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When is CBS going to wake up and fire their hack writers?

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Yes, Lucy Johnson is the IDIOT who fired Scotty D for not being "hot enough". I can't swear to it, but I think she's the one who also was ultimately responsible for the disasterous firing of Michael Zaslow.

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To be fair, I think there's only so much CBS can do, as well.

Changes at Y&R are ultimately Sony's decision and changes at ATWT and GL are ultimately PGP's decision.

While CBS does have great influence of Y&R, ATWT, and GL, I don't think it's as much as we'd like to believe. Though, Bloom has said that she has no hand in what happens behind the scenes on B&B, thus corporate influence is lesser on that show.

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I agree with everyone who says Babs Bloom has to be shown the door too because clearly she is failing as a Daytime Exec by sitting idly by while these hacks destroy these shows. Latham, Passanante and to a lesser extent Kriezman all deserve to be shown the door before its too late to save their respective shows. Brad Bell I don't think will ever go anywhere.

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Actually Pamela Ewing had the dream that Bobby died, he was in the shower, that was Pamela's Dream Season...

I say never! They seem to like the crap we get fed everyday and now we have the Emmy award winning Y&R and GL, plus we have the Emmy award winning writer at GL. BOO!!! Sad...hopefully they wise up like ABC did or half-way did.

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It just doesn't make sense to me. CBS has been the number one soap network since the late 80s. So what have they been trying to do since at least the mid-90s? Be more like ABC!

Why?! It's only driving away loyal CBS fans, and not attracting any ABC fans. You had a few OLTL fans check out ATWT when Howarth came over (and this is no slight to Howarth, he makes a GREAT Paul, but he WAS hired because he's from ABC, that's a fact) and then check out a few months later. Same for countless other ABC actors and personnel coming aboard on every CBS show.

The way to lure ABC fans over is with good writing, not by mimicking ABC. Because if you mimic ABC all you get are the temporary fans who leave after a few months.

Bloom sucks!

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All incentive for personnel changes went out the window when they won those trophies. But hack producers are just as bad. Paul Rauch's tenure was actually better than Ellen Wheeler's, oddly enough. I wish there was a way to prove that she bought Emmy votes just so GL can make it to year 75. ;)

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Scott DeFrietas (also known now as Maura West's husband) who played Andy since he was a teen. Rumor had it, Johnson didn't think he fit the "soap" mold of hunkiness. Looks pretty hot to me...and he can act.



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