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AMC: Wendesday

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Awww Janet!!! Too bad we didn't get to see more of her.

Great show today. The location shoots were fantastic. I even liked the Thanksgiving stuff at the Comeback, and there wasn't too much KWAK or Babe. Ruth and Opal being there made it so much better. I loved Lily coming into the bar wearing the sunglasses too. Very well done.

My god Richie was crazy stumbling through the woods looking for Zach. It was really creepy when that man told him that he shouldn't be there.

Great show.

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Amanda L. Beall

Rebecca Taylor

It WAS a great episode though. Balance between characters, storylines, and sets made it much more bearable. Location shots were absolutely beautiful today - they did something different with the overall look of today's show. It looked really good - production values at an all-time high.

I'll comment more later...

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I was so excited to watch AMC with Ruth and Opal being on but of course AMC still focuses 95% of its energy on Zach, Greenlee, Kendall, and Ryan and this stupid ''fell into a bomb shelter'' mess and gives Opal and Ruth, what, one line each.

Ruth: Hello darling. Happy thanksgiving.

Opal: Want me to go get the soup? HUH!!

Seriously that's all they get, because of course Celine is here and Zach must be found.

And why the hell is Richie falling all over the place, he can barely stand up?

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Thank you. I'm sorry, but like I said in the other thread, being a Zendall Fan, I'm amazed at how sick of them I've become.

Not to mention that ever since the Slaters and the Laverys became one big happy family, it's absolutely disgusting seeing the four of them pat each other on the back and high five each other on jobs well done when it comes to playing mind games on people they deem unworthy -- when the four of them are all guilty of despicable acts themselves.

Annie is the queen, considering she's gotten everyone to believe her brother -- you know, the one she sent to prison for SEVEN YEARS for a crime she KNOWS he didn't commit -- is some evil person. How the hell do you do that? "Yeah, I totally lied on the witness stand and sent him to prison for almost a decade for something he didn't do... BUT HE REALLY IS THE EVIL ONE! PROTECT ME FROM HIM! I'M INNOCENT! SEND HIM BACK TO PRISON"

Bitch, please! And of course, Ryan is ever so happy to villify anyone so he can feel all superior. Of course, his dumbass thinks it's okay to kidnap, hang, handcuff and unlawfully stick people with syringes because he just knows that person is evil. :rolleyes:

Kendall's setting SabineLee up for something she didn't do to seek revenge. That's justified somehow because she "got away" with driving 20 miles with Spike. Oh, wait. She's a "Baby Maiming Bitch" so nevermind. :rolleyes:

Zach's trying to drive SabineLee out of town by waving false embryos in her face. OY VEY!

The four of these characters have become incredibly unlikeable, it's not even funny. Kay Alden was right. The like factor of a lot -- if not all -- of these characters is WAY down!

But of course, anything and everything on this show has to focus on these four characters, with SabineLee being the Slaters' foil and Richie being the Laverys'.

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