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DAYS: Corday speaks in SOD -

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Don't count your eggs before they're hatched. Matthew Ashford is NOT on recurring status with the show. These past 3 episodes were guest appearances. Corday wants Ashford to be on the show in a recurring status, but that has not been settled yet. They're still trying. I got that from a source from the board that shall not be named.

Corday is trying to get Ashford to be recurring for the summer, but nothing has been set in stone as of yet.

I do recall Judi Evans saying that she's looking forward to working with Stephen and Matt, but that could be at anytime. It doesn't mean that she'll be working with them in May when she returns.

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It does suck that Corday seems to be blaming Steve and Kayla for this drop...But it was a bad idea to just put them on the frontburner and backburn the other 2 supercouples...this made the fans of those couples angry at steve and kayla for hogging the airtime...john, marlena, bo, and hope really needed to be big parts of this steve returns from the dead storyline..it had so much potential...

I'm pretty sure that Duck, Gabby, and Willow won't last very long...Willow for a while as she's still pregnant, but that can easily be fixed..and with the island story ending, hopefully in May...That should be the last we see of Duck and Gabby...

And we better be hearing about Renee Jones getting re-hired soon, because of all the firings that was the worst in my opinion..It just didn't make any sense..and her exit was horrible....

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Digest: The show is in crisis mode. Does that alarm you?

Corday: Of course, it does! And it's very easy to point fingers the other way.

Digest: But you're not.

Corday: Can't You have to look in the mirror.

Digest: It seems you gave Hogan the freedom to tell new stories when he came.

Corday: Definitely.

Digest: But the stories didn't include characters who are integral to the canvas, like Bo, Hope, John, and Marlena.

Corday: You know, he's not even here a year. In actuality, his stories did not start airing until last October, and then I let him basically run with the ball. SO sometimes it's too much of a good thing. Letting the head writer have his reign is something you have to do, and then letting the head writer realize that we have to get out of story is also something that I have to do and he has to do. It's part of the production of the show. We don't have time now to experiment, to try things that in the past have been a tough sell. There are no-no's in daytime: Don't kill babies -we did that a year ago. don't tell stories about people in mental institutions -we're doing that now. Try to keep people in town as opposed to "island stories" - doing that now. And don't put a lot of unfamiliar faces not only on front burner, but as the hub of the story, the center of the wheel. So lesson learned, back to basics.

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(please excuse me while I rant at Corday for a moment)

Then why didn't y'all write a [!@#$%^&*] story, moron?! You can't just have them on-screen stealing a kidney and getting angry or angsty and expect that to draw new viewers and please old fans!

Let's get real, Corday, you are bitter. I'm sorry, but you come off that way to me, like you're pissed at the fans for wanting the core four. And your whole intention behind bringing back older characters seems to be to shut the fans up so that you can then move on to whatever the hell crap you want to vomit all over the screen. What you did to Patch/Kayla is EXACTLY what you did to Austin/Carrie- bring them back so viewers stop asking for them, and then give them a boring half-written "story" that's so horrible people start asking that they go away.

And now...now I'm thinking this is your plan with the Dimera/Brady feud exploration. You're going to intentionally spew crap at me, aren't you, so that I'll stop harping on the fact that it needs to be done? You're going to bore me and make me hate everyone until the only character I can tolerate is Willow.

I mean, I have to assume that character-killing is your motive. Because that's what you've achieved with Patch/Kayla through your conscious decision, and you wouldn't change the decision that lead to that result.

And, y'know, I single you out, because you're talking now, but I know that there are probably lots of morons who allegedly made a conscious choice to throw two characters, two familiar faces, on screen FOR SIX MONTHS WITHOUT STORY. Transition problems my ass. You people just blew it.

Also, I totally believe that you gave Hogan Sheffer free reign. There are really two constants at Days: the boom-bust cycle, and you. So, y'know, sell me something else.


Man that ticks me off. I get why some of you are irked by his P/K related remark, but for me it's really that comment right there. It was a choice they all made to have two characters on screen for 6 months with no story. No story! How do you even think that's ok? How do you not think that this would be the PERFECT opportunity for Bo as a supporting, or Marlena as a supporting? These people don't have to live on little storyline islands.

Which reminds me- the out-of-town island thing? Islands are a freakin' tradition on this show. It's like a rite of passage. And sending Shawn/Belle to an island is, imho, one of the smarter moves TPTB made.

And now he's going to the tried-and-true, which is probably Corday-speak for tired retreads. If TPTB made half an effort to transition to a new core group of people (not necessarily a new family), I'd be totally behind them.

Eh, whatever. It's not really worth investing in anymore.

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My thoughts exactly. This sounds out of character. Maybe he means it this time.

Or maybe he's just become a better liar. Liars are known to go this route when the money gets tight (sorry, not trying to be Debbie Downer, just .. I'll shut up)

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I heard she was ill but I never thought it was this bad. THIS IS HORRIBLE :( .

I guess we know why Doug and Julie are back and why she hasn't been used. Her sendoff better do her justice it better be up to her as to how she exits. I am sure Corday asked her at some point what kind of sendoff she would like.

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