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AMC: Wendesday

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Jackass Lavery: STFU and Die already

Greenlee STOP YOUR DAMN WHINING and die already. I agree with Zach "I don't care about YOUR pain"

Sabine please do quit your dayjob and take some acting lessons, you can't even limp believably Ugh.

Aww poor Kendall *sniff* Loved the Kendall/Erica/Josh stuff

Billy Miller rocks

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I totally agree. In fact, not being a NonLee fan I have to say, I'm liking her more and more if only to spite the writers. Same goes for Ritchie. He's great for many reasons but ESPECIALLY because he isn't supposed to be and we're supposed to hate him.

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It's disgusting how many characters keep getting thrown under the bus to "redeem" Greenlee. The most current being Julia and upcoming will be Dr. Joe, let's see that's 10 characters now, unfreakingbelievable.

Sad when even the actors have no words as to why the show is revolving around Greenlee. Colin, Jeff and Aiden, didn't know what to say when asked why the show is revolving around her, and they didn't deny that it did......

Riiiiiiiight something she didn't do, she may not have done it that time, but she was guilty of that CRIME.

It's more than justfied

The ONLY focus I see is on Sabine Lee, everything revolves around her. Airtime proves it. When you got character's saying her name over 200 times in one week and ish like that.

There hasn't been focus on Zendall since the beginning of "Crash", everything after that was about Greenlee being "sowwy" even B&E said as much, that since Greenlee gets to rid the spotted dick day after day, everyone needs to quit picking on her.

Boo to the freaking hoo

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I only bothered taping it yesterday to see the Thanksgiving scenes and I was extremely disappointed in how little airtime was devoted to that (as someone else said, Ruth & Opal got one line each :angry:) and how much time was devoted to those damn Slaverys (love the banner, R!).

Celine's appearance was pointless and imo should not have occurred on a holiday episode. What talk show airs live on Thanksgiving?

I'll keep taping next week to see Janet but that's the only reason I'm even remotely interested in AMC these days.

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But in all this talk about the so-called Slaverys (and trust me, I hate that they are called a "family" and all that ish just as much as the next guy) has anyone noticed that the Slaters are NEVER actually together on screen, and yet the Laverys ALWAYS are? I won't even get into minutes of actual airtime, but let's just say the balance is skewed heavily to the Lavery side. I agree that the show needs more balance--and let's PLEASE backburner Greenlee, the BIGGEST screentime/episode hog there is lately--but to blame the Slaters is laughable. They are rarely on together, and now it's going to be another month or more of no togetherness while Zach works his cute arse off to redeem who else? Greenlee. Sigh....

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please. the slaters are much more of a screenhog than anyone else on this show. i dont care if they are on together or not - in fact when they are not on together that means they are wasting more segments on showing each of them with diff people. id much rather have them in scenes together so i can just FF through one part of amc instead of the entire Slavery show... err AMC..

and to say they are NEVER on together is so LOL worthy. they do have more than enough scenes together.

now i agree greens need to be placed on the backburner, but not moreso than the slaverys.

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But the thing is, SabineLee's screentime would be cut drastically if, guess who -- The Slaters -- weren't busy developing revenge plots for the Baby Maiming Bitch. So SabineLee has not only her own storyline with Aidan and her redemption, but she also had to play in Zach's revenge storyline with JR and then Kendall's revenge storyline with Kendall inviting her to secluded areas only to freak out and bitch at her.

People want it both ways. I guess they want a Slaters Get Revenge Against the Baby Maiming Bitch storyline but they want it with a Phantom SabineLee and -- wait. This wasn't even about those damn Slaters and the Slaters alone. I called SLAVERY because the Laverys are eating up all the stories, too.

But I dared to speak against the Slaters in any capacity, and that's the only thing that computed.

I hang my head in shame ever considering myself a Zendall fan, because of this very stigma that comes with being associated with a fanbase: TUNNEL VISION!

I don't know how this got turned into a Slaters get less screentime than Greenlee debate at all. I was saying that all the main stories for the past four months have been Slater+Lavery=Slavery driven. Every once in a while, B&E remember about the other characters, but even then, I swear they're pilfering from McTavish's story outlines (Kwak & Adam pt. II -- are you kidding me?!)

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Yeah - I love all the characters indivdually (not a huge fan of Annie but I can deal with her), but Zach/Kendall/Ryan/Annie as one big happy family is really sick and not to mention boring! The writing and all these stories are NOT good, it's like I'm watching the same stuff over and over..

The only highlight these days for me is Greenlee. I really enjoy Sabine's portyral of Greenlee, and I'd never think anyone would come close to playing Greens the way Rebecca did, but she's doing a great job. I don't know if she's popular with the fans or not, but I enjoy her, and Aidan/Greenlee are my favorite couple on the show these days.

Having Celine on the show was a nice treat, I do love the song 'Taking Chances', I just think it would've been better played at the end of the episode.


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