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ATWT: Thursday July 19 Episode

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The CarJack stuff - Jack needs to be slapped. Vienna pimping Kack? ICK.

But... whoever wrote today remembered that Paul and Emily know each other very well, they lost a baby together, AND that Emily would be hit very hard by Paul's death - so I'll give that props.

While I would have much rather had an onscreen reaction from Emily...this is at least something.

Aaron is such a Snyder - Dusty/Ali wasn't horrible.

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I really liked today's show alot, amazing what a show can look like without Gwen singing, someone trying to rape or kill Gwen. Hell I am even looking forward to Gwen and Carly's scene on Friday's show. I also liked the Dusty/Susan scenes with them remember the baby, that was a nice touch by the writer today, it seems to make the show better when atleast some history is remember once in a while, even more so maybe was the lady from Julia's past that showed up, it just felt like maybe we are finally going to get out of these tired storylines that we had been in for almost a year, well except for Katie/Jack/Carly they need to just either put Carly and Jack back together or just end this storyline already, it is taking up way to much airtime with very little ever changing, like I said though other than that great show.

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As a CarJack fan it really didn't bother me. They practically had neon signs saying something is going to go very wrong and the "wonderful" proposal is not going to happen! They were painting it all to syrupy sweet and perfect for it to end well. I really think it is more like the beginning of the end for Kack! And at least Carly was reminding Jack of how things always turn out, which tells me the writers definitely plan on it all ending that way again.

What did make me angry was Jack's comment about things being so happy until Carly chose Simon. Ah what I recall was Jack walking out and ending the marriage and saying he couldn't take it anymore, long before Carly was ever with Simon. Carly is not the one that ended it all. And it's too bad he can't remember what he told Katie on the plane just before Carly's return, that he puts some of the blame on himself in this because it sure sounds like he has absolved himself of all of that now.

Aaron is a total jerk! Love Agim, but I am not liking Aaron. I enjoyed the Dusty/Ali scenes as well as Susan/Dusty even though I am not liking Susan these days. I'm glad they are showing Ali tempted with the meth again since in reality it doesn't seem as easy to kick as she did it.

Love Henry and Vienna but can't stand their pimping of Katie and Kack!

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Parts of the show aren't that bad. As a Carjack fan, their discussion didn't upset me, per se. One, they need to hash some of this stuff out. I didn' like that Jack again threw the end of the marriage on Carly's shoulders, when JACK was the one who walked out, and then didn't stop Carly from getting the divorce, even when he wanted to. I mean, there's only so much that be "blamed" on Carly....uh, she tried, even after after she started seeing Simon, and last summer it was JACK insisting that they needed to "move on". Two, I think it's plain to see Jack's not that happy to be proposing to Katie...no wonder he's not convincing Carly of anything, when the guy looks like he's going off to the firing squad, and takes an extra second to answer (to something Carly said.) Three...well, it's Mikey and Maura together in a scene. No doubt there's a "better" reason to like something...but they're just so good together. :)

BUT OMG....skip anything Fluffy, or Fluffy related (don't be fooled by the Jack/Vienna scenes, it's all about Fluff). OMG. Talk about annoying. I'll admit my bias, but Katie blathering on and on about this "love" of Kack's was mind-numbing. (And Henry, Mike and Simon fans will be gnashing their teeth over Katie's latest declaration of complete happiness...it seems ALL of her romantic misfortune has just led her to this perfect, perfect relationship. GAG ME. Oh, and her "proof" Jack loves her...he told her about Carly's declaration. "She's not a problem anymore." LOL...oh, if she'd only seen the "sympathy" hug yesterday.

What is with Jack needing Vienna's help to pick out an engagement ring? He's bought quite a few of them on his own before.

Even Dusty gave me a little insight into Carjack. He was talking about Ali/Aaron, but it's true for Carjack too..."if you didn't love her, you could let it go." Aaron can't get the stuff with Dusty out of his head, and Jack keeps bringing up Simon.

It was nice seeing Susan, who wasn't going to give up Em's location to Dusty so he could "be there" for her in light of Paul's death. It was even nice seeing Yo's, where Ali got trashed. They've sure been dragging out some sets out of mothballs lately.

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After seeing today's episode and busting a gut at Katie cheerleading her way into a little celebration over champagne with Vienna and Henry, I cracked up even more simply because I read some of the spoilers regarding Jack/Carly and her... All I got to say is she's going to feel like SUPER DUPER CRAP :lol:

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