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AMC: Wednesday

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I know they treated Dixie like crap. She deserved it, but it's so damn hypocritical of Tad/JR/Jamie to act liek assholes in her name. They should FOAD. LOL

There's not enough writing to make me feel for Tad and his whore.

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Today was a Hot Mess. Ew! First of all, Tad just needs to stop opening his mouth. FOREVER! He's a damn hypocrite. Last spring he knocked a man out and squirreled him away for the sake of his daughter. THIS SPRING he knocks a man out and squirrels him away for the sake of his daughter.

This is why I never bought Tad's weeping and soul searching in the snow bullsh!t, because in a heartbeat, he will go ahead and do something so incredibly heinous in the name of his children -- and hold Adam in such contempt because he does the same thing. "Children aren't people to Adam... They're possessions." Oh, really? How is trying to rip a baby out of its mother's arms the second she gives birth all because you don't want her raised "in that house"? A baby you didn't even know about until a few weeks ago. He hasn't even had time to let it sink in that he has a daughter on the way. The first thing is he just doesn't want ADAM to have the baby.

Good News, Tad! Adam wants nothing to do with your spawn! So STOP TRYING TO MAKE HIM THE VILLAIN! :rolleyes:

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Knowing that Bianca is leaving is a really good reason to celebrate. Her work is done. With the exception of Adam and Erica, Bianca has successfully assisted in the "Babe is Love" campaign. Anyone who didn't love and understand the tramp pig before, Bianca changed that. She's no longer needed. Who can I thank for dismissing this waste of space?

As for Zoe, I'm torn. Love the actor because he is really good, and I like him as Zoe, but I can't handle when he does that Shakespeare thing and when he jumps on the Babe Train. That is the quickest way to ruin a character on this show. I would like for Zoe to realize that Biance is a two faced little [!@#$%^&*] who will only make her life miserable and decides to remain in PV. That would be good!

But the bigger picture is that Bianca is leaving, so if I must do w/o Zoe, that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.

Now, what can AMC do next to make me happy? Adam Jr dies of alcohol poisoning? I could totally get behind this.

More time for Erica and Zannah!



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I kinda like Jacob's hair--and I never liked him before... oh well

Largelya good ep (I know exactly what someone meant abotu Zoe "bumbling around" when upset--and it is an acting quirk probably from all the actors theatre work--but it works for me for an Over thte Top character like her)

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It was better than Tuesday but not half as good as most of last week, imo.

The only good part was Janet & Adam. I can't wait for their scheme against the Martins to kick in.

I despise Tad more each day and Jamie, too. Tad's line about JR keeping his child from him was laughable given how Tad helped Jamie & Babe steal little Adam. Too bad Courtney "Hot Mess" Buglar sticks to her aunt Meggie's one-note depiction of JR as the villain and Tad the hero.

I wish JR would wise up and dump the babystealing !@#$%^&*]. It's pathetic how he keeps trying to convince her he's changed. Even more pathetic is Josh stalking her and eavesdropping on their conversation.

Jeffrey Carlson is a good actor, but I never particularly liked Zarf or Zoe and the scenes on Wednesday were so over-the-top that I just wanted her to shut the [!@#$%^&*] up!

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JSF - I think she is wonderful! I was wondering why not many people have praised her either, although she's only been on 2 episodes so far. Anyway, looks like she is a major Broadway star - as well as having guest appearances on several hit TV shows -- and a few movies.

Here is her info:


Her name is Becky Ann Baker.

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Andrea Loathes.... JR did not take a drink. He has been sober throughout all of this mess. Babe couldn't have "made" him an alchoholic... he IS one.

And Zannah? I don't think so. Way too obvious. If someone is to come between Zendall, it will be someone we don't see coming a mile away.

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Please allow me to clarify... I am not saying that Babe is the cause of Adam Jr drinking because she isn't. I am just happy that the man is back on the bottle. Babe could have been anybody.

But again, I am just happy AJ is on the bottle again! Hope he dies!

As for Zannah, I think it is a very big possibility. They were forced apart, and who knows what resolution they may need. Even if I don't get them in the long term, I will certainly enjoy their hotness in the short term. But just think about it. Skeletor is pregnant for a reason... Zack will need a reason to stay true to her. And I can't say this enough...Thorsten needs to be free of Alicia. He deserves better!


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If Alicia is one of the best actresses on the show, AMC is really in trouble. On her absolute best day, Alicia can't compete with the shoelaces of the best. Even with the lowered industry standards, Alicia still can't compete, and TK should not be shackled to her. He is a wonderful actor, and he needs to play off of an equal!

As for AJ, I am very disappointed. I thought he took the drink. I have to be careful of when I change the channel, but the Carey Whores do that to me...


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