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AMC: Friday

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The writer's ploy isn't working on me. I still really want to see Kendall take the witch down.... even if she as you say only stole a baby for 10 minutes LOL. Greenlee deserves it all. She'd be in prison if I were writing.

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Even so, unless she was going under 60mph on that open highway, she couldn't have been gone for more than 20 minutes before she turned back around.

I, personally, don't care if she's arrested. I saw SabineLee the moment she realized what she was doing was wrong and saw her turn around and head back and saw her reach for her phone to call the others which is what caused the accident. And how was she acting smug and carried on with her life? Unless I've been watching the Bizarro Universe version of AMC, SabineLee's been nothing but apologetic, crying and villified by everyone around her for months, having Ryan have her under surveillance (which I still don't get how he was able to do that legally. If it were any other male having men tail a female civillian 24/7, watching her in her apartment, documenting the number of times she switched a damn television channel, he'd be considered a STALKER!).

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Thats why I said right after it happened. Yeah she's not like that now, but thats not how she was in the beginning of the story. She went back to Fusion, throwing her weight around and giving those girls attitude. She was going off on Erica and then Jack for not supporting her. She was getting pissed off at Aidan for calling her out on her sh-t. Not to mention her getting in Zach's face and being insenitive despite what she did. She played up her role in the accident like she was some hero for saving Spike's life and she wasnt taking responsibility for her actions. Again like I said, this was Greenlee immediately following the accident. She's been written differently since and now is portrayed as the sympathetic one and in many ways the victim bc she's trying to be redeeemd and crazy Kendall is out to destroy her

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I want Greenlee to be taken down to and this is like Kendall from 93 to 95 when she was about revenge but now of course she has more layers and is more complex (Still complex under SMG but just got better)...I just don't want Kendall to risk prison time over someone like Greenlee

But I must admit I like Greenlee with Aidan...he is bringing out the good side of her

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And Angie, was there really ever an Aiden to recognize anyway? He's been backburner eye-candy for years, and just now he's finally in 80-90% of the month's episodes. The defining moment of his character assassination was on his own shoulders - when he hung Wes by a noose. That had nothing to do with Greenlee.

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Immediately after the accident? She survived a fucking 100 foot plunge off a ravine! She was in denial about what she was doing, what had happened and what she had done. It wasn't until Aidan brought her back to the crash site that she, herself, accepted the severity of what she'd done. That action (carrying on as if nothing happened) was typical of most people who go through traumatic experiences like that. The depth of the reality of what they went through is too much to deal with, so they don't deal with it at all. Remember, that was a pretty nasty car accident. Not just your typical telephone fender bender.

She'd been written apologetic before Kendall's revenge storyline kicked in. Kendall's revenge was triggered by seeing SabineLee outside of the nursery while Kendall was kangarooing Ian. By that time, everyone in town had put SabineLee through the wringer and made her social pariah. I don't think they're doing it just to make it seem like crazy Kendall is out to destroy her.

AND YOU DON'T EVEN LIKE ZACH! What in the hee haw HELL?! :blink::rolleyes:

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I dont like Zach, but that doesnt mean Im blind to the facts. I dont care what pain she went through bc I didnt like her behaviuor following the accident, an accident that could have been prevented had she not kidnapped the baby and then recklessly taken her eyes off the road and reached for a phone which nearly killed Spike and inadvertenly Ian. I may not like Zach, but I love Kendall. I dont agree with her form of punishment bc its hurting her more than anything and I dont want to see that, but I didnt want to see Greenlee jsut get off scott free. I thought she should have had to be held accountable for her actions and thats something that she hasnt been. I like Greenlee and Ive been one of her biggest supporters since Sabine took over the role, but that doesnt mean I can just gloss over what she did and push it aside bc she's so nice and apologetic now. The way its written, I think they missed their window of oppurtunity to make her pay for what she did, whether it be she were arrested, gone on trial, lose Fusion, etc.. bc they've moved on. Its only Kendall now thats stuck on that and like I said, I dont like how she's going about it.

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She reached for the phone because she wanted to call them and let them know she was indeed on her way back. The whole Ian thing is a stretch plus five because Kendall was already having issues with Ian before any of this ever happened. So blaming SabineLee is a cop out. What, did Kendall have some type of premonition that something was going to happen to Spike which is what made her go into pre labor contractions with Ian while SabineLee was in her own car behind Kendall, Spike and Babe? Give me a break. Blame SabineLee for driving off with Spike, and taking her eyes off the road and driving off the cliff. Fine. No problem. Those are the things she's responsible for. But blaming SabineLee for Ian's premature labor when Kendall was already having contractions is just nonsense.

Furthermore, there is no proof that SabineLee had kidnapped Spike, so she couldn't be arrested. There's no way to prove that SabineLee didn't get lost or got turned around accidentally which had her wind up 20 miles away from Pine Valley. So, having her arrested would just be cute for the Zendall lovers and the SabineLee haters, but it wouldn't hold water. The four of them were on their way to Manhattan, so any attorney worth their law degree would be able to cast more than enough shadows of doubt.

This storyline has been written incredibly lopsided. I love Zach and Kendall, but this is pushing it. Kendall should've just dropped SabineLee as a friend, moved the hell on with her life, and left SabineLee to eat herself up with guilt. I was on Zendall's side up until this revenge plot. Now, Kendall's just taking it a step too far. Having Kendall insist that SabineLee pay for what happened is understandable. Having Kendall reject SabineLee and blame her for Spike's hearing loss, again, is understandable -- but calculating a lie to ruin someone's life is not. Make SabineLee pay for what she did. Milk, force, beat a confession out of her... but don't take it this far, because it's only going to blow up in her face. Plus, it doesn't give Kendall a moral leg to stand on, and places her right in the same pit as SabineLee.

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I dont know how it is in PA, but in many states in the US, you arent even supposed to use a phone in car without a headset bc so many accidents have happened bc of that. If Greenlee wanted to call, she should have stopped on the side of the road. Instead, she reaches down to go to her purse while driving and drove it off a cliff. Common sense tells anyone not to put your head down in car while your behind the wheel. Theres no excuse or justification for that. It was just reckless stupidity. As for Ian, wasnt it the stress of realizing that Spike was missing was what caused her to panic and go into labor again? If thats the case, then yeah Greenlee did indrectly play a role.

Too bad Im not a Zendall lover nor a Greenlee hater

qwll we can agree on one thing in that Kendall should have dropped Greenlee as a friend and not go on with this revenge plot.
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Greenlee decided to kidnap Kendall's baby when she knew she could have been miscarrying her other baby. The results of deciding to kidnap Spike for 20 miles led to Spike almost dying; Spike becoming permanently deaf; and the news of Greenlee kidnapping Spike did cause Kendall to go back into premature labor which has put Ian at risk every day of his life since then. Say whatever you will, but had Kendall not learned that news there was the chance she could have carried that baby for at least weeks more. I don't blame Zach for telling Kendall the news, for all they knew Greenlee was off on a plane with the baby already, they were't going to be able to hide that for long. Kendall has not been 100% okay in her mind since this double-tragedy and since Greenlee continued to interfere afterwards - the visits to Spike, the watching Kendall/Ian incident, Dr. Hilliard. Greenlee put this family through hell and they're still suffering through it. They have each other yes - luckily nobody has died yet stemming from Greenlee's actions, but doesn't wipe away the scars.

Kendall is ruining Greenlee's life? First, why shouldn't she be working to ruin Greenlee's life? How many times has Greenlee done the same thing to her for much less (like b/c she wanted her man)? Her wanting Greenlee to pay for what she did doesn't make her the same as Greenlee, it makes her human and less of a doormat where Greens is concerned. Kendall is not hanging her off a rope or drugging her or plotting to kidnap or maim her future kids, she's framing her for a crime she did commit and hasn't had the balls to confess to (at least that's what it looks like) - not to Kendall, not to the police (who can't even contemplate arresting her unless she confesses), not to anybody but Aidan. The only thing I see wrong with Kendall's plan is that she's putting herself in danger of going to jail and Greenlee's not worth it. That doesn't mean I don't understand the need to make her pay and make her grasp what she did, and to protect her family. I seldomn ever think revenge is smart or healthy, but I understand it in some cases (K/Z's against Greenlee, the Chandler men against the kidnapping/cheating Carey's).

I don't understand how exactly Greenlee understands the depth of what she did or has paid/suffered for what she's done. I'll tell you why...

1) She hired Dr. Hilliard to get the weight off what she did off her shoulders and then immediately acted like everything was off her shoulders. No worries.

2) She hasn't confessed to Kendall or the police about the kidnapping. When Greenlee came to Spike's room again while Kendall was sleeping, Kendall told her to admit what she did - she didn't. She spun that she was the hero to the papers and the police. But Greenlee is now spinning that nobody would listen, b***h didn't try to confess to anybody other than Jack because she didn't want to really be stabbed or go to jail.

3) She gets agitated that Kendall is not forgiving her quickly enough, anytime Kendall is a little snarky and sets limits - she pouts and whines. Why on earth is she acting entitled in a situation like this? Buying two toys doesn't clean the slate.

4) Even Babe had more people angry at her for longer than Greenlee has. Ryan has already forgiven her, he held a much more significant grudge at Kendall for trying to take Fusion from Greenlee after the little dress ripping incident. Heck, Kendall got more chided (and more dirty looks, pariah treatment) for hurting Ryan and Greenlee's feelings than Greenlee is for what she did.

5) Her conversation with Aidan this past week. Her and Aidan were discussing how they really shouldn't feel guilty or responsible for kidnapping, child maiming and hangings. Aidan doesn't feel guilty, he's just after justice; Greenlee should follow her own advice. Greenlee basically adds "really what I did wasn't any worse than what you did. I'm such a great person for even making the effort to take any of this on me." Child kidnappings that lead to maimings and any hangings are both very bad things, unless we're in the twilight zone. "I've owned up to what I did." No, no she really hasn't. She hasn't faced what she did and really felt how much damage she caused, if she did she would have confessed to the right people, decided to leave Fusion and not straight-up tell Zach that there's no way he can keep her away from Kendall like the two woman just had a little tiff over shoes.

All of the above actions show me a woman who doesn't grasp the severity of what she did and how she hurt people and thus could very easily repeat past mistakes if she's mad or unhappy again. Does she even need to be mad or unhappy to do it again? Kendall was treating her well when she decided on kidnapping her son.

The writers are practicing the same redemption on Greenlee that they did on Ryan and Babe and even Krystal to a point. It's not real redemption and thus I resent it much more than I buy it. Greenlee had been made the victim without so much as taking more than one episode of reflection and responsibility for the scope of her actions, barely; next up the "saint" thing will be amped up and she'll be also made the savior probably as Zach and Kendall are actually REALLY being punished for daring to want justice against poor, victimzed Greenlee. A redemption I would have bought is Greenlee confessing to Kendall and the cops while genuinally taking in the depth of what she did by doing something like stepping away from Fusion on her own accord. That says I understand what I did, I understand I need to do something like this to ever make it right. I'm willing to do it.

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And if SabineLee wasn't showing any guilt or sorrow at all for anything she did, I'm almost positive people would be bitching and moaning just as loudly, so I'm taking all of these lectures about why it's wrong to show compassion to SabineLee with a grain of salt. Like I said, it's called having compassion and understanding -- not justifying all that SabineLee has done. What she did was wrong. No question. But I simply don't view her as this person who's been smug and nonchalant and needs to be taken down a few notches, either.

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