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1. Scott Bryce (Craig Montgomery) - 15

1. Marie Wilson (Meg Snyder Montgomery) - 15

3. Michael Park (Jack Snyder) - 14

3. Maura West (Carly Tenney) - 14

5. Mick Hazen (Parker Munson) - 12

5. Roger Howarth (Paul Ryan) - 12

5. Marnie Schulenburg (Alison Stewart) - 12

8. Daniel Manche (J.J. Larrabee) - 11

8. Grayson McCouch (Dusty Donovan) - 11

10. Martha Byrne (Lily Walsh Snyder) - 10

10. Terri Colombino (Katie Peretti) - 10

10. Jennifer Landon (Cleo Babbitt) - 10

13. Elizabeth Hubbard (Lucinda Walsh) - 9

13. Jake Silbermann (Noah Mayer) - 9 First Appeared on June 1

13. Jesse Lee Soffer (Will Munson) - 9

16. Elena Goode (Jade Taylor) - 8

16. Ashley Marie Greiner (Faith Snyder) - 8

16. Jon Hensley (Holden Snyder) - 8

16. Jennifer Landon (Gwen Norbeck Munson) - 8

16. Kelley Menighan Hensley (Emily Stewart) - 8

21. Alexandra Chando (Maddie Coleman) - 6

21. Mattie Hawkinson (Gwen/Cleo Double) - 6

21. Austin Peck (Brad Snyder) - 6

24. Ellen Dolan (Margo Montgomery Hughes) - 5

24. Agim Kaba (Aaron Snyder) - 5 Returned on June 15

24. Jason Pendergraft (Lance Barton) - 5

27. Lexie Drago (Morgan McCarthy) - 4

27. Van Hansis (Luke Snyder) - 4

27. Marie Masters (Dr. Susan Burke Stewart) - 4

27. Kathleen Widdoes (Emma Snyder) - 4

31. Reathel Bean (Minister) - 3

31. Allie Gorenc (Sage Snyder) - 3

31. Robin Mattson (Cheri Love) - 3

31. Colleen Zenk Pinter (Barbara Ryan) - 3

35. David Wilson Barnes (Captain Myerson) - 2

35. Trent Dawson (Henry Coleman) - 2

35. Scott Holmes (Tom Hughes) - 2

35. Joe Maruzzo (Private Investigator) - 2

35. Charlie Sandlan (Officer) - 2

40. Clay Adams (Lloyd) - 1

40. Tom Bloom (Sal Roberts) - 1

40. Ellery Capshaw (Natalie Snyder) - 1

40. Alex Charak (Elwood Hoffman) - 1

40. Ewa Da Cruz (Vienna Hyatt) - 1

40. Seth Fisher (Derek Graver) - 1

40. Kenneth Franklin (Dallas Griffin) - 1

40. Kathryn Hays (Kim Sullivan Hughes) - 1

40. Adonis Kapsalis (Rex) - 1

40. Saxon Palmer (Desk Clerk) - 1

40. Brayden Julian & Declan Patrick Schenck (Ethan Snyder) - 1

40. David Shumbris (Stunt Double) - 1

40. Rick Stear (Bill Martin) - 1

40. John Triana (Al's Manager) - 1

Not featured this month:

Eileen Fulton (Lisa Miller Grimaldi)

Terri Garber (Iris Dumbrowski)

Don Hastings (Dr. Bob Hughes)

Helen Wagner (Nancy Hughes McCloskey)

Note: Jennifer Landon has appeared in a total of 11 episodes as either Cleo, Gwen, or both.

(actors in italics are non-contract)


Craig & Meg Montgomery -- the happy couple are first for June... Carly and Jack are a close second!

I never thought I'd see the day where the highest Munson for the month isn't either Gwen or Will! Way to go Parker!!

It was also Gwen's first single-digit month (with 8 appearances) since she's been on contract with the show! And Will had his lowest month since April 2005.

Lucinda is great on-screen!! She had her highest count this month since October 2006.

Where have Henry and Vienna gone? Two appearances for Henry and only one for Vienna??

The three Vets that have been on the show for 45+ years are the three that didn't appear this month... Lisa came up in about ten different conversations but we never see the lady...

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1. Michael Park (Jack Snyder) - 83


2. Jennifer Landon (Gwen Norbeck Munson) - 77


3. Terri Colombino (Katie Peretti) - 74


3. Jesse Lee Soffer (Will Munson) - 74


5. Marie Wilson (Meg Snyder Montgomery) - 71


6. Alexandra Chando (Maddie Coleman) - 63


6. Roger Howarth (Paul Ryan) - 63


8. Kelley Menighan Hensley (Emily Stewart) - 59


9. Grayson McCouch (Dusty Donovan) - 54


10. Mick Hazen (Parker Munson) - 52


10. Austin Peck (Brad Snyder) - 52


12. Martha Byrne (Lily Walsh Snyder) - 50


13. Ellen Dolan (Margo Montgomery Hughes) - 49


13. Elena Goode (Jade Taylor) - 49


15. Ewa Da Cruz (Vienna Hyatt) - 48


16. Trent Dawson (Henry Coleman) - 47


17. Zach Roerig (Casey Hughes) - 45


18. Ashley Marie Greiner (Faith Snyder) - 43


18. Elizabeth Hubbard (Lucinda Walsh) - 43


20. Maura West (Carly Tenney) - 41


21. Jeff Meek (Craig Montgomery) - 37

(12/12/12/1/ / )

21. Marnie Schulenburg (Alison Stewart) - 37


23. Jon Hensley (Holden Snyder) - 34


23. Scott Holmes (Tom Hughes) - 34


23. Jennifer Landon (Cleo Babbitt) - 34


26. Scott Bryce (Craig Montgomery) - 32

( / / /4/13/15)

27. Daniel Manche (J.J. Larrabee) - 28


28. Matt Cavenaugh (Adam Munson) - 25


28. Van Hansis (Luke Snyder) - 25


28. Marie Masters (Dr. Susan Burke Stewart) - 25


31. Colleen Zenk Pinter (Barbara Ryan) - 22


32. Mattie Hawkinson (Gwen/Cleo Double) - 19


33. Allie Gorenc (Sage Snyder) - 18


33. Kathryn Hays (Kim Sullivan Hughes) - 18


35. Kathleen Widdoes (Emma Snyder) - 17


36. Don Hastings (Dr. Bob Hughes) - 16


37. Alex Charak (Elwood Hoffman) - 15


37. Terri Garber (Iris Dumbrowski) - 15


39. Robin Mattson (Cheri Love) - 13


40. Paul Leyden (Simon Frasier) - 12


41. Eileen Fulton (Lisa Miller Grimaldi) - 11


41. Jason Pendergraft (Lance Barton) - 11


43. Jake Silbermann (Noah Mayer) - 9


44. Ellery Capshaw (Natalie Snyder) - 8


44. Mark Collier (Mike Kasnoff) - 8


44. Kenneth Franklin (Dallas Griffin) - 8

( /1/3/0/3/1)

44. Thomas Sadoski (Jesse Calhoun) - 8


48. Lexie Drago (Morgan McCarthy) - 7


48. Brayden Julian & Declan Patrick Schenck (Ethan Snyder) - 7


50. Duane McLaughlin (Dallas Griffin) - 6

(2/4/ / / / )

51. Agim Kaba (Aaron Snyder) - 5


51. Sam Stone (Daniel Hughes) - 5


51. Tamara Tunie (Jessica Griffin) - 5


54. Elaina Erika Davis (Cassandra Willis) - 2


54. Jessica Eleanor Grant (Liv Russell) - 2


54. Jordan Lage (Prince Adolpho) - 2


54. Helen Wagner (Nancy Hughes McCloskey) - 2


58. D.C. Benny (Chaz Dargote) - 1


58. Karl Girolamo (Kevin Davis) - 1


58. Van Hughes (Gil Penn) - 1


58. Ruby Jerins (Jill Marks) - 1


Note: Jennifer Landon has appeared in a total of 82 episodes as either Cleo, Gwen, or both.

(actors in italics are non-contract)


X = character is dead

- = character has not been introduced/non-relevant character

(blank) = character played by another actor


Jack has a six-show lead on the rest of the competition at the halfway point of the year...

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Another month goes by and another month of Van Hansis, Luke getting only 4 shows, when was the last time Jen Landon, Jesse Soffer ever had that few of airdates??? Never, yet Luke gets that every month for the last 10 months. :angry: Totally sad that Luke is not even on during HIS storyline.

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OMG...this list just proves what's wrong with the show. JJ has more appearances this year than Luke? I mean....c'mon.

I am tickled that Maura's bounding up the charts.

It sucks that Vienna was only on ONCE this entire month, while the ever-mindnumbing Katie was on 10 days.

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This is well-balanced compared to a show like OLTL, but too bad about the vets.

Maybe I'll give it a try the next time OLTL makes me feel like throwing something at the TV (tomorrow? :lol: )

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Over the past months I agree but their airtime has dwindled in the past month and the only reason there is a lot of Jennifer Landon is because she is playing double. And if you are going to bitch about them getting more airtime than Van Hansis you should be bitching about Noah as well(and let me clarify this real quick im refering to June airdates not year totals) because he debuted and has been on as much as Jen and Jesse were that month.

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I agree with you about Noah, that was sort of my jab on the last part where Luke is not even on during his storyline, Noah is on but Luke is no where to be seen. I also agree that Will and Gwen have been on less, but still they have never once sunk to the level that Luke gets month after month. I would not even mind Will and Gwen getting those kinds of airdates if I ever saw countless others up at the top, also will add even though I am a fan of Mick Hazon I find it crazy that a pre-teen character has that kind of airtime.

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The #s aren't all equal. Noah may have appeared on 9 shows, but on many of them he had a scene or two, he didn't dominate the whole show like a Gwen, Paul, Craig, Katie, Carly, etc would do.

Even when someone like Lisa or Bob get an episode, they are barely on it.

With the ratings in the toilet, it couldn't hurt to feature some new people for a while. ATWT is full of fine actors, but good actor or not, maybe some characters are over-saturated with the audience or just aren't that popular with the general population.

With the kind of crappy, repetitive writing we get on this show, anyone on ALL the time is going to wear out fans tolerance level really fast.

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