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GH: Monday

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I have to say that I really liked today's show. Carly didn't annoy me as much. Jax is really good for her but too bad it doesn't go both ways.

Loved Lulu dumping the drink on Maxie's head. She totally deserved it. Using Laura going out of her mind to blackmail Scotty isn't cool. I like the chemistry between Logan and Lulu. They are gonna be a couple before long. She damn near hates him but he keeps showing up defending her.

Nikolas needs to realize that his behavior is sending up more red flags. Telling Alexis she should go the hospital instead of staying there just screamed "Nikolas isn't himself, AT ALL!" He needs to be more subtle about the way he handles Craig, moreso now that he's taken a liking to Alexis.

I feel so bad for Scrubs. Robin doesn't want Patrick to think she doesn't love him anymore and he's barely making it.

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Lulu is my idol. She can slap, punch and throw drinks at MaxieHO every day as far as Im concerned. She rocks and was the best thing about today.

I HATE what GH has done with Scott. I wish Kin had never returned under Guza's pen.

Amelia is still annoying. Im hoping she gets shot by a stray bullet.

Love Sam but hate her hair. I cant stand that hairstyle. I saw a few girls with it on BB Australia and dont like that its made its way over here

Aa far as Nikolas' behavior and him sending red flags, I think you need to remember that he is sick. He isnt acting like himself bc he was given poison and its been messing with him over the last 2 weeks. He's agitated and not completly rational. He cant exactly be subtle, bc there are times when he physically just isnt feeling well to be so

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I'm tired of Lulu. I can't stand Perky Lil' Kirsten Stormsie Wormsie, but I like the current direction of the Maxie character -- they've balanced out the !@#$%^&*]iness with the vulnerability better. I just wish a better actress were playing the role.

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I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE LuLu! I hate her! Why is it that she can put her hands on any and everybody? She has slapped Maxie twice now and today she threw a drink in her face. I'm not saying that Maxie wasn't wrong, but really? The writing is so slanted I don't care, I want Maxie to knock her out the next time. And uhh, LuLu might want to be careful cause Logan looks like he might hit back : X

My Craig and Alexis! EEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So adorable! So sparkly! So much chem! And he was soo cute with Kristina!

I hate CarJax, I wish they would give Jax his balls back cause he just doesn't look good in this story at all IMO.

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i enjoyed today too.

Don't really watch the Carjaacker scenes..

but I really don't like Lulu as Carly jr... i really liked her when she first came on GH but now I find her really annoying hope they fix it. but I love Lulu & Maxie

scrubs are always good, alexis, kristina & craig.

and loved Amelia Bedelia telling off Sonny & Jason.. mafia bimbo.. man Jason can't you even defend your gf?

Tomorrow looks boring as hell though.

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Boo. I am so sick of Lulu getting free will to punch anyone in town. Its nothing but Lulu propping in my opinion because by now Maxie would have knocked the hell out of her. She deserved this last deal but the slap and the punch were bull. Lulu is such a blazing hypocrite, at least Maxie knows she's skanky.

So sick of Lulu and her screaming at everyone.

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The show needs balance is all. If you are going to showcase Lulu as your New Young Heroine, you should also recognize that she isn't the Be All and End All. Otherwise, the audience will feel like they are being forced to like Lulu just because she's on all the time and all the young dudes dig her.

It's *because* they keep telling us that Lulu is just the Bestest Thing Ever and The Next Carly (barf) that I root for uber-b!tch Maxie. Making Maxie a b!tch was the best thing they ever did for Kristen Storms. She is kicking in that role.

Jason Thomson is hot as all hell when he's all pouty and angry. Looks like Lainey got a haircut at the same place they did Robin's bangs. She looks cute. Boy, Epiphany, are you grumpy. I wish this character wasn't such a walking stereotype.

Best thing BY FAR on yesterday's show: Craig, Alexis and Kristina. I hope the child that plays Kristina grows up on the show like Kristen Alderson has on OLTL. She is just so sweet and natural. Craig + Alexis: RWAOL. :lol:

Ugh ugh UGH CarJax. I honestly don't mean to pollute the GH thread with my current SnarlyHate but seriously? This version of Carly is making me consider tuning out of GH. I despise this smug !@#$%^&*] so much. Nobody is allowed to go one better than this troll. And WTF? Jax is begging her to come back to him even after she screwed Sonny? The same man who dumped Brenda at the altar for *kissing* Sonny friggin GOODBYE -- now he's all "I'm disappointed you slept with Sonny but my love for you has not diminished one bit." Huh?! Disappointed?

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:lol: I totally agree. Lulu started "smellin' herself" and next thing you know, she's acting like she's become incredibly too much to take like her mentor, Laura Wright's Character (I totally gag, too!), and I'm actually forced to root for Maxie -- and I abhor Kirsten Storms and resent they replaced Robyn Richards for her. But still, Lulu thinks the world and everything in it revolves around her. Everyone should be concerned about her feelings and how everything they do affects HER! She lies and keeps secrets, but gets waaaay too sanctimonious when others do it. Not cute.

Oh, please do pollute it with SnarlyHate. I thought there would never be a day when I actually appreciated Tamara Braun's version -- but I do. Tamara still played the role with the hint of trashiness that made you think, "Carly's just being a b!tch because she's got no class -- not because she feels superior and has a sense of entitlement." But with this Laura Wright Character, it's like this stark raving mad b!tch was born with a silver spoon in her mouth and demands to be treated as such. And if not, you won't be able to sit at the lunch table with the popular cheerleaders! Tossing that wild mane of hair around every chance she gets. :rolleyes: Shrieking, talking a mile a minute, pouting all the got damn time! Ugh!

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LOL :lol:

Serial Drama have referred to this Carly as Sharon Stone's stunt double in Casino. It is uncanny -- your description reminded me of that. LW's character really thinks she is Sharon Stone's double -- only without the vulnerability and self-doubt.

Last week, everybody on the GH thread here was talking about Thursday's episode and how Skye tore Carly a new one, etc. So I tuned in eagerly to see Skunk Hair get a beat-down. Imagine my disappointment when all I was left with was Her Smugness doing her "Nu UH!" ghetto head roll as she threw Skye and Lorenzo (her former swoony crush back in the day!) out of "her" hotel. HER hotel. The one she worked so hard to build up! Worked hard on her back, I mean. I wish that Skye could have pointed that out to her but, no. I forgot. Skye= Bad. Carly = Good. :rolleyes: Not to mention we have Jax and Sonny acting like this chick's vajayjay is plated in gold and edged with diamonds.

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