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ATWT: Cady Mcclain Fired

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Exactly. If your health is that fragile to begin with, you can't make it out of bed, let alone resume the duties of a CEO and start a marriage before the coma kicks in again. This show has played fast and loose with medical realities for far too long. But I'm not particularly distressed about Cady McClain's departure. She never should have come back to begin with, not for the story she wound up playing. Besides, she was only expected to be around until February anyway. How much would this stint have improved between now and then? Hopefully Lucinda can obtain her company with Rosanna's help before the inevitable happens.

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I wish other fans were as open minded about her future as some of you. On the P&G board, the feigned anger is insufferable. Outrage and vows to stop watching ATWT over this? Taking it out on Marie Wilson? :rolleyes: TPTB have done McClain a FAVOR. Her storyline was floundering before Rosanna came back! It has been a glaring black hole that sucked everything near it into mediocrity, even Lucinda. At least Sophie and Cole's airtime has been minimal at best. But that's what happens when you don't want to sign a contract. She's as disposable as Dallas #3, but maybe she wouldn't have been if she was still working through a cycle.

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Well, why get rid of actors who can act and keep ones who can't? I stopped watching the show a long time ago. I rarely view scenes here and there as it is. The show is dying anyway. It's just a matter of time. The show I loved so much as a "can't miss show" has died a thousand deaths under this regime. All are pods and Goutman and JP seem to be staying. I see a really creepy flash of AW's last season. *chills*

Going back to Cady- I don't know about this Kristen, but I really would like to see her on Days.

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I don't think Cady having a contract or not has anything to do with this. She DID sign a contract with AMC, but they STILL fired her. In fact, MEK, MMT, and JHC made a big deal about her story lasting for 18 MONTHS. She was fired long before those 18 months! She obviously didn't get the story she signed for over at AMC. When she returned to ATWT, she sounded very excited about her storyline with Paul, but something changed along the way and they changed her story AGAIN. Now they've fired her when she had already committed to 6 months. They're all idiots, IMO.

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Here we go again. :rolleyes: Contracts have cycles, traditionally at a length of 13 weeks. At the end of these intervals, TPTB have the right to release an actor from their contract, whether they signed up for multiple years or not. Any soap actor who gets comfortable assuming that they'll have a job for 18 months is therefore a foolish one. They all know the score. Otherwise the soap industry would be crippled by lawsuits making Hunter Tylo vs. Aaron Spelling look like a walk in the park. Who's to say that AMC didn't dump Dixie at the end of a cycle? She returned in December of 2005 and left again in January of 2007. That means McClain probably taped from November to November for a total of 4 cycles, and stayed for another month as a courtesy to TPTB. It happens ALL the time.

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I'm well aware of the 13 week cycle that's used only to protect TIIC, and not the actor. I was just commenting on your comment that said that IF Cady had a contract, then perhaps she wouldn't be as "disposable" which clearly is NOT the case since they fired her when she DID have a contract on AMC.

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I also said she might still have a job if she was in the middle of a cycle. Soap Central says she began airing again on July 30th...15 weeks ago. Even with a contract, she probably would have brought the story to a complete end as a courtesy instead of getting all her last scenes in by October 30th, the 13 week mark. For all P&G's budget woes, has anyone entertained the notion that maybe she's just more expensive than they're willing to deal with right now, especially since her story blows?

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I know, she plays a good bitch. I LOVED to hate her when she started on ATWT.

If she could play Jacob Young's mother on AMC, then why not James Scott's mother?

I mean just look at Hope and Shawn! Age should not stand in the way.

As for another character, I think Cady is the only one I could accept as a new Jennifer.

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