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OLTL Discussion: Week of September 3rd

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^^I agree....so much seems to have changed in the last month or two.

Nora, Marcie, Michael, Lindsay, Langston, Markko, Viki, Roxy, and a few others have either had their airtime greatly increased or will have their own storylines coming up in the next few months.

Plus, we had the brief return of Kevin, Joey, Cord, Alex, and Max which I doubt would have ever happened during Higley's train wreck that was OLTL.

Also, while John is still hogging way too much airtime, others have had their airtime cut. Included in this are Jessica, Nash, Marty, and Miles.

And it seems like they are listening to peoples comments about Miles, by keeping him around and trying to make him into a good guy.

Also, throw in the improved dialouge and attention to history, and the show seems to have done a 180. There is still a lot of room for improvement don't get me wrong, but OLTL is in much better shape today than it was just a few months ago.

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IMHO, ONE LIFE is the best soap on air at this time. Ron Carlivati, Elizabeth Page, etc. are doing a great job of improving ONE LIFE. It now reminds me of what it was a decade or so ago. I'd really like for ONE LIFE to axe Michael Easton(John) & Nathaniel Marston(Michael) after this storyline re Tommy/Todd Jr. is over though. I've just had about enough of the loud-mouthed hypocriticial a-holes, the brothers McBain.

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