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One Life to Live Discussion: Week of August 20th

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What is wrong with John? I wanted to choke him yesterday. I'm tired of him talking about finding out the truth, and what ever BS he claims... because he sure didn't have that attitude with Natalie. If he's so right about Marcie, why doesn't he just confront her with the Tommy secret? Michael was right about him; it's like he wants it to be him or Marcie to justify him spilling everything and taking Tommy from them.

As for all the hints they dropped about the "killer"... did they any of that? I can't seem to remember.

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I agree...I loved the Marcie telling Nora that she could kick her ass. As much as I love Marcie (which is a lot), I was thinking 'with what, a step stool? Because that's the only way you could reach her ass.' I know I'm mean, but I thought that was funny. And I loved Marcie's dress and hairdo. I think she is beautiful.

I also liked Nora's reaction to finding out that Lindsay would be receiving the award.

Bitchly Natalie was great today seeing through Jared's act. BTW, did anyone else notice that one of the pictures on her desk was of Jessica, Kevin (Dan Gauthier), and Joey (Nathan Fillion)? I thought that was odd to show those two in particular in the picture. Makes me wonder if at least one of them might return for a longer stay someday.

Call me crazy but I like Sarah. Cristian leaves a lot to be desired, however.

Roxy cracked me up today...especially when she reminded Lindsay of the curse associated with the WOTY Award, with Rae, Nora, and Evangeline.

Clint/Dorian were tolerable today.

I still can't stand Nash. He is very annoying and irritating.

What is it with John these days? He's either lusting after Marty, carrying on a conversation with his dead daddy, talking to himself, or grilling a murder victim about who killed him. He needs some therapy and fast. I'm all for anything that will get him off my tv screen.

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Yep, and I can't wait. :) Looks like Ron is setting up the main storyline being the Todd/Marcie storyline with the underlying stories. Looks promising. I did see today though, Ron saying in SID that he is going with John and Marty. Hopefully, it will make John likeable again.

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Yeah I am losing my John Love, If today he had only said ,,, "Marcie isn't capable of murder" I might have cared about hom again but all he said is she doesn't know the Tommy secret. He has the nerve to say Marty isn't capable, (cause he has known her so long and knows her so well :rolleyes: ) but Marcie who he has known for years and supposedly loves her like a sister well she is capable,,, GMAB John

I got a kick out of the Nora and Marcie line as well but honeslty When Marcie said maybe Nora just shouldn't go I had to agree with her. Why should Nora be forced to present an award to Lindsay? She agreed when she thought it was someone else, if it had been Lindsay all along she either wouldn't have been asked or she would have declined, I don't think anyone could blame Nora for making her apologies and asking Marcie or someone else to do it for her.

But deep down I can't wait to see it becasue I read HBS and CH's interview in SOW and it sounds like it will be really funny.

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:lol: Really?

The only way I would totally love/like John... is in death.

Marcie/Nora, LMAO! I love how Marcie sticks up for her friends though. She got through to Nora, when she told her about how she helped her.

I was hoping someone would bring up the WOTY curse, good nod to history... because I totally forgot about Rae being a victim too.

So far, on Marcie and Michael's side of this storyline... John has dewelled on Tommy being Todd's more than Rex and Michael combined. As far as I'm concered, it's all about him and his decision now. They spend way more time on him and his dilemma, than on Michael decision to keep it from Todd and Marcie.

I'm still waiting for John to get his ass kicked from Michael (which will never happen, he'll eventually start defending him again) and the silent treatment from Marcie.

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