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B&B: Week of Nov. 19th Discussion!

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^^Maybe they spent all they had on that runway, lol

I'm guessing that Flannery might not be too up for physical stuff yet, so soon after her illness.

It's true that that whole scene kinda destroyed the plot. But Stephanie laying down there compensated for it :D :D :D

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I haven't seen it yet to judge, but maybe they could've shot her sitting down, like when Bobby was shot on Dallas. He was in his office chair and the shooting came in, shot him in the head and I don't think we saw him fall out of it. I can totally undertand Flannery not doing a fall so soon after her illness.

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Yeah I'm sure if Flannery was up to it she would have done it. I remember when she was recovering from cancer she had some really intense physical stuff with Morgan that I felt uncomfortable watching given her real life circumstances.

I've not seen it yet but it's a shame if they've ballsed it up. It's not hard to work around with some stylised editing.

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The only two problems I had with the shooting was the utter lack of a gunshot sound and the stunt double. Honest to god, I didn't even realize she had been shot because I thought the sound was just a background effect (you know...*POW* Look, bitches, it's a gun!). I would understand there being a silencer on the gun, but I still would have liked to have heard the shot. It's okay though lol. Just a small thing.

The stunt double...lmao...the wig had hair over the forehead, which was funny because Flannery's was (surprise!) slicked back.

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I don't wanna sound as if I am trying to defend B&B at any cost (I probably am lol) but B&B is usually so much better with its stunts than this. I mean, why would they screw it up like this, unless something happened? Could it be that the stunt double thing occured abruptly? Maybe Flannery wasn't up to this the same day of the taping and had to be immediately replaced? That would explain a lot. They probably grabbed a technician or something.

Unless they just screwed it up, lol.

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