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ATWT Tuesday

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UUUGGHHHH....even more Katie pimping. In short, since I'm tired of bitching about it, let me say this: Get used to NOT being able to be mad at Carly, you self-serving TWIT. I sincerely hope you choke on that plate of "maturity" you've been spreading since the day Mike dumped your skanky ass for cheating on him. Bitch, please. "Yet another way Carly's making it all about her". [!@#$%^&*] off!!!

And Nancy would so not ever tell Fluffy to wear pearls and nothing else to bed when Jack was mad at her.

Could anyone not feel sorry for Carly today, swallowing her pride yet again, and offering to sit in the back like some indentured servant at the Kack wedding, just to see her kids? And I hate how they've rewritten the Carjack history, as if they NEVER talked about anything before they got together...when it was two years (nearly) after they met before they made love.

I sincerely hate the odd jumps between formats (or whatever they call it)...the filmed stuff looks cheap, the audio is lousy, and it makes the sets look bad. Getting a new angle of the diner set isn't like getting to see a new set.

Loved Rosanna owning her bitchdom and making Craig sweat.

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Really good show today, alot more balanced than Monday's show, and to my surprise I now in a way like Cole, amazing what a character telling off Gwen will do for me. I totally loved seeing Nancy on today's show it had been so long, so that was nice. I really, really liked Aaron and Alison today, great scenes and some good romance. Carly scenes were also very good. I liked all the nods to history on today's show as well. Previews also look really good.

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It is completely infuriating that Nancy Hughes is only written into an episode for the purpose of shooting the shyt with Katie. And it's been like that for a few years. :angry:

I've never heard of a steadicam that makes people look like they got strange tans, but Chris Goutman found one! :rolleyes: That sepia toned cell phone footage has GOT to go.

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They are on Wednesday's show and Thursday's show anyway Chris Goutman explained the no airtime thing last night in an interview, it is because he wants the fans to wait to look forward to something, instead of it being shown everyday. Which made no sense at all considering he shoves every other character on the show down our throats, lol.

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I agree on both counts. The steadicam is awful. It is ruining the whole scenes. Tomorrow we have it with the Luke and Noah scenes..ughhhhhhhhhh

Goutman is a moron!!!

Thanks Clint

Today's show was a bit better. I still ff all of the Cole/Sofie scenes and Willen scenes too. Good stuff from Tom/Rosanna/Craig and Carly/Dr. scenes.

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OK! Goutman needs to be FIRED LIKE NOW. Thanks for posting the link to that interview, Clint.

There's a part where the female interviewer was talking to Goutman and how she thought an interracial couple would be done first on ATWT, before even attempting a gay couple. Um, hello, Jessica and Duncan anyone? Goutman just stood back and said nothing, does he even know about ATWT's history?

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*sigh* Jessica and Duncan = the good ole' days. I was just a little kid when they were on the show but I remember how much I LOVED watching it. I'd rather watch the soaps than cartoons. Weird huh?

So what do you think is going to happen when Kack finds out about Carly? Would they even believe her?! I hate that bee-ach so much. Was she wearing crushed velvet today? That is just WRONG!

I feel sorry for Cole. He is such a donkey but with a mother like Iris, how can you not be??

How in the heck are Carly, Rosanna, Gwen, and Cole related? Do they ALL have the same father???

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