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ATWT: Cady Mcclain Fired

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Reading her recent interview in SID it was obvious she had no intention of staying long. She doesn't like to be tied down to any one job that long. I tend to think she asked out and that is the rumor I am hearing and it goes along with the rumor of the unhappy actress that wanted to leave.

I agree these short term stays by "name" actors do more harm than good. Usually the characters left behind suffer the damage. They need to stop doing that since they never help the ratings.

I really like Cady but if she can't commit to a longer stay, than I am happy they are ending this dreadful story now even though that means she leaves now.

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AMEN. I know my opinion doesn't count a whit, and I'm certainly not in any position to really judge, but I personally do not like her work ethic, as proven by her history over the last, what, 10 years? We all have parts of our jobs that we don't like, but we don't turn in the towel when we're told to do something that we don't want to do. We are part of a team, so we do our job, get the unpleasant stuff out of the way and move on to the next. Yeah, there are times when you do have to leave, but there is a pattern with her. And with the money problems that all the soaps seem to be dealing with right now, for AMC to plan a storyline for an EXPENSIVE returning character (that would have to be a pretty contrived explanation since Dixie died onscreen), and not know if the actor's going change her mind in a month and go off to find greener pastures again is not a cheap proposition. I think she'd be better off taking some time out of the soap world and focusing on her live performances, and then come back when she's ready to commit. No doubt the woman's got massive amounts of talent! But for any soap to hire her with any kind of long-term storyline in mind would not be a good idea. JMHO of course!

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