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AMC: Monday

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Ava/Lily seemed to really get along and click - I hope its geniune and Ava isn't just playing her.

Alex Sr. playing insane - haha - I hope he doesn't get away with all of it, but the actor is good enough for me to enjoy his insane act.

The news cut into a segment of AMC in the middle :(

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I could have done without Jonathan and Del screaming about Alex Sr. though. Considering Jonathan's past, he should have more patience and be calmer about these situations. He just needs to be thankful he's free...I hate how he just explodes on everyone and no one even cares.

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Count me as a Colby lover. I wish Barbs would get involved with the Sean/Colby love story. Barbs and Adam were one time allies when Adam wanted to take over Travis' company. I would love to see interaction between them again as a result of their children.

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It was a good show for the most part. The Carey bondings scenes though and BARF were definitely two things I could do without. Loved seeing ACS again acting all psycho LOL. Adam and Krystal should be good tomorrow. Adam, watch out, you do not interrupt someone when they are watching their stories LOL

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It was a really good episode for the most part, imo.

Lily/Ava was even better than I expected. I could grow to actually like Ava if she means what she said to Lily about wanting to develop a true sisterhood.

I was touched when Zoe wanted Bianca to help administer her hormones.

Adam & Colby were great together. I second the hope that Barbara & Adam spend the summer scheming to separate Sean & Colby. It would be a classic AMC storyline in the vein of Palmer, Phoebe, and Enid Nelson trying to control their children's love lives.

ITA that Jonathan was so far out of line. He thinks the families of Alex's victims deserve justice but the families of his victims don't? What a dipshit!

The other part I found odd was Zoe thinking Bianca should put butter on her burn. Um, to make it worse? I thought everyone knew not to do that!

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Legally Blonde Ryan

So on today's show he pronounces that Jack knows the law and will go by it to get the tird (Total Idiot Refusing Discipline) known as Alexander CambiA$$ Sr. put behind bars rather than in a psych ward where he can shag Nurse Ratched for two dollars a pop per cherry and thankfully well Jack knows the law and not Ryan because if Ryan was a lawyer well he would be chasing down someone who stole condoms from the abstinence supporter Dynamite Kiddo and the slogan being, "Hey you don't want dumb kids with an oaf like Ryan, eh? Try out my super condoms!" see that is what Ryan would make his top priority rather than go after someone who kills and deflates Roseanne Barr's breasts or perhaps cuts off Paris Hilton's blonde hair to put on some hot oil on her head to really make her exclaim, "That's hot" and then she can finally learn the alphabet or I know he also can prevent a law breaker known as Fart Duper release his super califragilistic deadly farts that kill your body parts slowly starting with the penis and then the vagina and then the bladder with urine exploding everywhere....yep Ryan is thankfully no expert at the law

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Ava and Lily were the highlight. I absolutely loved them. I noticed that they tried really hard to make Lily look even younger adn more innocent. Her clothing felt a bit off and too modest even for her. Probably so we could see a bigger contrast between the sisters. I hope Ava isnt playing her and using her jus for her financial connections

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