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Ann Coulter vs Elizabeth Edwards


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Name one thing she's said that wasn't hateful.

This isn't about sides anymore, this is about which from either side does the most damage for their own cause; which is the biggest liability. Television political journalism is all too often the host of this circus of hate.

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I disagree.... Moore's films have all attempted to uncover information and he has done a great deal for bringing things to the American public's attention that they otherwise may not have known or noticed. Coulter, on the other hand, argued that Joe McCarthy was an American hero in her book Treason.

I *am* offended by people on the left that say stupid things. For example, I think Maureen Dowd is the closest thing in the Democratic Party to Ann Coulter... can't stand her and her condescending column. But Michael Moore has added intelligent things to debates. Coulter never debates policy, she's all about one-liners and propaganda.

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And I wish death upon the VP as well since he is responsible for over 3,000 deaths in the American military and at least fifty thousand innocent Iraqi civilians. He doctored the intelligence to make it look like Hussein and Iraq had WMDs when they never did and sent people into harm's way on a lie....terrorists kill each other and Cheney is a terrorist along with Bush, Rice, maybe Rove, and Rumsfeld so I say have at him.

I won't shed a tear if any of the above die and I know I am not alone....they are all (maybe not Rove) responsible for the deaths in Iraq by perpetuating the lies in the intelligence that they KNEW was a lie as well as doctoring the intelligence to make it look like Iraq was a threat. The Downing Street Memo is a key piece of evidence that shows that Bush and gang knew all along that Iraq did not have WMDs but invaded anyways so they had to have known that the intelligence was doctored because either they did it or someone close to them and the American people were sold on the war (I never was. I have been against it from day one)

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Rosie will tear her a new one. I'm no fan of Ro because she adopts the same bully tactics that Ann uses as a platform. However, at least Rosie attempts to insert some measure of decency and refrains from the automatic personal attacks in her diatribes.

Ann Coulter can go to hell. Or get laid. Whichever comes first.

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