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2008: The Directors and Writers Thread

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I hope this is okay, and not a violation. If it is, please accept my apologies, and I will either delete this or expect SON to. I also know this is kind of random, but since it pleases me I thought it might also please some of you (e.g., Toups for your archive?).

For educational and historical purposes--not for profit and fair use--I am linking thumbnails of images that are stored on another site. (Click through for full sizes). These are NOT hosted on the SON board.

These are (often vintage) pictures of past and current Y&R/B&B writers. (I also have many producers/directors if desired). At bottom, I also have a few of the "greats"

Kay Alden


Kay Alden with Natalie Minardi Slater


Bill Bell Jr.


Bill Bell Sr with Jerry Birn


Bradley Bell


Janice Ferri Esser

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Eric Freiwald


Jim Houghton


Jerry Birn


Trent Jones


Lee Bell


Joshua McCaffrey


Michael Minnis

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Patrick Mulcahey


Rex M. Best

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Agnes Nixon


Bill Bell Sr.


Elaine Carrington


the Hummerts


Frank and Doris Hursley


Irna Phillips

Photobucket Photobucket

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Directing was also a strong asset to Y&R's team, so do any of you think there's a chance Kathryn Foster, Noel Maxam and Mike Denney might find their way back to their home? I would really love to have them back. I usually don't care much about directing, and all these new directors do a good job, but still...

Also, I can't wait to hear who was the remaining writer fired...

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Bradley needs to give a good 2 to 4 of those writers back to Y&R, they're doing nothing over at B&B. Then they can focus on trying to get back McCaffrey, Jones, and Bible, etc.

Also, why isn't David Shaughnessy back at Y&R as EP yet? Sony/Bell needs to beg to get him back.

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The only way I can see one or two of them back is if they get David Shaughnessy back as EP. He was close to Kathryn Foster, in fact, he made her a producer on Y&R, she was only a director on the show prior to that.

But no way are any of those people leaving Ed Scott behind to come and work for Josh Griffith and other Y&R newbiews. The only way I see them gone is if Corday goes on another firing spree, or if Ed Scott has had enough of Corday's BS and quits and they all follow suit.

But really, even though good directing is nice, it's the writing that matters. Good directing won't save bad stories.

But still, it should be a crime for Kathryn Foster to direct stories written by Dena Higley.

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