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One Life to Live Discussion: Week of August 20th

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Today's show was very well done. I was really on the edge of my seat during the last act. Loved the way they cut back and forth between John/Marty and the Woman of the Year banquet.

And like others have posted, the Lindsay/Nora flashbacks were fab! So many hairstyles over the years! LOL! Ms. Hickland looks better now than ever!

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I think it will be connected to her knowing that Tommy is Todd's (if she really did kill him); either Lindsay knew ahead of time and Spencer threaten to reveal that or Lindsay went into the room for some reason, Spencer spilled the secret, and she killed him to keep it from getting out.

She was there with Marcie, while she was going through the discovery of her not being able to have children, and at the hospital that day. She, more than anyone, know how much Marcie and Michael love Tommy. And after Jen's death, Lindsay treats Marcie like she's her daughter... so Lindsay in a sense, would do anything to protect her happiness.

I loved Nora's speech, the flashback were nice touches. I was surprised at how many of those scenes I actually remember watching. Tomorrow's episode looks interesting (at least the WOTY part does).

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I've really enjoyed the show--for some reason since the special eps last week--itseems to be going ina great direction but... The whole Lindsay thing strikes me as way too forced and random--a turn around just like the whole Tate is suddenly evil thing. And the way John figured it out was SOO laughably random and odd! And then he walks around like he knwos for sure even talking to her photograph? Make it stop. I was hoping he'd have one too many beers on the roof and walk off it...

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I feel the same way. Linsday being the killer is so out of left field. Before a few weeks ago there weren't any kind of hints that pointed to her, but now all of a sudden she figured out Tommy was Todd's kids months ago and that's why she killed him? I'm sorry I don't buy it. I think Paige was supposed to be the killer all along. I agree with how laughable it was John put two and two together Lindsay was the killer. GMAB.

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This WOTY ceremony and curse tops Nora for me. If it wasn't for Lindsay breaking down during her speech, her talking to Marcie and crying, then talking about Marcie to everyone, and Michael confronting John, loudly... it wouldn't have had been glued to the screen. It's been a while, since I've been really interested in what's to come on Monday for the show.

Though, I'm agreeing with everyone else how left field it seem to be that Lindsay is suddenly the killer (you can kinda tell that they decided, at the last moment, it should be her a week or two ago)... I do love how it still involved Spencer and Todd mess. One of the biggest complaints that I have about soap "who did it?" mysteries like this, is that they don't connect the victim and killer with things they did on screen at all (example: Y&R and who killed Carmen Mesta).

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All I have to say is that for at least the next three weeks we will begin to see the Tommy/TJ drama play out. This will means lots of Marcie, Michael, Todd, Blair, John and Lindsay; along with a sprinkling of Nora, Dorian, Bo, Rex, Adriana, and a few others. There will be other stories, but this will be the big one of course. ;)

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I remember noticing Lindsay acting strange when Bo came to see her at the gallery. I don't remember when it aired (I want to say about a month or so ago) after Bo left she made an odd comment to herself. That's when they first gave hints it could be her. I think changing the killer to Lindsay (I'll keep saying it was supposed to be Paige :P ) was part of Ron's influence when he became co-head writer.

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