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AMC: Wednesday

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Finally - a new opening!

With Greenlee - and everyone rearranged....no Sydney, Jeff, Zoe, and Bianca. With so many gone, the characters have longer poses - even Del has a huge pose...crazy. Those are the only changes I noticed, I'll have to rewatch.

An all-girl episode *Sighs*

Ok - I enjoy the Colby/Ava feuding. Kendall looks great. The meditating thing with Greenlee/Annie was horrible...especially Greenlee's inner voice....blah! "HE WANTS ME! RYAN LOVES ME!" *pukes*

The Colby/Ava dialogue is great - I love how they are talking about their mothers and coming to an understanding of each other's pasts.

LMAO at Annie/Greenlee rolling around on the floor after Greenlee walked into the wall. Amanda was so cheering on the fight - that was hilarious.

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FINALLY - we are starting to dig into Annie's past. Now please let this be good and not cliche.


Ugh - ok well it was a mention of her parents and then Annie freaked out - then the girls lighten her up. Hope we explore more of that soon though.

LMAO at Ava - "She's AVA! Fashionista extraordinare!"

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Oh - and can someone get some screenshots of the new opening shots and maybe upload the opening onto YouTube so we can all see it?

I noticed Babe/Jamie are together and he isn't around Julia - Julia is with Tad - and Amanda is after JR (I think) - Greenlee wasn't by Ryan though - so that was refreshing!!!

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Damn, Greenlee was a major bitch to Ava. She was wrong for that!

I loved the Annie/Greenlee makeover thing though - I actually thought Greens looked kinda hot.

Oh good God - that General Hospital Nightshift promotion in the last scene was so not subtle. I wonder if they'll really continue with that.

Overall, much better episode than I was expecting. I actually enjoyed most of it. We better get some men back on the show tomorrow though. I like how Colby is starting to feel bad for Ava.

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I'm kinda digging Amanda as of late. If we get Amanda/JR, it would be the show finally using its rich history and bringing two families viewers loved together, finally.

Adam and Janet not liking the pairing would be icing on the cake.

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Oh GAWD that incredibly overrated hack wrote another episode? icon8.gif Who the hell is she fellating over at ABC to be given SOOO much freedom ("Hi! I write breakdowns, scripts and both! Screw all the other writers who might want a chance to change up and write a themed episode! I GOT FIRST DIBS!") considering the fact that she's only marginally "talented" and has a history that's only a drop in the bucket compared to Walsh, Patrick, Lewis -- hell, even Taylor? :unsure:

Yeah, yeah, I know I have no "proof" she thinks that way, but damn... GBS Reveal, 9/11, Valentine's Day, Fourth of July... and she always seems to coincidentally get these episodes? Too bad I don't believe in coincidences.

I can't wait to hear the dialog today. :rolleyes: More "clever" bitchy lines like: "But you talk smack on krystal, and I will yank your hair extensions out and shove them down your throat!" I'm sure.

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LOL, Sinclair. I love your passion.

I wouldn't say great, not at all, it was just not as awful as I expected it was going to be. It was an improvement from last year where we got Josh unburying his father after finding a hand.

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