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DAYS: The Casting of Jeremy

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There was no way I would believe a Jeremy/Stephanie pairing with Shayna Rose in this role. She would never stand for Jeremy's actions. She'd kick his ass. Shelley Henning's Stephanie, yes, I'd believe it. And it's sick because I hate both now. How am I supposed to enjoy this couple? I'm not.

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I will repeat what I said in the other thread...Jeremy does suck. Yes, towards the end, he got a little more interesting when he said he wanted to impress Steve and Kayla and then clearly had a secret. Other then that, he sucked. I had high expectations too but I just knew they were basing him off of Roark's Mike. Corday is going for recent, afterall. I don't care about the Jewish part or if he is blonde or whatever. Days should've done it that way but I never thought they would. I dislike him because of how they wrote him. All he does is make out with Steph and his mannerisms are stiff. I hope they add a little more depth or something. I don't even know if a recast is the answer because they may still write him this way. We'll see. I like Jett but Jeremy needs alot of improvement.

As for Stephanie, I remember when Shayna Rose got bashed on this board and many others and now people want her back. I keep repeating this because it's true and I know people are going to bash me for bringing it up but oh well. I liked Shayna too. I liked her the whole time she was on, except during her "I want my parents together" phase. However, she did have a hard time fitting in and she still wasn't accepted widely as Steve and Kayla's daughter. This current Stephanie is a good actress. Is she Chelsea-like? Yes. However, she has more depth then Chelsea did when she first came on. We saw that in scenes with her and SN and MBE. She plays their daughter well and has chemistry with her castmates. The problem with her is that the changes in her happened too fast. She had mentioned to her mother in the Fall that she had many boyfriends but it never worked out. It was around the time she liked Max. Then, Max dumped her and she saw Abby in love with Max and Chelsea had "lonely splicer" at the time so she was probably jealous. Then, she goes to Dayton and who knows. Maybe she was asked to change her image to make her bigger on the racing circuit. Perhaps she met with Jeremy and liked him so she changed her personality and look to get his attention based on her bad luck with love history. It's possible and realistic. The truth is she never got bad until after learning of Steve's issues and having fights with her mother. I think it all may also be a cry for attention too because they are focused on their issues and they never visited her in Dayton.

Stephanie having a wild streak is very Steve-like. Steve is a risk-taker and adventure seeker. It could be done better but, honestly, Stephanie is what she is supposed to be IMO.

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I was waiting for it. I'm not even going to defend the Shayna Rose comments because I don't feel like doing it for the 54th time. So lets move onto the so-called chemistry she has with Evans and Nichols. It must all be a difference of opinion because I'm not seeing any chances in hell that she fits as their daughter. I'm not seeing any of the chemistry that others are seeing. I saw that with Shayna. Shelly's Stephanie is nothing but a Chelsea clone before the maturity. And it's disgusting. How do you go from a strong independent woman that Shayna played to a slut that is now being played by Shelley? It's ridiculous and totally unbelievable. And she never got bad until after she learned about Steve's issues? Did you not see her first episode? She was a whore in the first episode that Shelley came on in. She was telling Abby all about her slutty ways. And the get-up she was wearing would have made Willow blush.

To each their own. I'm not intersted in Shelley Henning as Stephanie. She's not that bad of an actress. She would play an awesome Cheslea. She looks more like Peter Reckell and Julie Pinson's daughter than even Rachel Melvin does. She's just not Stephanie to me, and she never will be.

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Oh I just don't agree with some of that.

I did like Shayna Rose. I saw the bashing and definitely disagreed with it all.

I can't accept this one for a variety of reasons. I dislike her a lot more than I ever disliked Chelsea and Willow. So much so I can't stand watching what's going on.

I do think there's some hope for this Jeremy but haven't seen enough to tell for sure yet. Having bimbo-version Stephanie draped all over him constantly isn't helping me make up my mind because I've long since lost any toleration for her. I didn't like her from first sight and the horrible writing hasn't helped me do anything but want to pull the plug on the show.

They're also headed into wrecking the Dimeras. As much as I love the Dimeras this cartoon version isn't any better than the Reilly version of the family which bore no resemblance to the fabulous history I remember so well from Pat Falken Smith, Maggie DePriest & Sheri Anderson.

Yet again where the hell is Sheri Anderson and why isn't Ken Corday begging her to come back? She wouldn't be putting up with this teenaged crap bimbo business.

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I saw the first episode. Yes, she was bad but it was more controlled. She dressed sexy and was snotty but it was only after the stuff we saw with her father and mother that she start hanging out of cars and so on. That is what I meant.

Like I said, I know I am in the minority but IMO I see Stephanie as being written how she should've been written. Is it similar to Chelsea? Yeah but I always thought of Steve and Kayla having trouble with her based on Steve being a rebellious himself. To each their own.

Oh, and in regards to Sheri Anderson, she was great but her coming back doesn't automatically mean things will be what the rabid fanbasers think they will. You go to all the fanbase boards and it's all about Sheri coming back. What they all fail to see is this is a different era and Sheri's stuff doesn't automatically mean ratings success. We all saw that with JER. He comes back and look what happened. Would I bring Sheri back? Yeah. However, I am not going to keep rambling on about her like she is Douglas Marland. She's great but I'm not sure she would be great as some think.

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I don't believe the Stephanie should be rebellious because Steve was. Rebelliousness (is that a word? It is now.) is not inherited through biology. It's something you inherit through growing up and seeing things. It's a classic tale of Nature vs. Nurture. Had Steve been around when Stephanie was growing up, and she saw how her father was a rebel, then I could see her being a rebel. But because Stephanie grew up with only Kayla around, Kayla is far from being a rebel, which would make the trait unbelievable.

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It is possible people hate Rose and the new girl.

It is possible people hated Rose and hate the new girl and now love Rose.

Remember when people hated Kirsten Storms and then we got Rahmer and everyone wanted Storms back?

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Stupid silly bimbo doesn't represent rebellious in my book. There's a difference. There's also a huge gap in intelligence in the way Shayna Rose played & it was written and this complete crap going on now.

I never cared what fanbases said about anything. I care only about good writing and the show has never recovered from Sheri's loss the last time. In fact it deteroriated so much I gave up on it many times since she left the last time.

I do want her back but because I like her writing style and what happens when she's writing. I know that doesn't necessarily translate into ratings. But it will keep me watching when some of this Stephanie nonsense will make me shut the show off. Plain and simple.

Despite some fanbase interest I HATE Marlena with John and think she needs to be put back with the real Wayne's Roman Brady. I never thought Marlena should have run off with John after Roman returned and have dislike a lot of things which have happened ever since.

But not liking John & Marlena as a couple is not the same as being horribly annoyed with the character destruction going on with annoying Stephanie. I can take John & Marlena and even this toned down Chelsea and Willow (for now.)

I can't take this Stephanie.

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I liked Shayna Rose a lot. I found her perky personality charming and felt she brought something unique and different to the show.

I didn't dislike Kirsten Storms however I HATE HATE HATE her on GH.

I actually liked Charity Rahmer. I thought she wasn't that bad. But I never cared for the current Belle. I only barely tolerate her at the moment. But I'd still like to see lots of her instead of anything with this version of Stephanie. I mind this Belle even less when this Shawn is on. That was a huge improvement.

Then again that other Philip in the middle annoyed me to no end too. But even he wasn't as irritating as this Stephanie.

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You're right, King. It's like it's a crime to change your mind anymore. I didn't really change my mind after Henning was cast. I started liking Stephanie after they took her out of Steve and Kayla's storyline. I never had a problem with Shayna Rose. Now that Shelley is on the show, my urge for Shayna to come back is even stronger.

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However, Steve's return from the dead could easily off-set a lot of Kayla's nurturing, especially if she pretty much didn't have any other men in her life. I thought, as far as her approach to men, Shayna's Stephanie worked really well. Her mother filled her head with all this stuff about her papa - and she never got to see anything to the contrary. She should have flown off the handle when Steve was suddenly just back in their lives, and with all the push and pull especially. That was handled horribly, IMO, and I think they're failing miserably in tyrying to fix that by making Stephanie suddenly very drastically different. Bad move.

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Rahmer wasn't that bad? Hmmmm. Have you ever seen this?


Because even if MM does something I don't like, I think I can just watch this trainwreck and remember just how glad I am she's gone.

Of course what do I know? I'm one of the freaks who actually likes nuStephanie. I hated hated hated the old character (until what they did with her in the final episodes), hated that she was another race car driver and her scenes with Max totally grossed me out and not just because the character was her uncle. Yeah I didn't like Rose one bit.

I know the new Stephanie is a dumb selfish skank, but that's still more interesting to me than whatever she was before the recast. Of course, I'm someone who never saw Steve and Kayla's original run and have not developed much of an investment at all in them and their story since they've been back so I don't have any expectations about what the daughter of Steve and Kayla should be like.

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