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Say something Positive about Your Soap

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I love this idea!

General Hospital: I'm loving all of the storylines right now! Especially Liason.

Y&R: Phyllis & Nick! Plus the whole Ji Min storyline is very interesting now that hes dead. I loved the character but I do enjoy murder mysteries on soaps...

ATWT: The Noah & Luke stuff...despite how horrible the setup was their interaction and chemistry is on fire.

PS I'm sick of the negativity too on this website thats why I'm sticking to the threads and forums that at least have some happiness in them instead of constant whining.

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DAYS has been really good the last week and a half. The Dimeras are very intriguing right now and Stefano, Tony, and EJ have all had some wonderful scenes. All the actors are really stepping up, and Bryan Datillo and Shelley Henning (both of whom annoyed me a great deal most of the summer) did a good job today. Kate is involved in a non-Sami story right now--YAY! Steve and Kayla have been fantastic lately. I'm very excited about the show right now.

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I'm POSITIVE Y&R is in the toilet.

I'm kidding. (Well, sort of...uh, you know what I mean.)

Seriously, the Battle for Baby Tommy on OLTL has piqued my interest in a way no other soap story has for awhile.

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THe way that they are writing Sam McCall has made me like her, which is something I thought would happen when hell froze over. I love the chemistry between Sonny and Kate.


I love that they had Bobbie Eakes sing. I love Tad and any storyline he is in. I even like the Greenlee storyline


Having Luke and Noah in a storyline together is pure gold. I love watching them fall for each other. It's refreshing to see a two males fall for each other. I actually like the "teens" on this show.

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I love the idea of Ji Min is dead.I can't wait to see who killed him


The storyline of TTS is getting better and better.I getting in love with Stephanie her character finally and jett to


Finally Alan know that Jonathan is alive!!!!!!!!!!!!The show will fire up Alan vs Reva

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Y&R: Michael Graziadei (Daniel) has grown into a fine actor.

AMC: I like Melissa Claire Egan (Annie) even though she's a Fusion girl...she's very natural, and that's a rarity amongst that crew.

I don't watch OLTL religiously anymore, but I must say that Kathy Brier and Nathaniel Marston are particularly poignant to me because they look like real people. They could be your next door neighbors, and it makes their emotional pain more accessible.

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Yes, clearly there's some good in the soaps, since we all bother to watch them!

GH: Has the best younger set they've had in years. Coop and Logan are insanely hot, in very different ways, Maxie (when she's not being too creepy) and Lulu (when she's not being too Carly) are fun characters played by very talented actresses, and I love it that they're the daughters of supercouples. Even Georgie, who I was apathetic towards, and Spinelli, who I often loathe, are pretty cute.

AMC: I think the entire show has improved lately, but I'm particularly happy about Annie, who I used to find painfully dull, getting an interesting backstory. I really like MCE, because she's always so subtle and subdued, and she's doing really well with the storyline.

DOOL: Wow, it's been good lately! Even TTS has gotten interesting. And James Scott is beautiful. That's always the best part, IMO.

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