, did they show something similar? I might start tuning back in to GL now that it doesn't look like a high school play. And to think people say PGP wants to kill their soaps! They're the only ones innovating. Yeah right now they have awful HWs, but that's more the fault of the EPs since they no longer have someone running their daytiem soaps (like MADD).

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They did not air anything like that for ATWT :( I hope they do soon!

I agree that it looked terrific! I'm really curious about the "permanent" sets they are creating too.

And I am also sick of hearing that P&G is trying to kill their soaps. At least they are doing something to try to save them. I also think this could be a very positive change in the look in addition to saving money.

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It still looked like footage shot with a pocket digital camera, if you ask me. The wide shots seem really far away, as if to desperately prove that they're really outside. The long shot leading to the lighthouse would be nice for the opening montage. We shall see.

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Well, I don't blame anyone who watched ATWT's "experiments" with the digital handheld cameras this fall for thinking this would be horrible. BUT, I admit, that GL promo looks fabulous. If they can deliver half of what the promo looks like, it will be successful. I still don't understand how it's going to cut costs with the added complication of being "on location", and being subjected to the whims of the weather, but whatever.

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FYI, Rosebud has also posted about Days -- the thing is the posts are dead on about Corday being an idiot. :)

Back to the topic... ATWT has not done anything yet to promote the new look, but I absolutely LOVE GL's look. I didn't know what to expect, but it looks very realistic. They'll be able to use NY streets for some location footage and that town in New Jersey (I forget its name) for other work.

Looks like the lighthouse will have a prominent role, too, and that should make traditionalists like me happy.

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I managed to track down a clip of the promo, and while it looks good all pieced together like that, I cant see how well it'll translate on screen when they're jumping between outside shots and the new 'four walled' sets they promised...if they're as bad as the current sets it will be too jarring a contrast unless they do it right. I can't see the having EVERYTHING taking place outdoors and I really can't see them building permanent sets that feature as homes for characters (unless everyone lives in identical houses with just different furniture etc, which wouldn't be any better than everyone living in The Beacon), so I don't know how it will all pan out.

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It's not a single post.... it's a recurring thing on the mediadomain.com board. Someone will post, ''I hate this storyline'' and Rosebud2 will reply, ''This is not new. This has been going on for the past 10-15 years. P&G no longer wants to be in the soap opera business and is intentionally sabotaging the show. blahblahblah''

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I hate all this conspiracy theory talk. The truth of the matter is that if P&G no longer wanted to be in the soap opera business they wouldn't be spending money on trying to rejuvenate their soaps; they would just let them continually churn out the same old drivel. Maybe, in ATWT's case, they want rid because it costs too much (due to having a larger cast than GL and larger amount of vets), but it seems P&G are really behind GL and it's recent Emmy win has bought it some time.

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The rejuvenation at P&G isn't due to spending more money than they did before. Actors have taken pay cuts or voluntarily jumped ship. TPTB are churning out the same old drivel as I type this reply! Of course networks don't want to be in the soap business with the ratings they're getting, but the they have no programming formula in place to replace the shows with. Diane Sawyer painting her nails for 3 hours isn't a hot proposition just yet. Imagine the viewer revolt if soaps were all yanked off the air with no hope of renewal. It's a lot safer to pretend bad ratings are the result of abandonment than the horrific writing and daytime's practically incestuous insistence on hiring the same hacks over and over again. How do you rejuvenate anything while Wheeler, Goutman, Kreizman and Passanante are still employed? :rolleyes:

A face lift fools nobody when you're obviously old as hell. B)

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