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ATWT: Cady Mcclain Fired

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Come back to AMC.

I think if she came for the Kate/Kathy/Tad reveal I think ratings would skyrocket. I think B&E wanted her because in their interview they said that they would have brought people back but the train already left the station.

If she does come back to AMC I would be so happy! :D

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So, let's recap, shall we? Within one year... two crappy return storylines that made her characters look pathetic... and then two times fired. WTF!??!?! Are these budget considerations? She can't come cheap and she seems to get let go right at the end of the year.

Poor Cady. I hope she shows up somewhere and kicks major ass. She deserves a great storyline.

AMC needs her... and I would love to see Dixie alive and well, no matter for how long, just to know she survived...

.. but with the current MESS that show is... would a Dixie return be good for Cady? I don't know if I want her back there when it's in last place. The show needs to recover a little and IMHO they need to fire Carruthers & Frons... then I'd love for her to return and be the one to find Kate!

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By who the hacks that are killing AMC? I agree the story sucks but this is all Cady and has been for years, she comes and goes as she wants, maybe the soaps are sick of her style of coming and going all the time. You can't write a long term story for her because she could walk at anytime, like she did the last time she left ATWT.

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I highly doubt that a return to AMC is in the cards. First off, from all appearances it looks like she left AMC earlier this year on not the greatest of terms (how else to explain not only her sudden firing, the inane way they killed Dixie off, and the fact that the character has all but been forgotten). Also, they played the "Dixie back from the dead" story already. I doubt they would go down that road again, especially since her last return from the dead was a huge bust. Plus, I think AMC is headed toward a Tad/Julia pairing for the long term. And with probably a tighter budget to work on thanks for freefalling ratings, do they even have the $$$ to lure her back? I think that B&E said in their first interview that they wouldn't have killed her off in the first place, not that they would have the character back. I just don't see it happening.

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I want to see Cady on a soap ANY soap. I hate that ATWT did this. I'm not sure how popular Ro was this time around, but she was quite popular her first time around. For years the people on one of my MB's talked about how much they wanted her back. Then we get her in a bad story for two months! WHY? Money? or is it something else. I'd love to hear the real reason behind this.

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No wonder the writing was destroying PRo to pimp Maul. Well, I can't believe ATWT let Cady go when they should have let other characters go. Damn. AMC fans have been slapped again. I'm DONE with ATWT. Paul Leyden (Simon) doesn't seem to be returning anytime soon and Rosanna was the only other one that stood a chance. CarJack can't even bring me back. I guess the good thing are Cady/Ro is free from this dumb story and PRo can't be destroyed further. To hell with the show! ATWT deserves what comes to them now, even if it's cancellation. The show was already dead to me anyway.

Do you think they will let Scott Byrce go, too? Cady seems to be one of the high profiled exits. So, who's the other? UGH! Goutman and JP need to be fired like yesterday. How the hell can they still have jobs when they make idiotic decisions consistently?

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