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EW/HW - Now and Then

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This thought occurred to me when posting on another thread, and thought it would make for a good discussion.

Historically, have the power reigns of soaps been primarily held by caucasion men and women? Has there ever been a person of color or minority in one of these positions? :huh:

When I think of the most well-respected and well-known players, all of them are caucasion:

Doug Marland

William Bell

Agnes Nixon

Pam Long

Claire Labine

Millie Taggart

Hogan Sheffer

(Perhaps not respected, but well-known)


Bob Guza


Brad Bell

Megan McTavish

Can y'all think of anyone?

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Potential Non-Caucasian Writers For Daytime

Bernard Alexander McNealy

Edward P. Jones

Eric Jerome Dickey

Michael Eric Dyson

Mister Mann Frisby

Rodney E. Daniels

William Fredrick Cooper

E. Lynn Harris

James Earl Hardy

Roland S. Jefferson

Bernice L. McFadden

Tina McElroy Ansa

Leslie Esdaile Banks

Bebe Moore Campbell

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Hey Ru,

Bebe Moore Campbell is dead.

I don't think any of those people would be willing to write a soap opera.

They make a lot more money with a lot less stress publishing novels.

Which goes for Vola Voof, too. She can out-earn Hogan Sheffer with the sale of two books.

The only reason Vola Voof wants to write soaps so bad is because she learned English

watching them as a kid and has been watching "Days" all her life. She has a very strong affinity

for them.

I think Roland S. Jefferson would make a horrible soap writer. Just awful.

Tina McElroy Ansa, IMO, would be too mystical and slow. I love her books, but I don't see her

having the killer instinct it takes to commandeer a soap.

Eric Jerome Dickey would probably be a huge success! Only thing is--he makes nearly a million

dollar advance for each book he writes, so there's no way he's going to HW a soap and be pestered by

a network day in and day out.

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Was this even the question? :rolleyes: Ugh. Don't you have more boards to get banned from, z9z9 RuPaul??

Anyway, unfortunately, people of color are behind the scenes in daytime, but they're little known, if at all.

Michele Val Jean, as previously mentioned, made daytime history being the first head writer for a daytime drama in 2001 -- before JFP displaced her for that horrid trash, Megan McTavish. But pretty much, that's it as for any big time names. There's of course ex-ATWT writer Judy Tate, AMC's writer Michelle Patrick, and AMC producer Karen Johnson and AMC associate director Barbara M. Simmons. GH's costume designer, Monique Adams. Judi Ann Mason wrote for Generations...

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The entertainment industry as a whole isn't the best place for minority representation. Given the limited number of writing and producing positions in daytime and the general nepotism/incest of the industry, it's not that surprising that you wouldn't find many minorities working in prominent roles on soaps.

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That's a very good point, Faulkner.

And since there are caucasions that have "climbed the ladder" by starting out as actors, then to directing episodes, producing and then finally to EP. Ellen Wheeler and Chris Goutman come to mind off the top of my head as current EPs that followed that path.

It would have been interesting is someone like Debbi Morgan would have done that as well. She has a very solid base in the medium, with acting on soaps for years.

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Thanks for telling me. Just found out & I'm shocked! More on BMC: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bebe_Moore_Campbell

One of the biggest issues for daytime is them not recruiting talented and passionate writers from all walks of life. This will be the death of daytime.

Go Vola Voof! :D I'd love to read any "bible" she wrote for a daytime show.

And yet they blacklist her either because of jealousy, revenge, or just plain stupidity. And tell me why daytime continues to be the laughing stock of TV? :rolleyes:

She could be a Story Consultant or a Script Writer

Well, if he wanted to reach a new audience, then he should come on board to daytime. EJD could be an Associate Head Writer.

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I've met E. Lynn on a very professional basis and he thumbs his nose at the mere idea of soaps(which is ironic, considering I read he grew up watching ALL MY CHILDREN and ONE LIFE TO LIVE). Not to mention the fact that his books are shallow and have no literary depth whatsoever. It's all about selling his trash to those who like escapism. The last thing daytime needs is this passionless hack. Keep him mass-marketing his books. I bet he'd prefer it that way.

He's one of the biggest jerks and egotistical divas I've EVER met!

And y'all thought JFP had control issues?

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yea i think it is unfortunate that there have been few people of color writing in the soaps. i think that is part of the reason why there are few people of color onscreen and why their storylines are often lacking.

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As a matter of fact, there have been, in the past, at least two African-American EP's in daytime: Terri Guarnieri, at ANOTHER WORLD; and Haidee Granger, at LOVING.

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