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OLTL Discussion: Week of September 3rd

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Welcome to the One Life to Live Discussion Thread for the week of September 3rd, 2007. It looks to be another fun week on OLTL. This week will feature Todd and his quest to regain his long-lost son, Marcie and Michael's last days of happiness, and a repeat of the Valentine's Day episode for Labor Day. Hope you enjoy your visit and are prepared to discuss the interworkings of Llanview, PA and OLTL. If so, then you're in the right place.

So let the discussion of the good, bad, and ugly that is Llanview, Pennsylvania & One Life to Live begin...
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I love Todd right now. He just has no sympathy at all. It's kind of fun to watch someone who isn't a bleeding heart. For my part, I do feel awful for Marcie. She has no idea what's about to hit her. I love that John actually stood up for his family above the law today.

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Too bad John didn't follow through with his threat to kill Todd. It would have killed two birds with one stone: Todd shutting up about Tommy being his soon (I freaking get it!) and John finally having a flaw and being gone from the show.

Ooh, loved Lindsay and Dorian at the jail. I didn't realize until then, how much I missed their friendship.

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Lol thats exactly what I was thinking too! Todd is heartless and it just wouldn't be Todd at all if he gave one whit about Marcie and Michael. However as a viewer I do feel for Marcie especially and if it wasn't for her I'd be rooting for Todd no matter what. However since it is Marcie I'm so torn right now about whats "right".

I mean yeah Todd is an okay father but we've gotta be realistic here...hes psycho...lol. I dunno if I would want a child to be raised with someone as unstable as Todd has proven himself to be in the past.

At the same time you can't deny biology and he is the boys dad no matter what Michael wants to believe....

I just hope that Marcie has one of those "miracle" pregnancies once this whole Tommy thing is over with. Poor girl needs something to make her happier after the devastation of her losing Tommy happens.

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I know people out there are going to make this all about Marcie, but it is time for someone to cut Todd some slack. In the last two years Todd has been abused by Margaret, Spencer, The Justice System, The Lanview PD, Death Row, Rex, Miles, Hunter, now Michael and John for things he did not do. I realize Todd has done some unethical things that we supporters gloss over, but enough is enough. When that judge dismissed charges against Miles and had the audacity to threaten contempt charges against Todd, it was ridiculous. Even Nora knows deep down Todd has been royally screwed and he doesn;t deserve that. The man is good father and his kids devotion to him speaks for itself. Michael should be brought up on charges and John pulling a gun on Todd after knowing Todd was innocent of killing Margaret and knowing everything he put Todd through in the name of the law when he believed him to be innocent, I can't take it anymore. Todd is not saint but he is the anti-hero who can wreak some havoc, and I think its time to bring back the vengeful Todd. His needs to make a hit list and do his thing. I for one am tired of them making him a doormat. I like TSJ and have become a fan but in truth RH never would put up with this kind of BS writing.

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I was shocked today that I really liked the Capricorn scenes. It was nice to see more than 2 people in a conversation and it felt real.

I actually liked Sarah for the first time. And I like that they weren't all sweet with her and acted like they had personalities.

I finally realized what it is about Trevor that bugs me -- he doesn't look many people in the eye intensely. His intense scenes he usually stares off on the ground. But today his last scene with Blair was one of the first where he felt like Todd. He should practice that more often.

Can you hear the train wreck coming? Poor Marcie.

I miss Viki.

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Doesn't anyoen on the show miss Vicki? very odd..

A bit of a history question, on the 10,00th show Dorian said that she really killed Victor. I missed some eps after--did we get anything more on that?

While the show isnt' brilliant it's starting to feel more of itself and so far this week too I haven't felt the need to FF scenes...

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Loving OLTL lately.

Sarah is quickly becoming a favorite of mines.

As a Nash and Jessica fan I'm loving their scenes. You know it's pretty much the calm before the storm while Jared Banks is lurking around town.

Yeah I liked the Capricorn scenes a bit, but I don't like Adrianna alot lately, so her "holier thou" act around Sarah gets on my last nerve.

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I've got mixed feelings on Todd and all of it. I just stopped caring about the storyline (DAMN DENA) that I don't care at all who gets Tommy.

I like seeing Shaun the bodyguard, and wish we could actually see more of him...he does more for me than Vincent

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Well my favorite part of the show was the Todd and Lindsey interaction. It is so great to see different actor connect. I love the vibe I get from TSJ and Catherine. I think they should have hate sex because that would be HOT!!!

The Jail scenes the best part of the day.

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