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AMC: Wednesday

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I'm loving Adam today. He is hilarious asking Ava if the water was cold.

I think the ending is great! Ryan running to Spike. :(

I like that we are seeing more Joe then ever. :) I love Joe!

Poor Kendell, if they don't hae the baby then they can die. :(

ETA:WOW we have 15 members viewing. lol

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My whole thing is if you're going to write like McTavish, why not just bring McTavish back? I rather they have just wrote Greenlee to get into an accident while she was going to the hospital, and everybody misjudged her and boo-boo on them ... than for them to write that she did something bad but she equals love so don't be mean to her even though she did something bad because she's just misunderstood. Babe. Greenlee had love - Millicent, Leo, the woman whose baby she kidnapped while she was maybe losing her other baby, even that jerkm known as Ryan, Jack.

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KWAK saying that as long as that baby ends up in her mothers arms where she belongs makes me want to GAG, VOMIT, HURL. :angry: I hate they way they try to make us forget history by turning these criminals into Saints. I was worried they wouldn't be able to redeem Greenlee but now I have no doubt they will.

Because they wanted a villain and one that would make things more dramatic like two best friends/sisters being at each other :angry: I still believe this story was supposed to be Hannah as the kidnapper but they decided to go with Greenlee instead..Idiots.

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^ I agree with you. I'm not going to judge because they just started. Maybe after this story they can hopefully write good stories like these.

Lish better get an nom! She putting some much emotion into her acting.

I cannot wait till tomorrow. :)

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I just don't have the best first impression, I'm not calling for their heads yet. They were very heavy-handed with Greenlee this entire week, one or the other (20 minutes of her crawling per episode in addition to the flashbacks. I would have gone with flashbacks because I buy that hook more) - would have been fine - both equal as good as McTavish. The initial action that started this story was heavy-handed as well, it was a gimmick to start story although it was kind of in character for Greenlee to react and act that impulsively. In character - but their was really nothing (except the radio shows, which was just so inconceivable, lol) that happened to Greenlee recently that should have made her react and act like that.

Maybe they'll simmer down from here, sometimes it takes a whole bunch of gimmicks and lack of subtleness to get to character-driven and subtle.

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My thoughts exactly. Say it with me people Subtlety. I actually would have felt much more sympathy for Greenlee if she hadn't stolen Spike and had gotten into the accident and Pine Valley (in TRUE gossipy, small-town form) would have wanted blood. Greens could have gone to jail and lost everything for something she DIDN'T do. THAT's a twist! Instead, when I heard her back out of the kidnapping knowing that an accident was coing the first thing I thought was PLOT DRIVEN.

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I haven't seen this episode yet, but based on what I've heard it's very good. I am not coming into B&E's tenure as HWs with a bias. I am not going to sing their praises just yet either. I am tired of new writers promising things and not delivering (which is their fault, but because of budgetary reason). I gave Higley every chance in the world. I believed she was going to do things that the fans wanted and mostly she didn't. She spited them.

I know B&E have a bad reputation with some people, but I've also heard very good stuff about them. AMC needs a hell of a lot of work. McTavish killed the heart and soul of that show during her last tenure and it's going to take a very long time for them to recover...if they even recover at all.

B&E have a lot of work ahead of them and as long as the fans are criticizing every little thing they do, I think it could go well. They're going to make mistakes. All writers do. They have to find what works for AMC and what doesn't. Once they get the ball rolling, then we'll see how things go. If within 6 months to a year from now and things are doing any better, then I'll be ripping them a new one. But not until then (if I have to).

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You know what, though I'm sure we'd all prefer character driven stories, there is always going to be a plot. I see nothing wrong with launching a good story off a plot. There is nothing with what the Greenlee story. Yes there's a plot, but the acting thus far, and the way it's been written, it's coming off well.

If there's nothing but plot, plot, plot with nothing driving the story but the plot, it will fall flat (i.e. most of Y&R right now).

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