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Please name one good story Jean Passanante is writing right now

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NO ONE can.

I mean, how can you mess up someone plunging to their death? Yet, JPiss managed to do it. UGH. The only half-way decent story is Carjack's, and that's more about the superb acting of Michael and Maura, than the idiotic circumstances JPiss has created. (And yes, I'm referring to Jack's attraction to Katie, the Vengeful Twit.)

Oh, wait...the Pre-Teen stories are good. I suspect that's only because JPiss isn't allowed to write her usual nasty vision of human behavior. Otherwise, Faith would be doin' high school boys in deserted school buses, Parker would be on the road to being a skinhead, and JJ would be the victim of some kiddie-porn obsessed teacher.

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It is mind boggling that the powers that be at P&G and CBS haven't pink slipped her ass by now. And, since her contract is up for renewal in July, it looks like she's not going anywhere. ATWT is as bad as I've ever seen it and that includes the god-awful year of Sterns & Black in 1996.

When a show sinks so low and the writing is so bad that you actually breathe a sigh of relief when your favorites are NOT ON, then something's terribly wrong. I thought the AMC fans were just over-reacting when they warned us about how bad she was and how she almost ruined their show, but sadly, in retrospect, they were right on point.

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The thing is Jean Passanante has been with ATWT for a very long time. She is one of the longest running head writers right now if you count her co-head writing. She began in August 2001 as co-head writer with Hogan Sheffer and then was promoted to head writer in May 2005. So she has been head writer by herself for two years but all together has been with show for almost six years. Her co-head writers are Leah Laiman/Chris Whitesell. I would love it if Richard Culliton who wrote ATWT back years ago would take over. ATWT needs a new head writer with the program. What kills me is Jean Passanante is one of the few who has worked for close to 16 years straight. She started at OLTL in 1991 in different writing positions going all the way to head writer in 1996. She left OLTL in 1998 to write the last year of AW with Leah Laiman. Then she went to AMC from about July 1999-August 2001. She was co-head writer for a year and half and then became sole head writer before moving to ATWT. She is like the energizer bunny that keeps going. I actually liked Sheffer's stuff more then Jean's. Sheffer's stuff was hit/miss but fun, bigger then life and moved fast. Jean is slow, dull, and boring writing for ATWT. I think bring the Cullitons to ATWT. How about bringing Carolyn Culliton back to ATWT with her husband co-writing the show?

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ATWT is unbelievably bad. I think probably one of if not the worst show on the air at this time. LOL yes we warned you constantly and I will admit when Jean first took over I actually thought she was doing "ok" but I guess she was just working through the last of Hogan's stories. It began to quickly tank the minute she had Emily shooting Paul and going completely mental. And as if Emily's character wasn't already at the point of destruction, Jean goes and makes Emily a friggin hooker!


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And let me add repetitive to that list. Falling off cliffs.......cars being run off the road....oy. This woman came up with the character of Cleo Babbit? :rolleyes: And Christopher Goutman allowed this awful, ridiculous character to be seen on screen. I am embarrassed at how low ATWT has sunk with the Cleo character.

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I saw on another board that folks are calling JP Miss Pissante..... First off, the show is soo one dimesional to me... meaning, they use a whole lot of two characters and very little of some very good talent. The only time you see Tom and Margo is when they are of course pimping up the Katie/Jack crapfest storyline..... We still have YET to have a really good Luke storyline that actually stays on screen rather than being dropped everytime to focus on the latest crisis of Gwen and Will. They totally messed up royally when they named Jade as Rose's daughter, only to keep her boxed in by having her constantly obsessing about Gwen and Will. They turned a former troublemaker and turning her into a pistol shooting woman reaching her breaking point sooo much that she opts to turn tricks because some local lush at the bar mistakes her for a Woman of the Evening. Then to top all things, they take a character that I loved so much and made him into the replica of the Dead Zone....The list can go on and on...

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The ratings for that were actually good. I didnt mind it because it was shocking and new at the time. But my problem was Emily didnt even recieve mental help for her problems. She was instantly cured and she wasnt punished for her crime. I agree though with the hooker stuff it was BAD! It was so BAD that I laughed at times. Not a good sign if you ask me.

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Exactly...and as to Luke when he is on it is repetitive stuff. He gives Noah these looks and he(Noah) wonders why Luke is looking at him that way. There hasnt been one single movement in the Luke storyline. How can Luke have a crush on Noah when they arent even friends yet!

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Oh yeah, and lets not forget that god aweful, cover your eyes scene between Jack and Katie. I still have to run to wash my eyes out whenever I see them on screen because it takes me right back to that scene of Katie "I'll Do Any Man in Oakdale" Peretti's legs spread on a table on the set of the studio AACK.... :rolleyes:

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